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RPlog:The Second Battle of Chandrila
/ \ | Trans Part. Name X Y Z Range Status Docked? | ============================================================================ | CS-2337 IVSD Iniqu -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | CS-2446 IVSD Vindi -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | SF-2489 Regulator 400 400 400 659.8 Normal No | | SF-7161 Darksword -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | SF-4586 War Shrike -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | CS-4806 Home One 3 5 73 365.5 Normal No | | P-4868 Chandrila 3 5 73 365.5 Normal No | | CS-9653 I2SD Conqu -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | SF-1608 Falcon One -200 130 350 0.0 Damaged No | | SF-6180 Falcon 4 -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | CS-6660 SSD Malevo -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | CS-772 IVSD Malig -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | SF-904 War Shrike -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | CS-9685 NRSD Crusa 11 -
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The Second Battle of Chandrila
Admiral Danik Kreldin attacks Chandrila after the successful diversion at Mikassa.
/ \ | Trans Part. Name X Y Z Range Status Docked? | ============================================================================ | CS-2337 IVSD Iniqu -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | CS-2446 IVSD Vindi -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | SF-2489 Regulator 400 400 400 659.8 Normal No | | SF-7161 Darksword -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | SF-4586 War Shrike -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | CS-4806 Home One 3 5 73 365.5 Normal No | | P-4868 Chandrila 3 5 73 365.5 Normal No | | CS-9653 I2SD Conqu -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | SF-1608 Falcon One -200 130 350 0.0 Damaged No | | SF-6180 Falcon 4 -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | CS-6660 SSD Malevo -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | CS-772 IVSD Malig -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | SF-904 War Shrike -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | CS-9685 NRSD Crusa 11 -263 -33 587.9 Normal No | ============================================================================ \__________________________________________________________________________/ The Imperial Fleet began to pan out; the Inequity and Malignant, both Victory-class Star Destroyers, broke off from the formation with their respective escort vessels and fighter squadrons, veering along a a vector to bring them towards Home One and her escorts. The Conqueror and Vindictive, with their respective escort ships, made a beeline for the Crusader. The Malevolence continued along its path towards the center of the Republic fleet. The Malignant and Inequity, on the other hand, were closing the gap between them and the Home One and her escorts, their batteries charging up as the distance grew smaller. And the big one, the Malevolence, continued along her approach vector to attack straight through the center of the rebel fleet and disperse them, and then destroy them one by one. The Vindictive, escorting the Conqueror, pulled up along the port side of the Crusader and opened up with a full starboard, its concussion missiles streaking out through space towards the Crusader. Across the battle field, Home One began its attack on the Inequity and Malignant; the Inequity's fore shields flickered as the Mon Cal cruiser opened up, but they held for the time being. The Inequity and Malignant returned with their own fore fire. The Inequity's shields flickered violently as more fire smashed into them from Home One and her escorts, but the two Victory-class Star Destroyers managed to close in on the Mon Cal Cruiser and unleash their concussion missiles on the vessel. "Torrent Squadron, join Hammer Squadron and assist them in keeping the bombers safe; I want the rebel fighters removed from this vincinity. Nothing will get in the way between us and the Crusader." Moments later the vessel's missile tubes open with silently in the blackness of space as it begins to move up beside the NRSD. Its shields swallowing up cross fire as its on point defenses flash, but then suddenly, missiles. Moving with its support vessels the Super Star Destroyer Malevolence is the dominating vessel in the skies, the black plated Destroyer moves slowly toward the planet its thousands of turbolasers maintaining a constant buzz shooting at anything that appeared "RED" on threat displays. Admiral Drayson Honos moves from a turbolift to assume command of Lord Malign's flagship in his absence. The white haired man observes the battle scene carefully, "Give me a full schematic on the tactic defenses of the system." He says simply as the older man takes the prized command chair of the Imperial Military Government's Flagship. The Malignant opened up with more concussion missile barrages on Home One, even as its shields took a beating from the Mon Cal cruiser and her escorts, but the tough Victory-class Star Destroyer held. The Malevolence continues to move forward chewing through orbital defenses its cannons sweeping the battle field, "Admiral Kreldon, open a path so the Rebels can escape if they wish, crushing them will cost needless resources." Admiral Honos says through a secure