. "Karate Kong es un viejo, pero potente Kong y el sexto jefe enfrentan en el juego Donkey Kong Jungle beat. Karate Kong es el gobernante del Reino de pi\u00F1a, el sexto reino Donkey Kong a trav\u00E9s de empresas. A pesar de su edad Karate Kong es un luchador experto, capaz de hacer poderosas patadas voladoras y golpes de k\u00E1rate. A pesar de su habilidad Donkey Kong se las arregl\u00F3 para derrotar Karate Kong en la balsa de troncos que estaban luchando en. Karate Kong despu\u00E9s aparece al final de la ceremonia de juego, junto con los Kongs otros que enfrentan en el juego para honrar la victoria de Donkey Kong contra el rey Ghastly. \u00C9l aparece en Super Smash Bros. Brawl como una calcoman\u00EDa."@es . "Ninja Kong"@en . . "C"@en . . "Karate Kong"@de . . . . . "Karate Kong"@de . . "Karate Kong is one of the main bosses of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. He is an elderly, yet powerful Kong and ruler of the Pineapple Kingdom. Donkey Kong fights him on a log floating down a river. He's more difficult than Dread Kong, in that he's more agile, and can perform karate chops and even a few spin kicks in a row. Despite that, he is defeated and shows up at the end of game ceremony with the other Kongs."@en . . . . "100"^^ . "Karate abilities"@en . "Karate Kong"@es . "Karate Kong is an old, yet powerful Kong and the sixth boss in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. So far, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is the only appearance he's made in the Donkey Kong franchise as the King of the Pineapple Kingdom. He has a long purple robe with a black belt and a white beard and white tied skinny pony-tail like hair with red eyes. Karate Kong is the ruler of the Pineapple Kingdom, the sixth kingdom Donkey Kong ventures through. Despite his age, he is a skilled fighter, capable of doing very powerful flying kicks and karate chops. Despite his skill, Donkey Kong still manages to defeat Karate Kong on the log raft they were battling on. Karate Kong later appears with the other Kong Kings (Dread Kong, Ninja Kong, Sumo Kong) at the end of the game ceremony since it seems that Ghastly and Cactus King put a spell on the Kong Kings so they celebrate and honor the victory over the Ghastly King and Cactus King instead of attacking him. As the name implies Karate Kong is skilled with the ancient art of karate."@en . "Karate Kong es un viejo, pero potente Kong y el sexto jefe enfrentan en el juego Donkey Kong Jungle beat. Karate Kong es el gobernante del Reino de pi\u00F1a, el sexto reino Donkey Kong a trav\u00E9s de empresas. A pesar de su edad Karate Kong es un luchador experto, capaz de hacer poderosas patadas voladoras y golpes de k\u00E1rate. A pesar de su habilidad Donkey Kong se las arregl\u00F3 para derrotar Karate Kong en la balsa de troncos que estaban luchando en. \u00C9l aparece en Super Smash Bros. Brawl como una calcoman\u00EDa."@es . . . . . . . . "Karate Kong is an elderly, yet powerful Kong and the 6th boss faced in the videogame Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. Karate Kong is the ruler of the Pineapple Kingdom, the sixth kingdom Donkey Kong ventures through. Despite his age, Karate Kong is a skilled fighter, capable of doing powerful flying kicks and karate chops. Despite his skill, Donkey Kong still managed to defeat Karate Kong on the log raft they were battling on. Karate Kong later appears at the end of the game's ceremony, along with the other Kongs faced in the game to honor Donkey Kong's victory against the Ghastly King."@en . . . . . "Karate Kong is one of the main bosses of Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. He is an elderly, yet powerful Kong and ruler of the Pineapple Kingdom. Donkey Kong fights him on a log floating down a river. He's more difficult than Dread Kong, in that he's more agile, and can perform karate chops and even a few spin kicks in a row. Despite that, he is defeated and shows up at the end of game ceremony with the other Kongs."@en . . "Karate Kong ist der Boss vom Ananas-K\u00F6nigreich in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. Er geh\u00F6rt zu den Kongs und tr\u00E4gt ein violettes Kost\u00FCm, hat einen wei\u00DFen Pferdeschwanz und einen langen, wei\u00DFen Bart. Deshalb wirkt er schon recht alt und es wird angenommen, dass er vom Alter her ungef\u00E4hr Cranky Kong entspricht. Donkey Kong bek\u00E4mpft ihn auf einem Flo\u00DF, wobei Karate Kong Fu\u00DFtritte und andere Karate-Techniken anwendet, um ihm zu schaden. Donkey kann ihn aber besiegen und weiter kommen. Andere Kong-Bosse sind Ninja Kong, Sumo Kong und Rasta Kong. Ein Aufkleber in Super Smash Bros. Brawl zeigt Karate Kong."@de . . "Donkey Kong Jungle Beat"@en . "Karate Kong.png"@de . . . "Donkey Kong Jungle Beat"@de . . . . . . "Donkey Kong Jungle Beat"@en . . . "Sumo Kong"@en . "Super Smash Bros. Brawl"@de . . "Character"@en . "Karate Kong is an old, yet powerful Kong and the sixth boss in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. So far, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is the only appearance he's made in the Donkey Kong franchise as the King of the Pineapple Kingdom. He has a long purple robe with a black belt and a white beard and white tied skinny pony-tail like hair with red eyes. Karate Kong is the ruler of the Pineapple Kingdom, the sixth kingdom Donkey Kong ventures through. Despite his age, he is a skilled fighter, capable of doing very powerful flying kicks and karate chops. Despite his skill, Donkey Kong still manages to defeat Karate Kong on the log raft they were battling on."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Karate Kong ist der Boss vom Ananas-K\u00F6nigreich in Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. Er geh\u00F6rt zu den Kongs und tr\u00E4gt ein violettes Kost\u00FCm, hat einen wei\u00DFen Pferdeschwanz und einen langen, wei\u00DFen Bart. Deshalb wirkt er schon recht alt und es wird angenommen, dass er vom Alter her ungef\u00E4hr Cranky Kong entspricht. Donkey Kong bek\u00E4mpft ihn auf einem Flo\u00DF, wobei Karate Kong Fu\u00DFtritte und andere Karate-Techniken anwendet, um ihm zu schaden. Donkey kann ihn aber besiegen und weiter kommen. Andere Kong-Bosse sind Ninja Kong, Sumo Kong und Rasta Kong. Ein Aufkleber in Super Smash Bros. Brawl zeigt Karate Kong."@de . "Karate Kong"@en . "Karate Kong is an elderly, yet powerful Kong and the 6th boss faced in the videogame Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. Karate Kong is the ruler of the Pineapple Kingdom, the sixth kingdom Donkey Kong ventures through. Despite his age, Karate Kong is a skilled fighter, capable of doing powerful flying kicks and karate chops. Despite his skill, Donkey Kong still managed to defeat Karate Kong on the log raft they were battling on. Karate Kong later appears at the end of the game's ceremony, along with the other Kongs faced in the game to honor Donkey Kong's victory against the Ghastly King."@en . "Artwork of Karate Kong from Donkey Kong Jungle Beat"@en . . . . . "Karate Kong"@de . . . . . . . . . "Karate Kong"@en .