. . . . . . "thumb|161px|Sargento Karskin. Los Kasrkin son un cuerpo de tropas de \u00E9lite procedentes de Cadia. Su nombre procede de \"Kasr\", el nombre que se les da a las ciudades-fortaleza de Cadia. Son la \u00E9lite del ya de por s\u00ED superior aparato militar de Cadia, y son seleccionados mientras a\u00FAn est\u00E1n sirviendo como Escudos Blancos en las fuerzas armadas cadianas. Su entrenamiento es comparable, si no superior, al del resto de Soldados de Asalto, y est\u00E1n absolutamente consagrados a la preservaci\u00F3n de Cadia, en oposici\u00F3n a los dem\u00E1s Soldados de Asalto, que son adoctrinados para defender todo el Imperio."@es . . . . "Kasrkin are highly trained in the use of numerous heavy weapons, and are entrusted with special equipment of high quality and rare craftsmanship such as their Hellguns and Hotshot Lasguns, which are much more powerful versions of the normal Lasgun used by regular Guardsmen. They wear Carapace Armor and helmets sealed for hazardous environments. This armour also deflects and absorbs incoming projectiles far better than standard Imperial Guard Flak Armour. Kasrkin are also given minor biological modifications to allow them to move quickly despite their heavier gear. Kasrkin sergeants often wield rare and powerful equipment more commonly used by Imperial Guard officers such as Power Swords and hot-shot Laspistols. The Kasrkin often carry special weapons suited to their assault role on the battlefield and exceptional marksmanship, including Plasma Guns, Meltaguns, Grenade Launchers, and Flamers. True to their nature as Grenadiers, the Kasrkin carry both Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades and are extensively trained in the use of these weapons. Some chroniclers amongst the Tactica Imperialis have recorded a number of difficult fire fights in the Kasrkin's history that were resolved by the creative application of grenades. The Kasrkin also have an ethos of duty and honour that is impressive for members of the Imperial Guard, who are usually far more interested simply in staying alive. Whereas the standard Storm Trooper is looked down upon by many different regiments of Imperial Guardsmen for their elite status, the Kasrkin are looked upon with great favour among the standard regiments of Cadian Shock Troops. They are the ultimate warriors of the Imperial Guard who fought against the Forces of Chaos, and they led the charge in the defence of Cadia from the Chaotic forces of Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade in 999.M41 that is currently still occupying much of the Fortress World's surface. To be a Kasrkin is to hold a position of honour, and all Cadians recognise this truth and the role they play in defending their world."@en . . "Kasrkin"@es . . "Kasrkin"@en . "Kasrkin are highly trained in the use of numerous heavy weapons, and are entrusted with special equipment of high quality and rare craftsmanship such as their Hellguns and Hotshot Lasguns, which are much more powerful versions of the normal Lasgun used by regular Guardsmen. They wear Carapace Armor and helmets sealed for hazardous environments. This armour also deflects and absorbs incoming projectiles far better than standard Imperial Guard Flak Armour. Kasrkin are also given minor biological modifications to allow them to move quickly despite their heavier gear. Kasrkin sergeants often wield rare and powerful equipment more commonly used by Imperial Guard officers such as Power Swords and hot-shot Laspistols. The Kasrkin often carry special weapons suited to their assault role on the bat"@en . "thumb|161px|Sargento Karskin. Los Kasrkin son un cuerpo de tropas de \u00E9lite procedentes de Cadia. Su nombre procede de \"Kasr\", el nombre que se les da a las ciudades-fortaleza de Cadia. Son la \u00E9lite del ya de por s\u00ED superior aparato militar de Cadia, y son seleccionados mientras a\u00FAn est\u00E1n sirviendo como Escudos Blancos en las fuerzas armadas cadianas. Su entrenamiento es comparable, si no superior, al del resto de Soldados de Asalto, y est\u00E1n absolutamente consagrados a la preservaci\u00F3n de Cadia, en oposici\u00F3n a los dem\u00E1s Soldados de Asalto, que son adoctrinados para defender todo el Imperio. Son entrenados intensivamente en el uso de numerosas armas, y se protegen con armaduras de caparaz\u00F3n. Tienen un sentido del deber y del honor y una devoci\u00F3n al Emperador que sorprende dentro de la Guardia Imperial. Mientras que el Soldado de Asalto t\u00EDpico suele ser mirado con desprecio y envidia por el resto de tropas, los Karskin suelen ser muy apreciados, especialmente en los Regimientos Acorazados y de Infanter\u00EDa de Cadia, por su compostura y su cabeza fr\u00EDa durante el combate. Son el guerrero definitivo para la lucha contra los enemigos del Imperio (como son las Fuerzas del Caos), y dirigen la carga en defensa de Cadia. Ser un Karskin es un honor, y todos los cadianos reconocen esto."@es .