communication, "We just need to secure the world not eradicate countless targets." He takes a datapad, "Primary Target, Chandrila, Secondary Target the New Republic Fleet." He turns to a communicator, "General Anderson, prepare your soldiers for ground assault." The Malevolence begins a steady move toward the planet as its Turbolasers shift among static defenses, approaching Capital ships, and the planetary shield. However, plans were about to change. "Admiral Kreldin, incoming transmission from Admiral Honos..." said the chief communications officer. "Very well, patch him through." Kreldin turned around from the view port to give his attention to the admiral. Let them escape, huh? Hmm, well, he would have to get his revenge on the Crusader some other time. "Understood, Admiral Honos," he said, and then walked over to the communications station. "New orders; pull back from the Crusader, let her escape. Relay it to the Vindictive, but keep the bombers on the Crusader's tail," he said, and then rubbed his chin. "Hmm, and tell the Malignant and Inequity to ease up on Home One, but don't back away just yet." "Admiral Kreldin, new enemy forces are appearing on radar; Mantarays and gunships," an operator said. "Hmm, Torrent and Hammer Squadron, stick to those bombers. Get those Mantarays." Torrent and Hammer Squadron, TIE Interceptor squadrons which been assigned to fly cover for Darksword Squadron, acknowledged their new flight orders and turned to engage Eagle Squadron to halt their attack on the Scimitars. The Conqueror and Vindictive began to put some distance between the Crusader and themselves, giving them a vector to "escape." But that certainly did not mean the attack would cease; the portside batteries of the Conqueror continued to open fire on the Crusader, while the Vindictive continued to batter the Crusader with its starboard batteries and missile tubes. "Sir!" Someone pipes up "We've got more ships on radar! Friendlies sir! Our back up is here." The young officer seemed enthralled. The junior commander nodded. "Great news...bout bloody time." Turning to one of the weapons techs he orders "Put some damage on their ships for a change. Fire at the closest available target. No use just sitting here if we can friggin defend ourselves." New Ships bring an alert to the bridge of all destroyers, "Aft concussion missile launchers fire on the newly arrived Corellian Gunship!" He orders, "Cover the Conqueror, it is no doubt its primary target!" Suddenly missiles launch from the rear of the VSD toward the NRGS. The Malevolence continues carving its own path of utter destruction laying waste to anything that flies into its flight path. It was an amazing display of might, Admiral Honos continues watching the battle his ice blue eyes reflecting the flashing of cannon fire and explosions. He wanted to end this as efficiently as possible, "Are we clear to launch ground troops? If we can begin taking the planet I feel the Rebels will further be demoralized and recognize their unavoidable defeat. Status on the planetary shield?" The Ships unrelenting barrage was making short work of the local defenses. A local aid rushes toward the Admiral, "Admiral you told me to notify you if this ship was ever on sensors." He hands Drayson a datapad. The old man smiles briefly nodding, "Good work Ensign, interesting, she returns. Always the torn in my side. Patch me in to Tau squadron." He says turning to a communications officer, "Order them to "drive" that new X-wing target toward the Malevolence." And so it began. The Conqueror and Vindictive pulled off from their attack on the Crusader and began to turn towards the planet, Chandrila, their sublight engines accelerating to full speed. "Colonel Solon Halwinder, prepare for take-off; we'll be landing on Chandrila shortly." Drayson watches as the shield on Chandrila vanishes, "All Commands target military targets only, leave civilian and natural terrain in tact, that is a DIRECT Order." Suddenly the Super Star Destroyer's guns turn on Garrisons defense turrets with laser precision. They'll need to cover their ground troops and the battle was still hot, though most of the New Republic Fleet steered clear of the Super Star Destroyer recognizing an engagement was death. Drayson stands up now walking down the command catwalk, "Scramble ALL fighters, get all squadrons in space immediately!" The Bridge looks stunned the idea of launching 144 Starfighters was not a standard procedure, but it would be enough to overwhelm fighter superiority. The Admiral planned to use them to defend his soldiers. Suddenly from the Malevolence a virtual wall of ships begins to enter scanners overwhelming local systems on tracking as twelve squadrons of fighters are released in a steady stream and break into attack formations at all points in the system. Moments later dozens of heavy transports and launch pods begin ejecting from a secondary docking area as the Imperial Army is slowly deployed onto Chandrila, the first time since before Endor. "All Commands, Move to the planet and deploy ground troops, turn your attention to chasing the Rebel ships from system." Drayson orders as once the vessels are clear from the Malevolence the ship turns its nose toward the Crusader and Home One. The weapons officer nods and proceeds to carry out the command. He keys in the firing sequence while another tactical officer chim From the hangar bay of the Conqueror came dropships, carrying