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Mind control devices
A generic term for many different devices including the most famous popularly referred to (on da streets!) as the Television, Mind control devices include Womens daily magazines, the day time talk show, 'Magic Eye' pictures (you just need to watch someone trying to do one of those and you'll see what I mean) The general idea behind all these is to limit (with varying degrees of success) a persons ability to control what they think of and their actions.
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A generic term for many different devices including the most famous popularly referred to (on da streets!) as the Television, Mind control devices include Womens daily magazines, the day time talk show, 'Magic Eye' pictures (you just need to watch someone trying to do one of those and you'll see what I mean) The general idea behind all these is to limit (with varying degrees of success) a persons ability to control what they think of and their actions. Ways to free yourself from these devices include taking a widely available drug called alcohol. The effectiveness of this drug can vary from person to person but most report unusual side effects including a slighhtt slurriring of speaach, feelings of being able to do a matrix style flying kick at a lamp post without injury and thinking that all members of the opposite sex are both incredibly fit and feel the same about you.