"The Eight Doors Golden Lock Formation is a powerful void created by the legendary Zuo Ci. It has the power to create a force field around a specific area and prevents people from entering, formed by eight wooden doors that leads to its own dimension. Each door has a special challenge behind. The doors are connected with each other in their own dimension."@en . "The Eight Doors Golden Lock Formation is a powerful void created by the legendary Zuo Ci. It has the power to create a force field around a specific area and prevents people from entering, formed by eight wooden doors that leads to its own dimension. To break it, one must enter its dimension and face the trials up ahead. Inside that world are eight doors for the challenger to enter, consisted of the following: \n* Xiu Men (\u4F11\u9580 / Door of Rest) \n* Sheng Men (\u751F\u9580 / Door of Life) \n* Shang Men (\u50B7\u9580 / Door of Injury) \n* Tu Men (\u675C\u9580 / Door of Fabrication) \n* Jing Men (\u666F\u9580 / Door of Scenery) \n* Si Men (\u6B7B\u9580 / Door of Death) \n* Jing Men (\u9A5A\u9580 / Door of Fright) \n* Kai Men (\u958B\u9580 / Open Door) Each door has a special challenge behind. The doors are connected with each other in their own dimension. Should the challenge become too much to solve, the challenger can use violence as a last resort, but the time of trial will then be reduced to five minutes. Should the challenger fail the solve the puzzle without those minutes, he will be lost in the dimension forever. It is the strongest magical disposition in the Silver Dimension."@en . "Eight Doors Golden Lock Formation"@en . .