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Act 1: Ashes
As this is the very first Act, you will meet several of the most important characters of Gears of War here. Several, such as RAAM, Colonel Hoffman and Anya, only appear in cut scenes, whilst the Locust Queen is only heard 'communicating' to RAAM.
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As this is the very first Act, you will meet several of the most important characters of Gears of War here. Several, such as RAAM, Colonel Hoffman and Anya, only appear in cut scenes, whilst the Locust Queen is only heard 'communicating' to RAAM. * Marcus Fenix - Son of the famed military scientist Adam Fenix, Marcus established a reputation as a brilliant soldier during the Pendulum Wars, earning numerous field promotions and decorations. He was on the fast-track to an astounding military career - until the Locust War. When the Horde breached the Jacinto Plateau's defences, Marcus defied orders to save his father. He was too late and Marcus was charged with dereliction of duty and sentenced to 40 years imprisonment in Jacinto Maximum Security Penitentiary. Four years into his sentence, the Horde took over the prison but Marcus was rescued by his best friend, Dom, so that he could rejoin the fight against the Locust Horde. Marcus is the main protagonist of Gears of War. * Dominic Santiago - Dominic has always believed in his country and his leaders, but his faith has been slipping in the face of this endless war. Dom lost his wife in the Emergence Day cataclysm. For him, the war on the Locust Horde is deeply personal. As Marcus' best friend, he testified at his tribunal, and prevented an execution, but was forced to accept the 40-year sentence handed down to his childhood friend. Never forgetting, Dom seizes the first opportunity to save Marcus' life, and convinces Minh Young Kim to enlist Marcus into Delta Team. * Minh Young Kim - Lieutenant Kim is a proud, dedicated and ambitious soldier, a by-the-books believer in all things COG. To Kim, the Coalition of Ordered Governments is humanity's only hope for survival, and he feels that it is an honor and privilege to serve as a Gear. Only the strength of Dom's faith - and the scarcity of experienced soldiers - convinced Kim to consider bringing a former prisoner into his squad. Kim dies at the hands of RAAM, being stabbed through the gut by a serrated sword. * Victor Hoffman - The commanding officer of both Delta and Alpha squads. He considers Marcus to be a criminal. * Anya - The only human female seen in the game, she gives orders and advice to Delta Squad through radio. * Anthony Carmine - A competent solider and faithful Gear, Carmine is the youngest member of Delta Squad and is the most enthusiastic, often running out into the open to Chainsaw an opponent. With a reckless attitude and free approach to war, Carmine is always on the edge. Voted "most likely to get shot" at the military academy, it is ironic that Carmine is the first member of Delta Squad to die by being sniped in the head. As he is the only member of Delta Squad to wear a helmet, this was likely a result of the COG helmets' inability to spot snipers. * Augustus Cole - An adrenaline junkie and former Thrashball player, Cole craves attention and prefers to take the most direct path to the Locust Horde in any situation. What he lacks in finesse, he makes up for in raw energy. Cole is also supremely confident in his own abilities to overcome anything, regardless of the odds (-0) and he hasn't been proven wrong yet. Cole and Baird have served together for years, and he treats Baird as he would an older brother—with a younger brother's license to torment. Originally assigned to Alpha Squad, Cole joins Delta Squad, making up the spot that Carmine has just vacated. * Damon Baird - Baird is perfectly capable of being a successful officer, but has never been promoted due to his poor attitude, short temper and his unwillingness to take on any responsibility. Baird's greatest strength is his intelligence. He not only fights the Locust, but observes them as well. He's the closest the COG has to an expert, and when he tells his comrades to be quiet and listen, they know it is in their best interests to do so. Baird's only motivation is self-preservation. He's willing to do whatever it takes to get through this war alive, even if it means fighting alongside a troublemaker like Fenix. * JACK - JACK follows the members of Delta Squad everywhere they go, albeit invisibly. This hovering, robotic assistant's primary function is to help with heavy steel doors that must be cut through by JACK's blowtorch. JACK is also capable of setting up communication links, downloading data, and transmitting info back to Command/Control. * Redshirt Gyules - A panicky member of Alpha Squad. He survives until they get into the Tomb of the Unknowns, where he hears a Berserker and panics. He accidentally runs right into it and gets ripped apart. * Rojas - A member of Alpha Squad and friend of Dom. He is killed in an unknown manner, leaving behind a son who turned two only a couple weeks before his father died.