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Vale of Creatures
Eventually, however, this silence is broken by the sound of a hundred-thousand angry bees, seemingly coming from all directions. The very ground itself heaves and twists, vomiting forth an army of misshapen creatures. The lives of these beasts are brief. Lumpy and hideous, they twist and writhe in pleasure at their birthing, and then turn to each other in search of further depravity. When one falls exhausted from its unlovely exertions, its fellows chuckle at its fate. The body is quickly torn apart by its kin, and the remains are reabsorbed into the ground, where the cycle repeats again. The trees of the Vale perform similar rites, producing an eternal flux of faces, limbs, and other twisted forms. A few of these creatures manage to escape their bonds and roam the open plains, sometimes t
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Eventually, however, this silence is broken by the sound of a hundred-thousand angry bees, seemingly coming from all directions. The very ground itself heaves and twists, vomiting forth an army of misshapen creatures. The lives of these beasts are brief. Lumpy and hideous, they twist and writhe in pleasure at their birthing, and then turn to each other in search of further depravity. When one falls exhausted from its unlovely exertions, its fellows chuckle at its fate. The body is quickly torn apart by its kin, and the remains are reabsorbed into the ground, where the cycle repeats again. The trees of the Vale perform similar rites, producing an eternal flux of faces, limbs, and other twisted forms. A few of these creatures manage to escape their bonds and roam the open plains, sometimes taking to the air on bat-like wings. Anyone unlucky enough to find himself exposed within the Vale of Creatures risks being violated by its inhabitants, his body used to fertilise the ground, serving as compost and material for the rest. The Vale of Creatures is representative of both Nurgle and Slaanesh: Nurgle, for the Vale’s fecundity; Slaanesh for the experiences found here. As these two powers conflict, so too do the spawn of the Vale. While most of the foul beasts birthed in the Vale of Creatures do not survive, those that are strong enough to make it on their own bolster the armies of Chaos. Some stumble out of the Vale and seek out others of their kind to join in unsavoury unions and bring misery to the lands of mankind.