. . "Broken Truce"@en . "Broken Truce"@en . "Hollypaw ate side by side with Nightfall and Flora. A full moon was floating high in the sky. Hollypaw watched it, surprised that it was glowing just as brightly as ever. Then she glanced around for her sister\u2019s white fur. Her eyes scanned the crowd of ThunderClan and ShadowClan cats again and again but she couldn\u2019t see any white fur. With a jolt Hollypaw realized Snowpaw wasn\u2019t here. \u201CI wonder if any cats will go to the Gathering tonight,\u201D meowed Nightfall, apparently unaware that his second daughter wasn\u2019t here. \u201CSnowpaw didn\u2019t come with us,\u201D she whispered. Rowanberry\u2019s eyes widened."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Hollypaw ate side by side with Nightfall and Flora. A full moon was floating high in the sky. Hollypaw watched it, surprised that it was glowing just as brightly as ever. Then she glanced around for her sister\u2019s white fur. Her eyes scanned the crowd of ThunderClan and ShadowClan cats again and again but she couldn\u2019t see any white fur. With a jolt Hollypaw realized Snowpaw wasn\u2019t here. \u201CI wonder if any cats will go to the Gathering tonight,\u201D meowed Nightfall, apparently unaware that his second daughter wasn\u2019t here. \u201CI think Lightstar will go,\u201D Flora mewed. \u201CShe wouldn\u2019t miss one for all the prey in the world.\u201D Then a sudden idea struck Hollypaw. \u201CCan we go?\u201D she asked. \u201CJust a few of us, I mean.\u201D Nightfall eyed her thoughtfully. \u201CI think that would be a great idea,\u201D he meowed. Raising his voice he yowled, \u201CI think we should go to the Gathering tonight!\u201D Mews of agreement rose from the cats around them. \u201CRowanberry, Seedwhisker, Nightfall, Foxwhisker, Bolta, Jay and Hollypaw should go,\u201D Robinsong yowled. No cat argued. Hollypaw knew Robinsong had almost made ThunderClan deputy so was considered a very high up warrior. She was proud to be his apprentice. \u201CAnd if you\u2019re going, you should go now.\u201D Hollypaw leaped to her paws and followed Nightfall to the crowd of chosen cats. They began to move immediately. Hollypaw soon fell into step with Rowanberry. \u201CSnowpaw didn\u2019t come with us,\u201D she whispered. Rowanberry\u2019s eyes widened. \u201CShe didn\u2019t?\u201D she demanded. \u201CI thought you and Snowpaw did everything together!\u201D Hollypaw felt her fur grow hot. \u201CWell I had been avoiding her lately,\u201D she confessed. \u201CBecause she keeps hanging around Blackpaw.\u201D \u201CThat\u2019s no reason to avoid her,\u201D Rowanberry meowed. But she fell silent as they approached the island. As quietly as possible, the Gathering cats slid along the fall log and onto the island. They crept forwards and hid in a tangled mass of bramble bushes, peeking out at the two leaders on the branches of the twisted tree. \u201CDeathClan will rule the lake!\u201D Lionstar was yowling, his fierce eyes glowing. For the first time Hollypaw noticed the colour of his eyes. They were blood red. \u201CBut who will be our leader?\u201D demanded a cat. Hollypaw felt her heart skip a beat as she recognized Snowpaw. \u201CI will of course!\u201D Lionstar declared, his claws ripping at the branch he was sitting on. \u201CNo,\u201D Lightstar climbed down the tree so that she was on the same branch as Lionstar. Hollypaw saw a flash of claws and Lionstar fell to the ground. Her stomach lurched. Her eyes were fixed to the spot where Lionstar lay. She kept expecting him to stir but she knew he wouldn\u2019t. Lightstar had murdered at a Gathering night. She glanced up at the moon and felt her eyes widen in horror and her fur bristle. The moon had turned scarlet and appeared to be dripping with blood. Hollypaw heard the cats around her give terrified cries. Foxwhisker had begun to back away, her dark golden eyes round and scared. But Hollypaw couldn\u2019t move. Her eyes were now fixed on Lightstar. Her claws glinted red but apart from that there seemed to be not even the tiniest drop of blood on her pale fur. She glared out at her DeathClan warriors. \u201CAnd that\u2019s what will happen to you if you dare try to run away,\u201D she snarled. \u201CThat\u2019s what will happen if you try to take my place as leader.\u201D Then her voice softened slightly as she looked out at her cats. \u201CSilentspirit will be my deputy! And Cinderfur my medicine cat!\u201D Hollypaw stared. Cinderfur! The ancient grey she-cat sat at the back of the gathered cats. Her eyes drooped and she seemed to have no idea what was going on. She didn\u2019t even look up as Lightstar called her name. \u201CWhat about Darkpool?\u201D asked Blackpaw. \u201CHe was a traitor!\u201D Lightstar growled and turned around. \u201CThe Gathering is over!\u201D Without waiting for a response, Lightstar leaped off of the branch, bounced off of Lionstar\u2019s body and led her Clan away. Hollypaw stared at the spot where Lightstar had disappeared. Snowpaw is in DeathClan... Sighing tiredly, Hollypaw crawled out from under the bramble thicket. Her Clanmates had fled. Careful not to be seen or heard, Hollypaw slid along the fallen tree and off of the island. Head down and tail drooping she walked through WindClan territory. It was a cold night and the wind ruffled her fur. She didn\u2019t know exactly where she was going or what she was doing. Her paws where leading her. There was a rustle in a heather bush beside her and Hollypaw jumped a tail-length. Two cats stepped out. They weren\u2019t showing any signs of hostility, just curiosity. \u201CI\u2019m Thicket,\u201D meowed a scrawny tom. \u201CAnd that\u2019s Maia. I didn\u2019t know any other WindClan cats survived.\u201D Hollypaw blinked in surprise. \u201CI\u2019m not... Well my father is...\u201D Hollypaw stammered, looking at the two new cats. Thicket was a brown flecked tom and Maia was a muddy brown colour. They looked very alike; definitely brother and sister. \u201CIt\u2019s okay,\u201D mewed Maia. She stepped forwards so that they\u2019re fur brushed lightly. \u201CWell,\u201D Hollypaw meowed. \u201CI have to get back to my Clanmates.\u201D Maia\u2019s eyes widened in surprise. \u201CThere are still Clans left?\u201D she asked. \u201CDeathClan and the Clan cats that don\u2019t belong to DeathClan,\u201D Hollypaw meowed. \u201CAnd I\u2019m not a DeathClan cat.\u201D Maia nodded. \u201CI kind of figured,\u201D she mewed. \u201CYou don\u2019t have a name?\u201D Thicket asked. Hollypaw shook her head and turned to leave. \u201CWell, bye,\u201D she meowed. But Maia and Thicket didn\u2019t leave her sides. Together they walked through WindClan territory and back into ThunderClan. Hollypaw was glad of their company as she padded out of the forest and into the reddish gloom. Her Clanmates were hiding either in the hollow trunk of Sky Oak or in the bramble bushes and undergrowth that surrounded the clearing. Hollypaw beckoned with her tail for Thicket and Maia to join her and ducked into a holly bush. She made the leaves into a nest and curled up beside the two WindClan cats. Hollypaw listened as their breathing gradually became slower and peaceful. Her eyelids were beginning to droop but she didn\u2019t want to sleep. Not just yet. StarClan, if you\u2019re watching now, please keep Snowpaw safe. Please don\u2019t let Lightstar do to her as she had done to Lionstar."@en . . .