. . . . . . . . "The Windmill Vandals are a group of 4 Horsebacked Vandals (Eastern Germanic Tribesmen) who once plagued the land of Nowhere. The farmer who once lived in the Farmhouse where the Bagge Family now reside constructed the windmill next to the Farmhouse, and inscribed several runes, one on each blade of the windmill, in order to keep the Vandals away. In the episode in which they appear, the windmill breaks, and the Vandals appear as wraiths to come and destroy the farmhouse. The mill is broken and repaired several times, until finally it is fully fixed, and the Vandals banished forever more. The Vandals appear whenever the blades cease turning, and disappear instantly upon them becoming mobile again."@en . "Males"@en . . . . . "Apparition"@en . . . . . . "The Windmill Vandals are a group of four horse-backed vandals who once plagued the land of Nowhere. Farmer Jiles Galette, who originally built and lived in the Farmhouse two-hundred-and-fifty years ago, constructed the windmill next to the farmhouse, inscribing each blade with magical rune symbols, which when spun by the windmill, kept the vandals at bay. 250 years ago prior to the TV show's events, these 4 vandals built a water wheel while Jiles built a windmill at a time when everyone depended on water wheels. One day, the water dried up and because of that, it made Jiles the only man with a working mill and the vandals did not like it one bit. So they went after Jiles but luckily, Jiles was able to keep the vandals away from his home by carving 4 magical symbols on the back of the blades, 1 for each fin, it then started the legend that if the windmill stops turning, the vandals will come back to life and get revenge on those who are in possession of the windmill. In their self-titled episode, when the windmill breaks, the ghosts of the vandals appear and try to destroy the farmhouse along with its occupants. Courage and Eustace make several attempts to repair the windmill, each one causing the vandals to disappear briefly. However, each of their attempts ultimately prove futile, as the windmill keeps breaking soon afterward each time. Finally, after several minutes of chaos trying to fend off the returning vandals, Courage, Muriel, and Eustace manage to rebuild the windmill together, banishing the vandals from ever returning, so long as the windmill continues to operate. The Vandals appear whenever the blades of the windmill stop turning, however, due to Jiles Galette's carvings, they immediately disappear the instant the blades become mobile again."@en . "Windmill Vandals"@en . . . . "The Windmill Vandals are a group of four horse-backed vandals who once plagued the land of Nowhere. Farmer Jiles Galette, who originally built and lived in the Farmhouse two-hundred-and-fifty years ago, constructed the windmill next to the farmhouse, inscribing each blade with magical rune symbols, which when spun by the windmill, kept the vandals at bay. The Vandals appear whenever the blades of the windmill stop turning, however, due to Jiles Galette's carvings, they immediately disappear the instant the blades become mobile again."@en . . . "The Windmill Vandals are a group of 4 Horsebacked Vandals (Eastern Germanic Tribesmen) who once plagued the land of Nowhere. The farmer who once lived in the Farmhouse where the Bagge Family now reside constructed the windmill next to the Farmhouse, and inscribed several runes, one on each blade of the windmill, in order to keep the Vandals away. In the episode in which they appear, the windmill breaks, and the Vandals appear as wraiths to come and destroy the farmhouse. The mill is broken and repaired several times, until finally it is fully fixed, and the Vandals banished forever more."@en . . . . . . .