"El Ping\u00FCino"@es . "dicembre 1948"@it . "Crime boss, businessman"@en . . . "Oswald Cobblepot Alter ego Prima apparizione (Vol ) #dicembre 1948 Creato da Il Pinguino \u00E8 l'identit\u00E0 segreta di Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, apparso per la prima volta nell'albo (Vol ) #. Pinguino, uno dei nemici storici di Batman, possiede una mente criminale eccentrica, nota per la sua passione per l'ornitologia, gli ombrelli truccati e i suoi loschi affari. Il famoso Iceberg Lounge di Gotham \u00E8 solo una facciata, utilizzata da Cobblepot per coprire una vasta gamma di attivit\u00E0 illecite che finanziano la malavita della citt\u00E0. Nonostante la sua bassa statura, il Pinguino \u00E8 un nemico pericoloso, i cui ombrelli nascondono una variet\u00E0 di armi e dispositivi letali."@it . . . "Mortales sombrillas especializadas"@es . . "Male"@en . "Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot"@it . . . . . "Conocimiento del mundo criminal"@es . . "Liderazgo organizativo"@es . . "DC Comics"@en . . "244"^^ . ", Mutant Rockhopper Penguin"@en . . . . "Gotham City"@en . . "The Penguin had met and struck a deal with the Shredder, who he gathered with at a Gotham shipping yard. The Shredder needed the resonance engine in order to create a portal to get back home. Penguin delivered it to Shredder and was promised a large sum of money. The Shredder lied about their payment, something that Penguin loathed. So he demanded that his hired guns kill Shredder, but his Foot Clan came to their master's aid. Shredder was on the verge of killing Penguin, but the cowardly businessman pleaded for his life. He promised to help Shredder in whatever aid he requires such as money, man power or machinery. So the Shredder decided to allow Penguin to live a little while longer as long as it suited his needs."@en . "Secret Society of Supervillains"@en . . . "Savvy businessman, basic fighting skills"@en . "Liga de la Injusticia, Escuadr\u00F3n Suicida, La Sociedad"@es . "Intelecto nivel de genio"@es . "Pinguino"@it . "Pinguino.jpg"@it . . . . . . "Oswald Cobblepot Alter ego Prima apparizione (Vol ) #dicembre 1948 Creato da Il Pinguino \u00E8 l'identit\u00E0 segreta di Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot, apparso per la prima volta nell'albo (Vol ) #. Pinguino, uno dei nemici storici di Batman, possiede una mente criminale eccentrica, nota per la sua passione per l'ornitologia, gli ombrelli truccati e i suoi loschi affari. Il famoso Iceberg Lounge di Gotham \u00E8 solo una facciata, utilizzata da Cobblepot per coprire una vasta gamma di attivit\u00E0 illecite che finanziano la malavita della citt\u00E0. Nonostante la sua bassa statura, il Pinguino \u00E8 un nemico pericoloso, i cui ombrelli nascondono una variet\u00E0 di armi e dispositivi letali."@it . . "Black"@en . . "Oswald Cobblepot"@en . "Oswald Cobblepot"@it . . . "The Penguin"@en . "Bob Kane"@en . . "The Penguin had met and struck a deal with the Shredder, who he gathered with at a Gotham shipping yard. The Shredder needed the resonance engine in order to create a portal to get back home. Penguin delivered it to Shredder and was promised a large sum of money. The Shredder lied about their payment, something that Penguin loathed. So he demanded that his hired guns kill Shredder, but his Foot Clan came to their master's aid. Shredder was on the verge of killing Penguin, but the cowardly businessman pleaded for his life. He promised to help Shredder in whatever aid he requires such as money, man power or machinery. So the Shredder decided to allow Penguin to live a little while longer as long as it suited his needs."@en . . . . . "Bill Finger"@en . . . . "Detective Comics #58"@es . . . . "Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot"@es . "Detective Comics #58"@en . "Caucasian"@en . . "Black"@en . . . . . . . "Conocimiento de judo y boxeo."@es . . . "Umbrellas"@en . "Oswald Cobblepot"@es . . . .