"White Magic is a Type in the Bandai OCG. White Magic refers to the white arts of magic, specifically, the use of healing and regenerative forces, positive effects and generally anything that helps or protects one from their opponent."@en . "White Magic, depending on the classification used in a certain installment, either entirely curative magic, or magic based in positive energy, which might also include destructive spells."@en . . . . "4"^^ . . . "6"^^ . . . "White Magic is a Type in the Bandai OCG. White Magic refers to the white arts of magic, specifically, the use of healing and regenerative forces, positive effects and generally anything that helps or protects one from their opponent."@en . . . . . . . "White Magic"@en . . . . . . . "Magic or incantation practiced for good purposes or as a counter to evil. The main spell of White Magic is Cure, which is used to keep alive fellow comrades."@en . "White Magic (\u767D\u9B54\u6CD5 Shiro Mah\u014D) is a Caster Magic."@en . "Powerful Light Class magic, popular with members of the Vatican and also exorcists. The magic focuses mainly on healing and supporting allies, although it is capable of being used to cast offensive Light classed skills against foes, and also to banish demons. The most well known users of White Magic in the Shadow Hearts series are Alice Elliot, and Nicolai Conrad."@en . . "Polar opposite of Black Magic. \"Holy\" powers that the Heroes use. Probably called this because we tend to think of light as good. As with Black Magic, there are three factors that determine whether a power is White Magic or not. \n* Source: If it's gained from God (or the local equivalent), a Council of Angels, The Force, The Lifestream, Sealed Good in a Can, or some form of truly benevolent spirituality or religion, it's almost always White Magic. Other sources can include channeling the power of love, friendship, or \"positive energy.\" This sometimes but not always includes Elemental Light. \n* Cost: What is required to make the magic work. Whereas Black Magic may require sacrificing others for fuel, White Magic may instead require personal sacrifices from the practitioner herself. If any sacrifices from others are ever necessary, these will generally have to be completely voluntary (ie: they weren't coerced into doing it) and usually altruistic and \"pure\" in motive. Eye of Newt may be difficult to obtain, but will not require any actual evil. But Your Mileage May Vary if you ask the newt what it thinks of giving an eye for the spell. \n* Effect: The magic is directly constructed for the blessing, protection, cure, and/or promotion of the general welfare of others. Offensive uses may be reserved for evil creatures such as demons or undead, by way of Revive Kills Zombie. Unlike with Black Magic, with White Magic you don't have to worry about malevolent side effects. (There may be a sacrifical cost to prove your commitment.) Whereas evil gods tend to despise their human patsies, genuinely good deities tend to genuinely like their devotees. However, with White Magic you do tend to face certain Restrictions, as good gods tend to be pickier about how their servants use the powers granted to them. Crystal Dragon Jesus usually wants his followers to use his powers to go out and help people, and he won't be amused when his devotees run around killing babies. There are two common methods for imposing Restrictions. One is to limit what sorts of powers the disciples receive to largely beneficial effects that can cause no direct harm; powers of healing, protection, or blessed empowerment. Mature (or merely advanced) devotees might get a handful of spells for offensively weakening and hindering others, though the available \"debuffs\" tend to be relatively gentle compared to the curses of Black Magic. There may be at least one honestly destructive spell available, but which is only effective against Always Chaotic Evil creatures like The Undead and The Legions of Hell; these spells are called Turn Undead for a reason. Ocasionally, there may be exactly one destructive spell that can be used on any and everything -- the Holy Hand Grenade. It should be noted that between the lack of uglifying side-effects of Black Magic and the abundance of healing effects, the followers of Good tend to be much healthier and prettier. (Which may actually serve as a Justification for Beauty Equals Goodness.) The other most common Restriction method is requiring the practictioner to abide by a specific code of conduct that stipulates when White Magic should not be used, when it may be used, and when it must be used. This method is most often seen when the brand of White Magic involved features significant firepower. This code may mean contractual technical pacificism, or at least 'Thou Shalt Not Murder' (which is distinct from Thou Shalt Not Kill). Perhaps a priest can never take a life at all, or perhaps, like a medical doctor under the Hippocratic Oath, he simply must never use his powers to cause harm. Perhaps a Paladin, like a police