. . "\"A Robot Rebels\" is the twenty-ninth episode of the anime series, Sonic X, as well as the third episode of the Chaos Saga. It first aired on 19 October 2003 and 2 October 2004 in Japan and the United States respectively."@en . "Main page"@en . "A Robot Rebels"@en . . "Transcript"@en . . . . . . "Gallery"@en . . . . "Sonic X"@en . "2004-10-02"^^ . "Japanese title card"@en . "Head's Up, Tails!"@en . . "A Robot Rebels"@en . . "29"^^ . "A Robot Rebels"@en . "A Chaotic Day"@en . "2"^^ . . "--05-12"^^ . . . . "\"A Robot Rebels\" is the twenty-ninth episode of the anime series, Sonic X, as well as the third episode of the Chaos Saga. It first aired on 19 October 2003 and 2 October 2004 in Japan and the United States respectively."@en . . .