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The Foothills
This level reintroduce Prism to the players. A Prism can splits a fireball from one direction into three directions as well as be used to build a bridge. Start by using the two Prisms marked in red to build a bridge at red X. Collect the Key then stand on the red button to destroy three Wooden Boxes and get to the next area using the last one. Build a bridge to the Key using another set of Prisms and use the yellow path to get to the other side while collect a Key along the way. Finally, move the Prism marked in red to red X and move to safe place. Collect the Keys and Bonus Coin then exit.
This level reintroduce Prism to the players. A Prism can splits a fireball from one direction into three directions as well as be used to build a bridge. Start by using the two Prisms marked in red to build a bridge at red X. Collect the Key then stand on the red button to destroy three Wooden Boxes and get to the next area using the last one. Build a bridge to the Key using another set of Prisms and use the yellow path to get to the other side while collect a Key along the way. Finally, move the Prism marked in red to red X and move to safe place. Collect the Keys and Bonus Coin then exit. Note: Green Circles are Bonus Coins.