officer issued a firearm, is allowed (or even obligated) to use deadly force in certain situations in order to save innocent lives. Depressing as it is, sometimes Light Is Not Good, or else just very stupid. In these cases, people are able to use White Magic in all the wrong ways, either by serving as the personal healer of an evil overlord or by marauding around the countryside, using \"holy\" bolts to slaughter Dark Is Not Evil races like the aforementioned Friendly Neighborhood Vampires and Blizzard-type Orcs. Either the deity behind the White Magic isn't all he's cracked up to be, or the form of magic doesn't actually involve a sapient source at all. See also: The Medic, whose Healing Hands are often a result of White Magic. White Mage, who is sometimes powered by White Magic. Black Mage, who is the opposite in gameplay terms. Protective Charm is also generally White Magic. Examples of White Magic include:"@en . . "White Magic is the skillset used by Aalia in MARDEK."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "White Magic"@pl . "Restores a small amount of HP to a single target."@en . . . . "Czasami niekt\u00F3re zakl\u0119cia zwykle zaliczaj\u0105ce si\u0119 do Bia\u0142ej Magii wchodz\u0105 w sk\u0142ad Czarnej Magii, Magii Czasu, a w tytu\u0142ach zwi\u0105zanych z Ivalice do nowej szko\u0142y magii znanej jako Zielona Magija. Zakl\u0119cia Bia\u0142ej Magii mog\u0105 by\u0107 cz\u0119sto wykorzystywane przeciwko nieumar\u0142ym przeciwnikom do zadawania obra\u017Ce\u0144 oraz innych negatywnych efekt\u00F3w."@pl . . "White magic (Japanese: \u767D\u9B54\u6CD5, lit. shiro mah\u014D) is made up of spells that heal, protect and exorcise evil spirits. It contains very few truly offensive spells, and even those are effective only against unnatural beings such as undead. White magic is well known inside the mazoku barrier, and also the repertoire of the few sorcerers who exist outside the barrier usually consists of simple white magic spells, such as Lighting or Sleeping. Non-humans, such as the golden dragon Milgazia, have also been known to use white magic. In white magic there are spells such as Recovery which are used for healing, and defensive spells such as Flow Break and Mos Varim. In addition, there are a few offensive spells such as Holy Bless, which can dispel low-level undead like animated skeletons. The source of white magic is obscure. As the naming suggests it was introduced as the opposite of black magic, which would imply that it draws power from shinzoku. Furthermore, most experts in white magic (like Sylphiel Nels Lahda and Amelia Wil Tesla Saillune) tend to be priests or priestesses. However, it is actually holy magic that uses the power of Flare Dragon Ceifeed and his subordinates. To avoid inconsistency, in the afterword of a Slayers Special novel, Hajime Kanzaka declared white magic to be a part of shamanistic magic, running under a different name, saying that these spells are actually categorized into white magic because of their effects and not their nature. This, however, only led to even stranger inconsistencies. For example, Zelgadiss Graywords, while being an expert in shamanistic magic, is completely unable to cast white magic spells at the beginning of the novels. On the other hand, Sylphiel Nels Lahda, while being a near-perfect white magic caster, cannot cast a shamanistic spell even as simple as Flare Arrow."@en . . . . "Cura"@en . . . "Shiro Mah\u014D"@en . . . . . . "White Magic is the term given to recovery and non-health-draining spells in Fire Emblem Gaiden, including the spells Recover (comparable to Sacrifice in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn more so than the Recover Staff because it takes a little of the caster's health to heal the target, but not to full health), Libro (comparable to the Physic Staff), Illusion, and Dear (which dispels monsters). The type of White Magic spells that can be learned depend on the nature of its user. To cast such spells requires sacrificing a part of the user's life energy (in the form of HP), perhaps similar to the Sacrifice skill in Radiant Dawn."@en . . . "Regen"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Start"@en . "Polar opposite of Black Magic. \"Holy\" powers that the Heroes use. Probably called this because we tend to think of light as good. As with Black Magic, there are three factors that determine whether a power is White Magic or not. It should be noted that between the lack of uglifying side-effects of Black Magic and the abundance of healing effects, the followers of Good tend to be much healthier and prettier. (Which may actually serve as a Justification for Beauty Equals Goodness.) Examples of White Magic include:"@en . "M. Shield"@en . . "Restores a moderate amount of HP to one target, or the whole party."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Grants the target the Regen status, which restores HP each turn."