. . . "calm, mild-mannered, motherly"@en . "15"^^ . "Herbalist/Tailor"@en . . "Gold"@en . . . "GA: 10"@en . "Giant , voluptuous, curvy woman with short blonde hair wearing a pink sweater and tight blue jeans"@en . . . "\u2014Janis Janis (\u30B8\u30E3\u30CB\u30B9, \"Janisu\") was an American exchange student who was made exclusively for the Nintendo DS game InuYasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel. She was also the reincarnation of the daughter of the god Datara. When Kagome Higurashi was absent from school, Janis went to Higurashi shrine to visit Kagome where she was attacked by a y\u014Dkai who emerged from the Bone-Eater's Well and rescued by the mysterious Monk Sen. Later, Janis followed his advice to go to the feudal era through the well and looked for Kagome. After passing through, she met Kagome and her friends. Once she touched a shard of the Shikon no Tama, it blended in with her body and awakened her Kamui powers. She agreed to accompany them on their journey until she was able to remove the Jewel Shard from her body."@en . "Janis is Superjail's head cook and she has appeared in a few moments in some episodes."@en . . . "Janis Belfaust"@en . . "Professions"@en . . "Janis is Superjail's head cook and she has appeared in a few moments in some episodes."@en . "Game"@en . . "Female"@en . "None"@en . . . . "Janis Belfaust was raised to have a lust for battle and trained daily in order to mold him into the perfect warrior alongside his brother. Janis was always found to be the better fighter in competition with his brother, and couldn't help but play into the praise his father would shower upon him at the end of the day. During his time with the Clerics of Northshire, Janis studied feverishly the ways of the Holy Light. He didn't want to undo years of training in combat from his father, but he needed to relearn a lot of things to fit with his new perception."@en . . . "None"@en . "Janis' house, America"@en . "Images of Janis"@en . "cooking, attention and being admired"@en . "Alive"@en . . . . "Eye/Hair/Skin Color"@en . "250"^^ . "Tall/Fit"@en . "Janis the Head Cook"@en . . "None"@en . "Blue"@en . . . "Build"@en . "Back to modern era"@en . "True Neutral"@en . "*Father\n*Mother"@en . "Class"@en . . "Over the Hedge"@en . . . . . "Janis is the mother of a baby born with an imperforate anus who was operated on by Oliver Lebackes, Arizona Robbins, and Alex Karev."@en . . . . . "Son"@en . "\u2014Janis Janis (\u30B8\u30E3\u30CB\u30B9, \"Janisu\") was an American exchange student who was made exclusively for the Nintendo DS game InuYasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel. She was also the reincarnation of the daughter of the god Datara. When Kagome Higurashi was absent from school, Janis went to Higurashi shrine to visit Kagome where she was attacked by a y\u014Dkai who emerged from the Bone-Eater's Well and rescued by the mysterious Monk Sen. Later, Janis followed his advice to go to the feudal era through the well and looked for Kagome. After passing through, she met Kagome and her friends. Once she touched a shard of the Shikon no Tama, it blended in with her body and awakened her Kamui powers. She agreed to accompany them on their journey until she was able to remove the Jewel Shard from her body."@en . "Janis.png"@en . "Janis is the mother of a baby born with an imperforate anus who was operated on by Oliver Lebackes, Arizona Robbins, and Alex Karev."@en . "hide"@en . "Janis"@en . "InuYasha: Secret of the Divine Jewel"@en . . . "\u30B8\u30E3\u30CB\u30B9"@en . . . "animals being hurt"@en . "Pale"@en . . . . "Dark green/white/white"@en . "unknown"@en . "53"^^ . . . . . "Student"@en . . "Janis Belfaust was raised to have a lust for battle and trained daily in order to mold him into the perfect warrior alongside his brother. Janis was always found to be the better fighter in competition with his brother, and couldn't help but play into the praise his father would shower upon him at the end of the day. During his time with the Clerics of Northshire, Janis studied feverishly the ways of the Holy Light. He didn't want to undo years of training in combat from his father, but he needed to relearn a lot of things to fit with his new perception. Janis would leave the order when his new beliefs didn't quite gel with the priests and paladins of Northshire. His goal was to develop a method of non-violent resistance to any conflict, leaving violence as an absolute last resort to be used. His pressence is so gentle and quiet, that while meditating in the hills of Northshire he attracted many animals who came to rest by his calming side. While he's had little interaction with intelligent life after choosing a life of poverty and peace in Northshire, those who have met him have found themselves incredibly relaxed and comfortable around the accomodating man. While it's too bold to claim he has completely changed anyone's opinions to match his own perfectly, more than a few have left his side with a knew outlook on life. Janis is incredibly kind and generous, taking no reward and turning over material goods he doesn't need to those who could use it. Despite his peaceful attitude, he will immediately turn to violence in order to defend someone in need, if only to immobilize the attacker and prevent them from causing further harm. The peaceful monk is also a big fan of jokes and pranks, finding laughter to be the most powerful source of \"Chi.\""@en . "Summon shikigami"@en . . "*Lightning Arrow\n*Infernal Meteor\n*Heavenly Essence\n*Power Leaf"@en . . . . "Distinguishable Marks"@en . "Alignment"@en . "Age"@en . "Janisu"@en . . "neutral"@en . "hide"@en . "Monk"@en . . . "Janis"@en . . . .