. "Game theory is a"@en . "Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics that studies strategic situations where players choose different actions in an attempt to maximize their returns. First developed as a tool for understanding economic behavior, game theory is now used in many diverse academic fields, ranging from biology to philosophy."@en . . . . . . . . . "How can acivists use game theory to help choose their Strategies and Tactics? Game theory is a model in which the different \"players\" have a limited set of \"moves\" to choose from, and that by pairing each of player 1's moves which each of player 2's moves you can create a \"payoff matrix\" which shows the outcome for both players for each pair of actions. Traditionally, game theory assumes perfect knowledge of the payoff martix, whic can be problematic for the theory, but usefull to a player in a situation of imperfect knowledge. The game can either be sequential (player 1 goes first, player 2 knows the move before making their own), or simultaneous (both players must choose a move before either is seen). The real world exists as an ongoing conversation with a combination of both types of games (see also Meta-Game Theory). In terms of activism, the players could be considered \"Resistance\" and \"Power\", so for a given act of resistance, a form of power will have various choices in how to respond. The form of power can be a person, a company, a governement, a political party or a system (see also Systems). For example, if a popular revolt occurs under a dictatorship, the players are the leaders of the resistance (if it has leaders), and the dictator. If the people take to the streets, the dictator can choose to let them protest freely, limit their access to geographical areas/media coverage, violently repress the demonstration, or attack the resistance's base of support. The choices of the dictator are limited by a number of factors: Are they dependent on the support of other goverments or institutions which would not approve of a given \"move\"? Does the dictator have the means to violently repress the demonstration if he wanted to?"@en . "Who the specific entities are that are playing this game are matters of great debate among game theorists, but the details of the game are the same under each branch of the philosophy."@en . "Game theory is a"@en . . . "Game Theory is a study of choose, where game players are only allowed to choose / change their own strategy in the game. For example, Player A and Player B would play a game, and the result of winning and losing would fully depended on the choose of their own strategy. For example, In prisoner's dilemma, Prisoner A and Prisoner B are only allow to choose their strategy which is \"Silent\" (means to denial) or \"Betray\" (Means to give information to Police). The decision on Silent and Betray is the only option for the 2 prisoners. Each choose produce a different outcome."@en . "Game theory deals with the statistical foundations of rational decisions in gambles and games. Game theory shares fundamental conepts with decision theory."@en . "SEE: Game Theory"@en . . . "Game Theory is a study of choose, where game players are only allowed to choose / change their own strategy in the game. For example, Player A and Player B would play a game, and the result of winning and losing would fully depended on the choose of their own strategy. For example, In prisoner's dilemma, Prisoner A and Prisoner B are only allow to choose their strategy which is \"Silent\" (means to denial) or \"Betray\" (Means to give information to Police). The decision on Silent and Betray is the only option for the 2 prisoners. Each choose produce a different outcome."@en . . "Game theory deals with the statistical foundations of rational decisions in gambles and games. Game theory shares fundamental conepts with decision theory."@en . "Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics that studies strategic situations where players choose different actions in an attempt to maximize their returns. First developed as a tool for understanding economic behavior, game theory is now used in many diverse academic fields, ranging from biology to philosophy. Game theory saw substantial growth and its first formalization by John von Neumann before and during the Cold War, mainly due to its application to military strategy, most notably to the concept of mutual assured destruction. Beginning in the 1970s, game theory has been applied to animal behavior, including species' development by natural selection. Because of interesting games like the prisoner's dilemma, in which mutual self-interest hurts everyone, game theory has been used in political science, ethics and philosophy. Finally, game theory has recently drawn attention from computer scientists because of its use in artificial intelligence and cybernetics."@en . . . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Game Theory/preload editintro=Game Theory/editintro width=25 One has to satisfy the 10 Emotional Needs of women. They are maintaining her image/rep, making her feel a range of emotions, catering to the little girl, being dominant, being honest, making her feel safe, accepting her sexuality (whether it be wild or very docile), having high quality sperm, proving you're not gay."@en . . "Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Nanoha who found a magical ferret... ... except in this universe, Precia Testarossa went slightly less crazy trying to bring back her daughter. And although still obsessed and driven, she realised that the failed clone she'd made is her sole mobile assets, and there are better ways of keeping her under control other than physical abuse. And with that small simple change, the entire story changes. Game Theory plays up the fact that Nanoha is a sci-fi series that just happens to have magical girls in it, rather than a magical girl show, with the aim of exploring this concept more deeply that canon managed. As of 30.04.2012, there is a prologue and seven chapters. The story can be found here. Also has its own Alternate Universe oneshot sidestory, Another Way."@en . "Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Nanoha who found a magical ferret... ... except in this universe, Precia Testarossa went slightly less crazy trying to bring back her daughter. And although still obsessed and driven, she realised that the failed clone she'd made is her sole mobile assets, and there are better ways of keeping her under control other than physical abuse. And with that small simple change, the entire story changes."@en . "Game theory"@en . "SEE: Game Theory"@en . . "You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Game Theory/preload editintro=Game Theory/editintro width=25 One has to satisfy the 10 Emotional Needs of women. They are maintaining her image/rep, making her feel a range of emotions, catering to the little girl, being dominant, being honest, making her feel safe, accepting her sexuality (whether it be wild or very docile), having high quality sperm, proving you're not gay."@en . "Game Theory"@en . "Who the specific entities are that are playing this game are matters of great debate among game theorists, but the details of the game are the same under each branch of the philosophy."@en . . "How can acivists use game theory to help choose their Strategies and Tactics? Game theory is a model in which the different \"players\" have a limited set of \"moves\" to choose from, and that by pairing each of player 1's moves which each of player 2's moves you can create a \"payoff matrix\" which shows the outcome for both players for each pair of actions. Traditionally, game theory assumes perfect knowledge of the payoff martix, whic can be problematic for the theory, but usefull to a player in a situation of imperfect knowledge."@en . . . . . .