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Shadowsword Shadowsword
In history and honour, the Shadowsword stands proudly alongside the Baneblade. As long as there has been the Baneblade, then there has also been its sister, the Shadowsword. Like the Baneblade the Shadowsword uses STC technology, and its production is limited to a few privileged Forge Worlds, but 'counterfeit' Shadowswords are produced on other Forge Worlds. These vehicles lack the original Shadowsword's advanced technology, and may be gunned with a different main weapon. Large plasma cannons, turbo-lasers or huge battle cannons are not unknown. The remote controlled sponson weapons are replaced by crewed versions, targeting equipment and logis engines are more primitive and the capacitors or engine are less efficient. The Shadowsword and Baneblade were both originally created sometime during the Dark Age of Technology and were intended to add a staggering amount of firepower to any army. The Shadowsword was one of the most potent armour destroyers in the arsenal of the Excertus Imperialis and its reputation amongst the enemies of Mankind was dark indeed. The opening battles of the Horus Heresy had seen the vehicle deployed to stand against the god-engines of the Traitor Titan Legions and while there had been victories, they had only been won at considerable cost to Loyalist armoured regiments. The Solar Auxilia had only recently added the Shadowsword to its orders of battle, for in the past it had only rarely confronted an enemy it would be needed against. When it did, the High Commander would invariabl thumb|300px|ShadowswordEl Shadowsword es un tanque superpesado cazador de Titanes de la Guardia Imperial. Está diseñado siguiendo los mismos patrones y tecnologías que el Baneblade con la excepción del armamento; emplea un Cañón Volcán. Gran parte de su espacio interno está ocupado por los condensadores necesarios para cargar y disparar el arma, así como por los motores lógicos avanzados y sistemas de puntería que se precisan para lograr que cada disparo cuente. Cada disparo es lo bastante potente como para dañar seriamente la pierna ó brazo de un Titán, pero es necesario mucho tiempo para cargar el arma. Debido a la poderosa descarga que es capaz de liberar el Shadowsword, sólo se fabrica en Mundos Forja en los que se fabrican Titanes. Cada tanque superpesado se envía a regimientos de bli The Shadowsword are an organization of Felblood elves who are loyal to Kael'thas and the Burning Legion. The Shadowsword Elves use the Sunwell Plateau as their main headquarters and base of operations, some also reside in the Sunblade controlled Magister's Terrace in order to trade communications with the other elven forces, other than that, all but one ever appear outside the Plateau.
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The Shadowsword are an organization of Felblood elves who are loyal to Kael'thas and the Burning Legion. The Shadowsword Elves use the Sunwell Plateau as their main headquarters and base of operations, some also reside in the Sunblade controlled Magister's Terrace in order to trade communications with the other elven forces, other than that, all but one ever appear outside the Plateau. The Shadowsword are responsible for kidnapping M'uru from his secret chamber inside the Blood Knight headquarters in the Silvermoon City section of Farstriders' Square. They battle against the heroes of the Shattered Sun Offensive that make it past the empowered Sunblade forces inside Sunwell Plateau, the Shadowsword armies do not appear until after the raiders complete the Dead Scar. The Shadowsword contains many different types of troops and guards, a fine example is the Shadowsword Guardian an enormous fel-reaver that guards the halls of the plateau, the one thing that remains common, is that all their soldiers are Felblood or Demonic in some way. thumb|300px|ShadowswordEl Shadowsword es un tanque superpesado cazador de Titanes de la Guardia Imperial. Está diseñado siguiendo los mismos patrones y tecnologías que el Baneblade con la excepción del armamento; emplea un Cañón Volcán. Gran parte de su espacio interno está ocupado por los condensadores necesarios para cargar y disparar el arma, así como por los motores lógicos avanzados y sistemas de puntería que se precisan para lograr que cada disparo cuente. Cada disparo es lo bastante potente como para dañar seriamente la pierna ó brazo de un Titán, pero es necesario mucho tiempo para cargar el arma. Debido a la poderosa descarga que es capaz de liberar el Shadowsword, sólo se fabrica en Mundos Forja en los que se fabrican Titanes. Cada tanque superpesado se envía a regimientos de blindados en los que la posibilidad de combate contra Titanes es bastante alta. thumb|360px|Interior de un ShadowswordPara su defensa, el Shadowsword dispone de un armamento de barbeta compuesto por Bólters Pesados ó Lanzallamas Pesados emparejados, así como con dos Cañones Láser. Además de ello, muchas tripulaciones instalan Bólters de Asalto ó Ametralladoras Pesadas en montantes externos, ó también otro Bólter Pesado emparejado y/ó un Misil cazador-buscador. Finalmente, todos los Shadowsword viene equipados con lanzadores de humo para incrementar su supervivencia, y un foco para combate nocturno.4 Muchos