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Parravon is one of the four larger towns of Bretonnia. It guards the frontier to the Grey Mountains and the Empire which lies just beyond through Axe Bite Pass. The town is encircled by chasms, and can only be approached by a bridge dated to the time of the ancients. Like many towns in Bretonnia, the settlement is built above an abandoned Elven city. The town's walls are high and well fortified, and its defenders have a good view of invading armies coming down from the Mountain Pass. The denizens of Parravon are ever vigilant, and they will defend their homes be it from an Orc Waaagh! or the army of a bellicose count from the Empire. The Dukedom of Parravon is a founding Dukedom that lies upon the southern reaches of the Grey Mountains. Forming one of the three ducal barriers between the lands of the Empire and other Ducal lands, Parravon commands the southern territories centered around the Grey Lady Pass, one of three routes that allows trade between Bretonnia and the Empire. Just like the Dukedoms of Montfort and Gisoreux, the Dukedom of Parravon lies almost exclusively upon the rocky peaks of the southern Grey Mountains, with what little flatland being devoted to agriculture.[1a] Parravon lies upon the north bank of the upper Grismarie against a background of steeply rising chalk cliffs. The houses follow the valley floor for some four miles, never attaining a width of more than three or four streets. Many of the houses are cut into the rock face or have cellars sunk into the soft stone, whilst the towering cliffs are home to thousands of birds whose white droppings pepper the red-tile roofs of this picturesque city. The river is narrow here and the upper limit for large ships is at the city's northern edge, where small dockland warehouses are cut directly into the rugged rock. The citizens like to think of themselves as simple country folk and are fairly prosperous, thriving upon abundant harvests of fruit and grain from the surrounding countryside.
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Parravon is one of the four larger towns of Bretonnia. It guards the frontier to the Grey Mountains and the Empire which lies just beyond through Axe Bite Pass. The town is encircled by chasms, and can only be approached by a bridge dated to the time of the ancients. Like many towns in Bretonnia, the settlement is built above an abandoned Elven city. The town's walls are high and well fortified, and its defenders have a good view of invading armies coming down from the Mountain Pass. The denizens of Parravon are ever vigilant, and they will defend their homes be it from an Orc Waaagh! or the army of a bellicose count from the Empire. The Dukedom of Parravon is a founding Dukedom that lies upon the southern reaches of the Grey Mountains. Forming one of the three ducal barriers between the lands of the Empire and other Ducal lands, Parravon commands the southern territories centered around the Grey Lady Pass, one of three routes that allows trade between Bretonnia and the Empire. Just like the Dukedoms of Montfort and Gisoreux, the Dukedom of Parravon lies almost exclusively upon the rocky peaks of the southern Grey Mountains, with what little flatland being devoted to agriculture.[1a] As such, many of Parravon's castles are built upon cliffs and peaks amongst the mountain range. Such a high altitude has ensured that Parravon is particularly noted for having a large number of Pegasus and Pegasus Knights amongst their ranks. Indeed, for their founding Duke had befriended the noble Glorfinial, lord and sire of all Royal Pegasus. Their current ruler is the young Duke Cassyon.[1a] Parravon lies upon the north bank of the upper Grismarie against a background of steeply rising chalk cliffs. The houses follow the valley floor for some four miles, never attaining a width of more than three or four streets. Many of the houses are cut into the rock face or have cellars sunk into the soft stone, whilst the towering cliffs are home to thousands of birds whose white droppings pepper the red-tile roofs of this picturesque city. The river is narrow here and the upper limit for large ships is at the city's northern edge, where small dockland warehouses are cut directly into the rugged rock. The citizens like to think of themselves as simple country folk and are fairly prosperous, thriving upon abundant harvests of fruit and grain from the surrounding countryside. Here, isolated from the larger cities of the north, the lords and ladies of Parravon indulge their whim for gardening and pleasure - pursuits of a superficially healthy nature, far removed from the heights of decadence practiced in Gisoreux and Couronne. Yet even here, the worm of Chaos is at work, for at night the city changes - doors are shut and bolted, windows latched and shutters closed. After sunset, the streets of Parravon becomes strangely empty and an uneasy quiet descends, while the citizens remain indoors, unwilling to acknowledge the stranger's knock and grudging in their hospitality. For Parravon is afflicted by some sinister evil, some weird cavalcade of beasts or daemons who stalk the night, breaking into houses and carrying off whole families. Only the aristocracy seem unmolested and many in the city blame them for the problems. Others curse the city's wizards for their meddling or talk in muted tones of witches and shape-changers. Yet nothing can be proven and the lords and ladies of Parravon do much to see that the streets are patrolled, that watchmen guard the night, and that bereaved citizens are recompensed as far as possible.