. "The version is featured on the album The Sneaky Ones."@en . "krypt-creeper/oliver-lavender-town-syndrome"@en . . . . . . . . "Lavender Town Syndrome"@en . . . . "Lavender Town Syndrome"@fr . "TheCreepyPie"@en . . "Oct.29.2012"@en . "2012-10-29"^^ . . "Lavender Town Syndrome"@fr . . "SmCVybI4JrI"@en . "dxQ5axCjlhU"@en . . . "TheCreepyPie"@en . . "Lavender Town Syndrome (Pokemon cocktail)"@en . "Succeeding version"@en . . "TheCreepyPie purchase OLIVER and makes a re-upload the song with a different arrangement."@en . "Lavender Town Syndrome est un des sort les plus puissants de la Magie du Chant."@fr . . . . "Succeeding version, Arrangement"@en . "The Lavender Town Syndrome, Lavender Town Conspiracy, or the Lavender Town Mass Suicides was an incident that supposedly happened to many Japanese children when they played the original Pokemon Red and Green games. The Lavender Town Syndrome spawned a series of Creepypasta stories and also gave many fans reasons to produce videos to disprove the mass suicides and the mythos as a whole."@en . . "Preceding version"@en . . "Akemi7"@fr . "YouTube Broadcast( )"@en . "Circus Remix"@en . "The Lavender Town Syndrome (also known as \"Lavender Town Tone\" or \"Lavender Town Suicides\") was a peak in suicides and illness of children between the ages of 7-12 shortly after the release of Pok\u00E9mon Red and Green in Japan, back in February 27th, 1996. Rumors say that these suicides and illness only occurred after the children playing the game reached Lavender Town, whose theme music had extremely high frequencies, that studies showed that only children and young teens can hear, since their ears are more sensitive. There is also the said Beta Version of Lavender Town."@en . . "gMAhoqspnuI"@en . . "Lavender Town Syndrome (Pokemon cocktail)"@en . "154500"^^ . . . . "sm21143725"@en . "This song is named after the town in \"Pok\u00E9mon\""@en . "private"@en . "Lavender Town Syndrome"@de . "Published on Jan 1, 2014"@en . . . "Laut einem Mythos haben sich nach der Ver\u00F6ffentlichung von Pokemon Rote Edition 1996 in Japan rund 200 Kinder umgebracht. Grund hierf\u00FCr sei das \"Lavender Town Syndrome\" - ausgel\u00F6st durch die Hintergrundmusik in der Stadt Lavandia. Das Musikst\u00FCck soll einige hohe T\u00F6ne besitzen, die nur Kinder im Alter von sieben bis zw\u00F6lf Jahren h\u00F6ren k\u00F6nnen. Dass Kinder h\u00F6here T\u00F6ne wahrnehmen als Erwachsene, ist wissenschaftlich bewiesen. Laut dem Ger\u00FCcht haben sich etwa 200 Kinder nach dem H\u00F6ren der T\u00F6ne selbst umgebracht, indem sie sich aufhingen oder von hohen Geb\u00E4uden sprangen. Eine gr\u00F6\u00DFere Anzahl von Kindern habe aufgrund heftiger Kopfschmerzen ein irrationales Verhalten aufgewiesen, nachdem sie die Musik in Lavandia h\u00F6rten. Im Jahr 2010 erschien im Internet ein Video, das besagte Musik grafisch darstellt. Gegen Ende des Liedes sieht das Tonschema aus wie mehrere Pok\u00E9mon des Typs Inkognito. Die bilden die Worte \"LEAVE NOW\" (zu deutsch: \"geh jetzt\"). Inkognitos sind offiziell erst in Pokemon Goldene Edition/Pokemon Silberne Edition erschienen. Allerdings existiert in den ersten Editionen eine verworfene Datei mit Daten dieses Pok\u00E9mons. Die Stelle des Liedes, in der das Tonschema das merkw\u00FCrdige Muster aufweist, ist in den besagten Spielen so nicht zu h\u00F6ren. Es gibt bis heute au\u00DFerdem keine Belege f\u00FCr solch einen Vorfall. Ebenso fehlen Zahlen, die eine erh\u00F6hte Selbstmordrate in dieser Zeit nachweisen. Allerdings hat Nintendo die Melodie in der europ\u00E4ischen und amerikanischen Version angepasst, sodass die hochfrequentigen T\u00F6ne nicht mehr enthalten sind. Seitdem sei es zu keinem Vorfall dieser Art gekommen. Kategorie:Story-Sammlung Kategorie:Unheimliches"@de . . . "TheCreepyPie, Mox"@en . . "-"@fr . . "g1kEbizrPrI"@en . "-"@fr . . "The Lavender Town Syndrome, Lavender Town Conspiracy, or the Lavender Town Mass Suicides was an incident that supposedly happened to many Japanese children when they played the original Pokemon Red and Green games. The Lavender Town Syndrome spawned a series of Creepypasta stories and also gave many fans reasons to produce videos to disprove the mass suicides and the mythos as a whole."