@en . . . . "Cure"@en . . . . . . . . . "White Magic, depending on the classification used in a certain installment, either entirely curative magic, or magic based in positive energy, which might also include destructive spells."@en . . "White Magic spells have been interchanged with Black Magic, Time Magic, and in Ivalice titles, Green Magick. White Magic support spells can usually be used against undead enemies to deal damage and other adverse effects."@en . . . "Light"@en . . . "Shield"@en . . "White Magic contains spells dedicated to healing of wounds and status ailments, protection, and the Light element."@en . . "$0.00 Product Code: 1607"@en . . . . . . "Gives a target the Physical Shield status, which reduces physical damage by half."@en . . "Aalia"@en . "Powerful Light Class magic, popular with members of the Vatican and also exorcists. The magic focuses mainly on healing and supporting allies, although it is capable of being used to cast offensive Light classed skills against foes, and also to banish demons. The most well known users of White Magic in the Shadow Hearts series are Alice Elliot, and Nicolai Conrad."@en . . ", where:\n* The solution is the damage healed;\n* is the user's SPR;\n* is the user's level; and\n* is the target's MDEF."@en . . . . . "White Magic is the term given to recovery and non-health-draining spells in Fire Emblem Gaiden, including the spells Recover (comparable to Sacrifice in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn more so than the Recover Staff because it takes a little of the caster's health to heal the target, but not to full health), Libro (comparable to the Physic Staff), Illusion, and Dear (which dispels monsters). The type of White Magic spells that can be learned depend on the nature of its user. To cast such spells requires sacrificing a part of the user's life energy (in the form of HP), perhaps similar to the Sacrifice skill in Radiant Dawn."@en . "\u767D\u9B54\u6CD5"@en . "$0.00 Product Code: 1607"@en . . . . . . "As a gem school, white magic excels at healing and damage reduction, making it the best school of magic for quickly recovering and maintaining high levels of HP. It should be noted that a minimum of 5 points in this skill is required to use Resurrection Gems, which have the rare and useful effect of reviving fallen party members and can only be used by 4 of the 25 classes of Nodiatis. Like Green Magic, the white magic gem tree also has its fair share of direct damage gems and potent DOT gems, making it a versatile gem color to specialize in, though along with green magic it is somewhat outclassed by more dedicated damage-dealing colors."@en . "Gives a target the Magical Shield status, which reduces magical damage by half."@en . . "Czasami niekt\u00F3re zakl\u0119cia zwykle zaliczaj\u0105ce si\u0119 do Bia\u0142ej Magii wchodz\u0105 w sk\u0142ad Czarnej Magii, Magii Czasu, a w tytu\u0142ach zwi\u0105zanych z Ivalice do nowej szko\u0142y magii znanej jako Zielona Magija. Zakl\u0119cia Bia\u0142ej Magii mog\u0105 by\u0107 cz\u0119sto wykorzystywane przeciwko nieumar\u0142ym przeciwnikom do zadawania obra\u017Ce\u0144 oraz innych negatywnych efekt\u00F3w."@pl . . . . "White magic (Japanese: \u767D\u9B54\u6CD5, lit. shiro mah\u014D) is made up of spells that heal, protect and exorcise evil spirits. It contains very few truly offensive spells, and even those are effective only against unnatural beings such as undead. White magic is well known inside the mazoku barrier, and also the repertoire of the few sorcerers who exist outside the barrier usually consists of simple white magic spells, such as Lighting or Sleeping. Non-humans, such as the golden dragon Milgazia, have also been known to use white magic."@en . . "White Magic"@en . . . . . . "As a gem school, white magic excels at healing and damage reduction, making it the best school of magic for quickly recovering and maintaining high levels of HP. It should be noted that a minimum of 5 points in this skill is required to use Resurrection Gems, which have the rare and useful effect of reviving fallen party members and can only be used by 4 of the 25 classes of Nodiatis. Like Green Magic, the white magic gem tree also has its fair share of direct damage gems and potent DOT gems, making it a versatile gem color to specialize in, though along with green magic it is somewhat outclassed by more dedicated damage-dealing colors."@en . . "White Magic is the skillset used by Aalia in MARDEK."@en . . . "White magic"@en . . "White Magic contains spells dedicated to healing of wounds and status ailments, protection, and the Light element."@en . . "White Magic spells have been interchanged with Black Magic, Time Magic, and in Ivalice titles, Green Magick. White Magic support spells can usually be used against undead enemies to deal damage and other adverse effects."@en . . . . "White Magic (\u767D\u9B54\u6CD5 Shiro Mah\u014D) is a Caster Magic."@en . . . . . . . "Magic or incantation practiced for good purposes or as a counter to evil. The main spell of White Magic is Cure, which is used to keep alive fellow comrades."@en . "16"^^ . .