Shadowsword suelen cambiar su armamento de barbeta por armadura lateral mejorada. En otros los Cañones Láser de las barbetas se sustituyen por sistemas de puntería para asegurarse que los disparos del Cañón Volcán no se desperdician. Algunos Shadowswords maximizan la potencia de fuego con dos barbetas extras (4 en total).4 Los condensadores del Shathumb|left|324px|Shadowsword Patrón Arkuriondowsword cogen su energía de la planta de potencia principal. Un Visioingeniero puesto al cargo puede desconectar el motor principal y conectar en su lugar un generador. Un único disparo vacía los condensadores de toda su carga, por lo que sólo puede dispararse cuando el vehículo está inmóvil y el motor principal está desconectado de la tracción. Este tipo de vehículo tiene problemas en operar en solitario debido a la lenta cadencia de fuego de su arma principal, y como tal suele desplegarse con vehículos más ligeros para su defensa. Dichos vehículos pueden emplearse también en el asalto contra un Titán objetivo, atrayendo los disparos de éste y drenando sus escudos de vacío antes de que el Shadowsword dispare el tiro asesino. Como con el Baneblade, un "verdadero" Shadowsword deberá tener su propio número y nombre, y todas sus hazañas quedarán registradas en Marte. In history and honour, the Shadowsword stands proudly alongside the Baneblade. As long as there has been the Baneblade, then there has also been its sister, the Shadowsword. Like the Baneblade the Shadowsword uses STC technology, and its production is limited to a few privileged Forge Worlds, but 'counterfeit' Shadowswords are produced on other Forge Worlds. These vehicles lack the original Shadowsword's advanced technology, and may be gunned with a different main weapon. Large plasma cannons, turbo-lasers or huge battle cannons are not unknown. The remote controlled sponson weapons are replaced by crewed versions, targeting equipment and logis engines are more primitive and the capacitors or engine are less efficient. True Shadowswords are armed with a Volcano cannon, a huge laser powered by capacitors which draw power directly from the tank's engine. The generator and capacitors need constant supervision, and each Shadowsword is crewed by an engineer, sometimes a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus, sometimes a highly trained specialist from the Imperial Guard. His job is to control the power flow from the engine through the generator as well as keeping the tank running. To draw power, the engineer must disconnect the engine's main drive and connect the generator in its place. This power is then transferred to the capacitors which hold the titanic energies required for the Volcano cannon. A single shot will drain the capacitors completely. This requires the vehicle to be stationary, as the engine is disengaged. Once charged, the vehicle can move again, but to recharge the capacitors, the tank must halt. The Shadowsword was developed as a Titan-killer. Its massive gun is a Titan weapon, and is capable of severing a Titan's arm or leg. For this reason, Shadowswords are only made on Forge Worlds which raise Titan Legions. They are deployed to support Imperial Guard regiments which are likely to be faced with enemy Titans. Just as with its sister, each Shadowsword constructed and consecrated on those Forge Worlds on those Forge Worlds that have the original STC, is logged and registered with Mars, and is given its own identity number and name - often painted on the vehicle by its crew. Its whereabouts, the warzones it has fought in, the crew rosters and all its other history are reported regularly to the originating Forge World so that the fate of each and every Shadowsword might be known. The Shadowsword and Baneblade were both originally created sometime during the Dark Age of Technology and were intended to add a staggering amount of firepower to any army. The Shadowsword was one of the most potent armour destroyers in the arsenal of the Excertus Imperialis and its reputation amongst the enemies of Mankind was dark indeed. The opening battles of the Horus Heresy had seen the vehicle deployed to stand against the god-engines of the Traitor Titan Legions and while there had been victories, they had only been won at considerable cost to Loyalist armoured regiments. The Solar Auxilia had only recently added the Shadowsword to its orders of battle, for in the past it had only rarely confronted an enemy it would be needed against. When it did, the High Commander would invariably call in a dedicated Imperial Army super-heavy tank regiment. With the eruption of the galactic civil war, all that had changed. Solar Auxilia forces were then regularly confronted by Traitor Titans, Knights, Siege-automata and other super-heavies. As a result, many Solar Auxilia Cohorts quickly integrated Shadowswords into their tactical reserves to confront these growing threats on the battlefield. The Shadowsword is much rarer in the 41st Millennium than it was at the dawn of the Imperium due to the complexity of its main weapon, and the large capacitors and generator required to operate it. Nonetheless, the modern-era Imperial Guard and Departmento Munitorum have many ways to use the chassis of a Shadowsword that has been damaged, even if the Volcano Cannon is no longer functional.