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Salamander Scout
The Salamander forms the backbone of an Armoured Regiment's reconnaissance company. Equipped with Salamanders and Sentinels (although motorcycles, horses and other riding beasts are not unknown), a reconnaissance squadron is often at the forefront of an attack, fulfilling the vital roles of reconnoitring routes of advance and locating the enemy for following forces to attack.
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The Salamander forms the backbone of an Armoured Regiment's reconnaissance company. Equipped with Salamanders and Sentinels (although motorcycles, horses and other riding beasts are not unknown), a reconnaissance squadron is often at the forefront of an attack, fulfilling the vital roles of reconnoitring routes of advance and locating the enemy for following forces to attack. Operating in front of the main fighting force, these scout units need to be able to provide their own effective fire support. The Salamander scout vehicle, equipped with an autocannon and heavy bolter, fulfils this role, providing the scouts with the majority of their heavy weapon support. Sentinels are highly mobile and able to operate in just about any terrain, but they are lightweight and unlikely to survive a protracted engagement with the enemy. This is where the heavier Salamander comes in. Although no match for a tank, it is very fast and therefore capable of getting out of trouble quickly and surviving to tell the tale. An armoured vehicle capable of tackling other light vehicles is a desirable asset, since first contact with the enemy is often a clash between light scout units. Because they may operate far in advance of the main combat units the crews of Salamander scout vehicles often overcharge the engines of their vehicles in order to make a swift escape should they encounter strong enemy forces. Whilst this is a breach of regulations, given the dangers faced by lightly equipped scout units operating independently of support, this modification is overlooked, although the extra strain placed on the engine by such tinkering is a constant source of grievance amongst maintenance units. For mutual protection, Salamanders often operate in pairs, teaming up to support each other. One vehicles will cover the other as it moved forward, taking it in turns to lead the way. Salaamanders are often the vehicles at the very front of any advance, and as such are likely to be ambushed or encounter a strong enemy unit or position. By its nature a reconnaissance unit's main task is on the defensive, leading the way. When a regiment is on the defensive, Salamanders are often relegated to rear area policing and security duties. Like Sentinels, it is not unusual to find Salamanders guarding supply dumps, headquarters units or patrolling important supply routes. During a major offensive, such is the demand placed on reconnaissance units that they often do not have enough vehicles to fulfil all their missions. In this case, it is usual for the shortfall to be made-up by Armoured Fist squads operating in Chimeras. A squad will be detached from its parent platoon and company, and temporarily given to the reconnaissance company. In this way Armoured Fist patrols and Salamanders often operate together. The Salamander's four-man crew consists of a gunner and driver inside the vehicle and a commander and comms-operator on the rear fighting platform. Due to its role each Salamander is fitted with powerful communication equipment to allow it to report back to command units well to the rear. Direct links to regimental command units, such as Leviathans and to Armoured Company command tanks, are not unusual.