the Conqueror's entire compliment of stormtroopers and infantry, and even larger dropships which held the ever necessary Imperial walkers and heavy equipment. They accelerated forward with a squadron of fighters flying cover, heading for Chandrila's atmosphere. Chandrila would fall, and with it the decline of the Republic will begin. The Iniquity and various over Victory Class Destroyers form up with the SSD and form a protective wedge over the planet as the Imperial Starfighter Corps wrestles for Space Superiority while support squads move to the planet to attack various ground placed defenses, "Inform Lord Malign, Chandrila is ours." From SW1ki, a Wikia wiki. / \ | Trans Part. Name X Y Z Range Status Docked? | ============================================================================ | CS-2337 IVSD Iniqu -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | CS-2446 IVSD Vindi -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | SF-2489 Regulator 400 400 400 659.8 Normal No | | SF-7161 Darksword -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | SF-4586 War Shrike -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | CS-4806 Home One 3 5 73 365.5 Normal No | | P-4868 Chandrila 3 5 73 365.5 Normal No | | CS-9653 I2SD Conqu -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | SF-1608 Falcon One -200 130 350 0.0 Damaged No | | SF-6180 Falcon 4 -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | CS-6660 SSD Malevo -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | CS-772 IVSD Malig -100 -200 300 348.4 Normal No | | SF-904 War Shrike -200 130 350 0.0 Normal No | | CS-9685 NRSD Crusa 11 -263 -33 587.9 Normal No | ============================================================================ \__________________________________________________________________________/ The Imperial Fleet began to pan out; the Inequity and Malignant, both Victory-class Star Destroyers, broke off from the formation with their respective escort vessels and fighter squadrons, veering along a a vector to bring them towards Home One and her escorts. The Conqueror and Vindictive, with their respective escort ships, made a beeline for the Crusader. The Malevolence continued along its path towards the center of the Republic fleet. The Malignant and Inequity, on the other hand, were closing the gap between them and the Home One and her escorts, their batteries charging up as the distance grew smaller. And the big one, the Malevolence, continued along her approach vector to attack straight through the center of the rebel fleet and disperse them, and then destroy them one by one. The Vindictive, escorting the Conqueror, pulled up along the port side of the Crusader and opened up with a full starboard, its concussion missiles streaking out through space towards the Crusader. Across the battle field, Home One began its attack on the Inequity and Malignant; the Inequity's fore shields flickered as the Mon Cal cruiser opened up, but they held for the time being. The Inequity and Malignant returned with their own fore fire. The Inequity's shields flickered violently as more fire smashed into them from Home One and her escorts, but the two Victory-class Star Destroyers managed to close in on the Mon Cal Cruiser and unleash their concussion missiles on the vessel. "Torrent Squadron, join Hammer Squadron and assist them in keeping the bombers safe; I want the rebel fighters removed from this vincinity. Nothing will get in the way between us and the Crusader." Moments later the vessel's missile tubes open with silently in the blackness of space as it begins to move up beside the NRSD. Its shields swallowing up cross fire as its on point defenses flash, but then suddenly, missiles. Moving with its support vessels the Super Star Destroyer Malevolence is the dominating vessel in the skies, the black plated Destroyer moves slowly toward the planet its thousands of turbolasers maintaining a constant buzz shooting at anything that appeared "RED" on threat displays. Admiral Drayson Honos moves from a turbolift to assume command of Lord Malign's flagship in his absence. The white haired man observes the battle scene carefully, "Give me a full schematic on the tactic defenses of the system." He says simply as the older man takes the prized command chair of the Imperial Military Government's Flagship. The Malignant opened up with more concussion missile barrages on Home One, even as its shields took a beating from the Mon Cal cruiser and her escorts, but the tough Victory-class Star Destroyer held. The Malevolence continues to move forward chewing through orbital defenses its cannons sweeping the battle field, "Admiral Kreldon, open a path so the Rebels can escape if they wish, crushing them will cost needless resources." Admiral Honos says through a secure communication, "We just need to secure the world not eradicate countless targets." He takes a datapad, "Primary Target, Chandrila, Secondary Target the New Republic Fleet." He turns to a communicator, "General Anderson, prepare your soldiers for ground assault." The Malevolence begins a steady move toward the planet as its Turbolasers shift among static defenses, approaching Capital ships, and the planetary shield. However, plans were about to change. "Admiral Kreldin, incoming transmission from Admiral Honos..." said the chief communications officer. "Very well, patch him through." Kreldin turned around from the view port to give his attention