. "244"^^ . "244"@en . . . "Axel erpresst mittlerweile die gesamte Familie, doch Richard kann den verhassten Controller nicht feuern, Jenny kann die Zwangsverlobung nicht l\u00F6sen - selbst die sonst so resolute Friederike muss sich Axels Bedingungen f\u00FCgen. Und Vanessa bef\u00FCrchtet, dass ihre Mutter wieder zur\u00FCck ins Gef\u00E4ngnis muss. Da \u00FCberrascht Friederike Simone mit einem zweifelhaften L\u00F6sungsvorschlag... Dieters zunehmende Ablehnung seines Hausmeister-Jobs, st\u00F6\u00DFt bei Nina auf wenig Verst\u00E4ndnis. Als sich Dieter durch ein Missverst\u00E4ndnis den Dank eines angesehenen Wellnessgasts erwirbt und daraufhin ein lukratives Jobangebot bekommt, tr\u00E4umt er bereits von seinem neuen Leben. Doch der Job hat einen Haken. Julian wird zwar vom Vorwurf der Steuerhinterziehung freigesprochen, muss aber noch den Verdacht der Veruntreuung von F"@de . "244"@de . . . . . . . . "1967-06-01"^^ . "El dos cientos cuarentaicuatro (244) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 243 y precede al 245. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "El dos cientos cuarentaicuatro (244) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 243 y precede al 245. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "1967-05-22"^^ . . "In the drawing room at Collinwood, Jason has just dropped a bombshell proposal on Elizabeth: they are to be married. She laughs in his face at the absurd notion, but McGuire asserts the seriousness of his suggestion. Elizabeth, however, calls Jason's bluff. McGuire cruelly mentions Carolyn and tells Elizabeth she should confess to her daughter first. He continues to needle Elizabeth, but she is willing to accept the consequences rather than enter into a marriage with him. Jason leaves to fetch Carolyn so that she may hear the details of her own father's murder."@en . . ""@en . "244"@es . . "In the drawing room at Collinwood, Jason has just dropped a bombshell proposal on Elizabeth: they are to be married. She laughs in his face at the absurd notion, but McGuire asserts the seriousness of his suggestion. Elizabeth refuses; she finds Jason detestable, and he all too gleefully brings up the 18 year-old incident involving Paul Stoddard which brought the two of them together. He threatens to expose Elizabeth if she doesn't go through with the marriage, and he continues to remind her of Paul's death. Since Elizabeth cannot transfer any more funds to Jason without arousing suspicion, marriage would solve that problem. Elizabeth still refuses; McGuire makes a beeline for the telephone, threatening to call the sheriff. Elizabeth, however, calls Jason's bluff. McGuire cruelly mentions Carolyn and tells Elizabeth she should confess to her daughter first. He continues to needle Elizabeth, but she is willing to accept the consequences rather than enter into a marriage with him. Jason leaves to fetch Carolyn so that she may hear the details of her own father's murder. Carolyn is reading in the study when Jason comes in. He tells her Elizabeth wants to see her, and suggests that Carolyn be open-minded about what her mother has to say. Carolyn heads to the drawing room whilst McGuire paces nervously. There, Elizabeth informs Carolyn of something she has to tell her which she has been putting off for a long time. Elizabeth speaks about her life 18 years ago when she was happy, but in recent years she has only been existing in the shadows of Collinwood. She mentions Paul and confesses that he never knew Carolyn. Elizabeth was blindly in love with the strong, dominating Paul Stoddard. But he never truly loved her in return, nor did he love or want Carolyn. Paul, who turned out to be a terrible, cruel man, never looked at Carolyn, never held her, and never even kissed her. Upset by this revelation, Carolyn storms out of the room. She returns to the study where an agitated Jason is relieved to hear Elizabeth wasn't able to finish her confession. Carolyn doesn't know what to believe about her father. McGuire claims that Paul talked about Carolyn incessantly and carried a photo of her in his wallet. He suggests Carolyn forget everything Elizabeth told her. Later, Jason returns to the drawing room where a defeated Elizabeth reluctantly agrees to his marriage proposal."@en . . "240"^^ . "244"^^ . . . . . "244"@pl . . ""@en . . . "Axel erpresst mittlerweile die gesamte Familie, doch Richard kann den verhassten Controller nicht feuern, Jenny kann die Zwangsverlobung nicht l\u00F6sen - selbst die sonst so resolute Friederike muss sich Axels Bedingungen f\u00FCgen. Und Vanessa bef\u00FCrchtet, dass ihre Mutter wieder zur\u00FCck ins Gef\u00E4ngnis muss. Da \u00FCberrascht Friederike Simone mit einem zweifelhaften L\u00F6sungsvorschlag... Dieters zunehmende Ablehnung seines Hausmeister-Jobs, st\u00F6\u00DFt bei Nina auf wenig Verst\u00E4ndnis. Als sich Dieter durch ein Missverst\u00E4ndnis den Dank eines angesehenen Wellnessgasts erwirbt und daraufhin ein lukratives Jobangebot bekommt, tr\u00E4umt er bereits von seinem neuen Leben. Doch der Job hat einen Haken. Julian wird zwar vom Vorwurf der Steuerhinterziehung freigesprochen, muss aber noch den Verdacht der Veruntreuung von Firmengeldern entkr\u00E4ften. Doch wie soll er Beweise besorgen, wenn er Hausverbot hat? Julian vertraut sich Diana mit seinem Problem an und diese hat auch schon eine L\u00F6sung parat."@de . . . "1967"^^ .