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Great Beyond
The Great Beyond is a term that encompasses all the planes of existence that make up the known multiverse. These realities beyond our reality are the domains of the gods, and play home to non-godly powers fit for worship, planar dragons, and entirely alien races. The Great Beyond is a place that exists in the "Re:" Saga. It is where the souls of the dead get sent to and is also known as the Spirit Realm. This realm has existed since the beginning of the universe and is implied to have been created by The Creator itself. Though not much is known about what it looks like or if only souls inhabit the realm, but it's hinted to be a very dangerous place.
The Great Beyond is a term that encompasses all the planes of existence that make up the known multiverse. These realities beyond our reality are the domains of the gods, and play home to non-godly powers fit for worship, planar dragons, and entirely alien races. In total, there are nineteen major planes that comprise the Great Beyond, modeled as two spheres: the Inner Sphere and the Outer Sphere. Connecting the two spheres is the Astral Plane. The spaces between the primary nineteen planes contain countless demiplanes. Despite the names implying a spherical layout, the planes exist on dimensions incomprehensible to mortals, thus these terms are used to represent the planes in two or three dimensions. The Great Beyond is a place that exists in the "Re:" Saga. It is where the souls of the dead get sent to and is also known as the Spirit Realm. This realm has existed since the beginning of the universe and is implied to have been created by The Creator itself. Though not much is known about what it looks like or if only souls inhabit the realm, but it's hinted to be a very dangerous place. Although many people have been sent to the Great Beyond, only two known individuals has ever returned: Izar Neele and Vieg Neun. Izar was sent their after dying a second time after his battle with Nega-Izar, the first time he bounded his spirit onto Arikado Faust's Alucard Sword. He spent thirty years in the Great Beyond training under Leon Carra's tutelage, honing his spiritual abilities and powers as well as acquiring a Spirit Form, his trump card against The Path. Vieg Neun, on the other hand, hadn't actually died but was sent there by The Path in order to become stronger, more deadly, and to acquire the weapons Jouten Kirite for his new role as a Wraith. However, unlike Izar, Vieg only trained in the Great Beyond for a few months and thus was shocked during his fight with Izar when the latter revealed that he had spent thirty years there. The shock of the revelation hinted at the dangers of the realm and that lasting that long in the Great Beyond has been unheard of before Izar entered.