to the admiral. Let them escape, huh? Hmm, well, he would have to get his revenge on the Crusader some other time. "Understood, Admiral Honos," he said, and then walked over to the communications station. "New orders; pull back from the Crusader, let her escape. Relay it to the Vindictive, but keep the bombers on the Crusader's tail," he said, and then rubbed his chin. "Hmm, and tell the Malignant and Inequity to ease up on Home One, but don't back away just yet." "Admiral Kreldin, new enemy forces are appearing on radar; Mantarays and gunships," an operator said. "Hmm, Torrent and Hammer Squadron, stick to those bombers. Get those Mantarays." Torrent and Hammer Squadron, TIE Interceptor squadrons which been assigned to fly cover for Darksword Squadron, acknowledged their new flight orders and turned to engage Eagle Squadron to halt their attack on the Scimitars. The Conqueror and Vindictive began to put some distance between the Crusader and themselves, giving them a vector to "escape." But that certainly did not mean the attack would cease; the portside batteries of the Conqueror continued to open fire on the Crusader, while the Vindictive continued to batter the Crusader with its starboard batteries and missile tubes. "Sir!" Someone pipes up "We've got more ships on radar! Friendlies sir! Our back up is here." The young officer seemed enthralled. The junior commander nodded. "Great news...bout bloody time." Turning to one of the weapons techs he orders "Put some damage on their ships for a change. Fire at the closest available target. No use just sitting here if we can friggin defend ourselves." New Ships bring an alert to the bridge of all destroyers, "Aft concussion missile launchers fire on the newly arrived Corellian Gunship!" He orders, "Cover the Conqueror, it is no doubt its primary target!" Suddenly missiles launch from the rear of the VSD toward the NRGS. The Malevolence continues carving its own path of utter destruction laying waste to anything that flies into its flight path. It was an amazing display of might, Admiral Honos continues watching the battle his ice blue eyes reflecting the flashing of cannon fire and explosions. He wanted to end this as efficiently as possible, "Are we clear to launch ground troops? If we can begin taking the planet I feel the Rebels will further be demoralized and recognize their unavoidable defeat. Status on the planetary shield?" The Ships unrelenting barrage was making short work of the local defenses. A local aid rushes toward the Admiral, "Admiral you told me to notify you if this ship was ever on sensors." He hands Drayson a datapad. The old man smiles briefly nodding, "Good work Ensign, interesting, she returns. Always the torn in my side. Patch me in to Tau squadron." He says turning to a communications officer, "Order them to "drive" that new X-wing target toward the Malevolence." And so it began. The Conqueror and Vindictive pulled off from their attack on the Crusader and began to turn towards the planet, Chandrila, their sublight engines accelerating to full speed. "Colonel Solon Halwinder, prepare for take-off; we'll be landing on Chandrila shortly." Drayson watches as the shield on Chandrila vanishes, "All Commands target military targets only, leave civilian and natural terrain in tact, that is a DIRECT Order." Suddenly the Super Star Destroyer's guns turn on Garrisons defense turrets with laser precision. They'll need to cover their ground troops and the battle was still hot, though most of the New Republic Fleet steered clear of the Super Star Destroyer recognizing an engagement was death. Drayson stands up now walking down the command catwalk, "Scramble ALL fighters, get all squadrons in space immediately!" The Bridge looks stunned the idea of launching 144 Starfighters was not a standard procedure, but it would be enough to overwhelm fighter superiority. The Admiral planned to use them to defend his soldiers. Suddenly from the Malevolence a virtual wall of ships begins to enter scanners overwhelming local systems on tracking as twelve squadrons of fighters are released in a steady stream and break into attack formations at all points in the system. Moments later dozens of heavy transports and launch pods begin ejecting from a secondary docking area as the Imperial Army is slowly deployed onto Chandrila, the first time since before Endor. "All Commands, Move to the planet and deploy ground troops, turn your attention to chasing the Rebel ships from system." Drayson orders as once the vessels are clear from the Malevolence the ship turns its nose toward the Crusader and Home One. The weapons officer nods and proceeds to carry out the command. He keys in the firing sequence while another tactical officer chim From the hangar bay of the Conqueror came dropships, carrying the Conqueror's entire compliment of stormtroopers and infantry, and even larger dropships which held the ever necessary Imperial walkers and heavy equipment. They accelerated forward with a squadron of fighters flying cover, heading for Chandrila's atmosphere. Chandrila would fall, and with it the decline of the Republic will begin. The Iniquity and various over Victory Class Destroyers form up with the SSD and form a protective wedge over the planet as the Imperial Starfighter Corps wrestles for Space Superiority while support squads move to the planet to attack various ground placed defenses, "Inform Lord Malign, Chandrila is ours."