. "When these two artifacts clashed during Azunai and Zaramoth's legendary confrontation on the Plain of Tears, a powerful magical backlash was released, tearing the souls from the bodies of all those nearby. These spirits rushed into the River of Souls beneath the land, splintering Aranna into a thousand ley lines. Destruction swept across every corner of the continent as a result, turning much of it into a barren wasteland. The stars shifted in the sky above, and the Second Age began. The Dryad race was created due to the magics that were released in the wake of the Endtime."@en . "When these two artifacts clashed during Azunai and Zaramoth's legendary confrontation on the Plain of Tears, a powerful magical backlash was released, tearing the souls from the bodies of all those nearby. These spirits rushed into the River of Souls beneath the land, splintering Aranna into a thousand ley lines. Destruction swept across every corner of the continent as a result, turning much of it into a barren wasteland. The stars shifted in the sky above, and the Second Age began. The Dryad race was created due to the magics that were released in the wake of the Endtime."@en . "First Cataclysm"@en .