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Viridian Entente Internal Legislation
Recognizing the value of having an independent voice, removed from the biases that come with Parliamentary duties, and acknowledging the memberships' desire to be informed on matters pertinent to the Viridian Entente and Cybernations, a Ministry of Information shall be formed under the supervision of the Executive. The Ministry of Information, herein referred to as "The Ministry", is responsible for informing the members of the events, policies, and news from both inside and outside of The Entente that is pertinent to them as Viridians.
Recognizing the value of having an independent voice, removed from the biases that come with Parliamentary duties, and acknowledging the memberships' desire to be informed on matters pertinent to the Viridian Entente and Cybernations, a Ministry of Information shall be formed under the supervision of the Executive. The Ministry of Information, herein referred to as "The Ministry", is responsible for informing the members of the events, policies, and news from both inside and outside of The Entente that is pertinent to them as Viridians. The Ministry will be led by a Minister of Information ("Minister"). The Minister has the authority to appoint non-Parliament members to assist in the execution of the Ministry's mandate, with access given to staff on an as-needed basis determined by the Minister of Information in coordination with the Executive. The Minister has full domain over the The Ministry in both staffing and mandate fulfillment, submitting only to the will of the Executive, in order to maintain consistency with the Parliament level departments. In order to ensure The Ministry is able to faithfully execute its role as the Viridian press, the Minister will report directly to the Executive and will be given Parliament level information at the Executive's discretion. Furthermore, the Minister of Information has the power to order any member of the Viridian Parliament to engage in an interview. This decree shall only be amended by the Lord of the Viridian Entente or any individual explicitly empowered by the Lord of the Entente to do so.