"It is probable that handedness is a factor in wand-making, as Garrick Ollivander asked his customers which was their \"wand arm.\""@en . . . . . "When defining a cartesian coordinate system in 3 dimension, once two of its axes are specified, we can define a plane where the origin and both axes lie. The third axis will point away from that plane on either side. Depending on which side of the plane we choose to place the third axis in, we have a left-handed system or a right-handed system. In the case where the axes are required to be orthogonal, defining two axes restricts the third axis to lie on a line. The only thing to be determined, now, is the direction. Just as the left hand and the right hand are mirror images of each other, left handed systems and right handed systems represent mirror images of each other. It is possible to transform any right handed system into any other right handed system with only rotation, shearing and non-negative scaling transformations. The same happens with left handed systems. However it is not possible to transform a left-handed system into a right-handed system, or the other way around using only those transformations."@en . . "Handedness was an individual's preference for using one hand over the other. Geordi La Forge was right-handed. (TNG: \"Ship in a Bottle\" ) Ezri Dax was right-handed before being joined with the Dax symbiont. (DS9: \"Afterimage\") In 2365, Data, while playing Sherlock Holmes on the holodeck, asserted that a left-footed person was also left-handed. (TNG: \"Elementary, Dear Data\" ) Some pitchers had a dominant hand. In 2371, Benjamin Sisko asked Kasidy Yates if the Pike City Pioneers could use a right-handed pitcher. (DS9: \"Family Business\")"@en . . . . . "Handedness"@en . . . . . "It is probable that handedness is a factor in wand-making, as Garrick Ollivander asked his customers which was their \"wand arm.\""@en . . . . . "When defining a cartesian coordinate system in 3 dimension, once two of its axes are specified, we can define a plane where the origin and both axes lie. The third axis will point away from that plane on either side. Depending on which side of the plane we choose to place the third axis in, we have a left-handed system or a right-handed system. In the case where the axes are required to be orthogonal, defining two axes restricts the third axis to lie on a line. The only thing to be determined, now, is the direction."@en . . "Handedness was an individual's preference for using one hand over the other. Geordi La Forge was right-handed. (TNG: \"Ship in a Bottle\" ) Ezri Dax was right-handed before being joined with the Dax symbiont. (DS9: \"Afterimage\") In 2365, Data, while playing Sherlock Holmes on the holodeck, asserted that a left-footed person was also left-handed. (TNG: \"Elementary, Dear Data\" ) One's handedness could be determined by an analysis of one's handwriting. In 2369, Data, as Holmes again, attempted to prove that a right-handed murder victim's left-handed brother wrote a suicide note by throwing a box of matches to the man. The accused caught it with his right hand due to a holodeck malfunction. Reginald Barclay asked James Moriarty if he was right or left handed, to which Moriarty replied that he was left-handed. (TNG: \"Ship in a Bottle\" ) Some pitchers had a dominant hand. In 2371, Benjamin Sisko asked Kasidy Yates if the Pike City Pioneers could use a right-handed pitcher. (DS9: \"Family Business\")"@en .