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History of Trigunia
- first people came from modern-day Kizenia who came across the Straits of Trigunia in the early in the AD 100s - the earliest areas settled was along the southeastern coast of Lesser Chadonya; - written & archaeological evidence seems to suggest that the first place settled was not Lesser Chadonia itself but instead was Great Bear Island - however, it seems that the first Kizenian settlers quickly moved to the area around modern-day Cheya in Kildan Olvar led by the folk-hero Milov - southern Lesser Chadonya was settled by Kizenians by the early AD 200s with Chadonya following by the 400s -
n6: n9:
- first people came from modern-day Kizenia who came across the Straits of Trigunia in the early in the AD 100s - the earliest areas settled was along the southeastern coast of Lesser Chadonya; - written & archaeological evidence seems to suggest that the first place settled was not Lesser Chadonia itself but instead was Great Bear Island - however, it seems that the first Kizenian settlers quickly moved to the area around modern-day Cheya in Kildan Olvar led by the folk-hero Milov - other groups began to settle up and down the coast of Lesser Chadonya; these would gradually develop into the early Clans of Trigunian history - southern Lesser Chadonya was settled by Kizenians by the early AD 200s with Chadonya following by the 400s - oddly Chadonya was not settled nor explored by the Clans of Lesser Chadonya and nor by the Kizenian tribes of modern-day Kizenia for several centuries - speculation as to why the areas were not settled has much do with the rocky and barren geography of eastern Chadonya - it is estimated that by AD 500 the population of Lesser Chadonya had reached a meager 6,000 found mostly in small farming & fishing settlements along the coasts -