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In a pure sense, monetarism is an economic theory that focuses on the macroeconomic effects of the supply of money and central banking. Formulated by Milton Friedman, it argues that excessive expansion of the money supply is inherently inflationary, and that monetary authorities should focus solely on maintaining price stability. "Monetarism today is mainly associated with the work of Milton Friedman, who was among the generation of liberal economists to accept Keynesian economics and then critique it on its own terms." -- Main Wiki entry on Monetarism
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In a pure sense, monetarism is an economic theory that focuses on the macroeconomic effects of the supply of money and central banking. Formulated by Milton Friedman, it argues that excessive expansion of the money supply is inherently inflationary, and that monetary authorities should focus solely on maintaining price stability. More broadly speaking monetarism (such as Thatcherism and Reaganomics) it is also a politcaly heretical sub-sect concervative doctorin that has fallen in to corporate domination and thus alowed the nation to becom overly private bussiness orientated. It's political belief were based on : * Core ideas include- 1. * Controlling the money supply with high interest rates, 2. * To help tame inflation without resorting to union-negotiated pay policies. 3. * Lower taxation. 4. * Mass privatisation of state-owned industries. 5. * The sale to tenants of council housing. 6. * Low pay rises. 7. * A strong housing market 8. * A strong stock-market, real sector and baking industries run to follow profitable market trends. 9. * Promoting the interests of the banks and big business at the exspence of small and medium business. 10. * Using tax-havens to make a overseas profit. 11. * Fiscal and workplace deregulation. 12. * Maintaining a flexible labour market. 13. * Marginalising the trade unions, 14. * Reducing the role local government in people's lives. 15. * Support for the death penalty. 16. * Support for corporal punishment and religious teachings as school. 17. * Supporting supply-side economics, trickle-down economics and\or voodoo economics and other free-market economics. 18. * Reducing the growth of government spending and project work. 19. * The Docklands Light Railway (DLR) 20. * The London Docklands Development Corporation 21. * Creating Yuppies. Ultimately, Communism, political Monetarism and Conservatism are incompatible with democracy, general public prosperity and civilization in general. Communism is a destructive system of social backwardness, either anarchic or dictatorial, extremely violent and classiest. Conservatism is a destructive system of social backwardness, classicist, makes social inequality and promotes general social prejudice. Monitraisum is a destructive system of corporate greed, heavily skewing the economy away form costly heavy industry toward the more profitably retail sector, makes fiscal inequality and promotes general disregard of human values in favor of the love of money prejudice. "Monetarism today is mainly associated with the work of Milton Friedman, who was among the generation of liberal economists to accept Keynesian economics and then critique it on its own terms." -- Main Wiki entry on Monetarism