"Future Century"@en . "The GF13-051NE Pharaoh Gundam XIII (Mummy Gundam in the English dub) is a Mobile Fighter from Mobile Fighter G Gundam. It is piloted by Kaure Ramses of Neo Egypt."@en . "No"@en . . "GF13-051NE"@en . "The GF13-051NE Pharaoh Gundam XIII (Mummy Gundam in the English dub) is a Mobile Fighter from Mobile Fighter G Gundam. It is piloted by Kaure Ramses of Neo Egypt."@en . "Gundarium alloy super-ceramic composite rare metal hybrid"@en . "Neo Egypt"@en . "16.6"^^ . "4"^^ . "Ultracompact Fusion Reactor"@en . "Fighter"@en . . "7.8"^^ . "GF13-051NE Pharaoh Gundam XIII"@en . "Kaure Ramses"@en . . "60"^^ .