@en . "Laut einem Mythos haben sich nach der Ver\u00F6ffentlichung von Pokemon Rote Edition 1996 in Japan rund 200 Kinder umgebracht. Grund hierf\u00FCr sei das \"Lavender Town Syndrome\" - ausgel\u00F6st durch die Hintergrundmusik in der Stadt Lavandia. Im Jahr 2010 erschien im Internet ein Video, das besagte Musik grafisch darstellt. Gegen Ende des Liedes sieht"@de . "The song was originally compose by Junichi Masuda for the game Pokemon Red. Krypt Creeper created a arrange version with new lyrics based on the creepypasta of the game, Lavender Town Syndrome. The first version was uploaded with OLIVER's vocals but was removed copyright reasons. Later, Krypt uploaded a new version on August 10, 2012 called \"Lavender Town Syndrome II\" with Macne Coco Black's vocals. The song won after a version with SONIKA and a japanese cover with MAYU. Currently, all versions of the song was private on Krypt's channel."@en . "154500"^^ . "oliver"@en . "uKBxWu4q7KE"@en . . . . "mayu"@en . "Published on Aug 10, 2012"@en . "Akemi7"@fr . . "Lavender Town Syndrome est un des sort les plus puissants de la Magie du Chant."@fr . . "\"Lavender Town Syndrome\""@en . . . . "The song was originally compose by Junichi Masuda for the game Pokemon Red. Krypt Creeper created a arrange version with new lyrics based on the creepypasta of the game, Lavender Town Syndrome. The first version was uploaded with OLIVER's vocals but was removed copyright reasons. Later, Krypt uploaded a new version on August 10, 2012 called \"Lavender Town Syndrome II\" with Macne Coco Black's vocals. The song won after a version with SONIKA and a japanese cover with MAYU. Currently, all versions of the song was private on Krypt's channel."@en . "MAYU's Japanese cover"@en . . . "sm19252389"@en . . . "The Lavender Town Syndrome (also known as \"Lavender Town Tone\" or \"Lavender Town Suicides\") was a peak in suicides and illness of children between the ages of 7-12 shortly after the release of Pok\u00E9mon Red and Green in Japan, back in February 27th, 1996. Rumors say that these suicides and illness only occurred after the children playing the game reached Lavender Town, whose theme music had extremely high frequencies, that studies showed that only children and young teens can hear, since their ears are more sensitive. Due to the Lavender Tone, at least two-hundred children supposedly committed suicide, and many more developed illnesses and afflictions. The children who committed suicide usually did so by hanging or jumping from heights. Those who did not acted irrationally complained of severe headaches after listening to Lavender Town's theme. Although Lavender Town now sounds differently depending on the game, this mass hysteria was caused by the first Pok\u00E9mon game released. After the Lavender Tone incident, the programmers had fixed Lavender Town's theme music to be at a lower frequency, and since children were no longer affected by it. One video appeared in 2010 using \u201Dspecial software\" to analyze the audio of Lavender Town's music. When played, the software created images of the Unown near the end of the audio. This raised a controversy, since the Unown didn't appear until the Generation 2 games: Silver, Gold, and Crystal. The Unown translate to \"LEAVE NOW\". There is also the said Beta Version of Lavender Town. It is said that the Beta Version of Pocket Monsters was released to some kids to test the games. This is the video of the Beta Version of Lavender Town:"@en . . "Published on Dec 5, 2012"@en . . "Lavender Town Syndrome II"@en . "VOCALOID cover, Remix"@en . "OLIVER's cover"@en . . . . "#9370DB; color:#E6E6FA"@en .