. . . . . . . "Iron Cage Mask is brought in from Arabia by the Black Cross F\u00FChrer to find a weakness to deal with the Gorengers with the continuous failures of Temujin and his forces. The Masked Monster discovers that the key for dealing with the Gorengers both involved taking care of their teamwork and destroying Variblune: to deal with both, he creates a scheme where he lures two of the Gorengers, Peggy and Asuka, to a location where he abducts Momorenger and hypnotizes her into hating her Gorengers teammates as well as planting a bomb on her for destroying Variblune. When she finally is reunited with the other Gorengers, she throws down the bomb within the airship, it damages the engine but the male Gorengers escape while Peggy continues to have problems in trying to transform into Momorenger. With the team weakened, Iron Cage Mask decides to further torment the other Gorengers using a ritual for harm via an occultist; but the occultist turns out to be Peggy, sneaking into the Black Cross headquarters with fake bombs in order to try and force the Masked Monster to remove the mental block preventing her transformation, even attacking the F\u00FChrer himself before he gets away in a skull-like form. Iron Cage Mask seals Momorenger while he gets away in a prison with fire surrounding her, forcing her with all her will to finally break the block and transform. When confronting it, Momorenger uses an Earring Bomb to distract it while the team uses a Gorenger Storm to change into a \"temari\" (a Japanese handball) that lodges into Iron Cage Mask's head. After yelling at Temujin to help him, the general walks away knowing there is nothing he can do about it before it finally explodes destroying the mystical Masked Monster. Ep. 40: The Crimson Vengeance Demon! The Momorenger From Hell"@en . . "Iron Cage Mask"@en . "Ep. 40: The Crimson Vengeance Demon! The Momorenger From Hell"@en . "Iron Cage Mask"@en . . . . "Iron Cage Mask is brought in from Arabia by the Black Cross F\u00FChrer to find a weakness to deal with the Gorengers with the continuous failures of Temujin and his forces. The Masked Monster discovers that the key for dealing with the Gorengers both involved taking care of their teamwork and destroying Variblune: to deal with both, he creates a scheme where he lures two of the Gorengers, Peggy and Asuka, to a location where he abducts Momorenger and hypnotizes her into hating her Gorengers teammates as well as planting a bomb on her for destroying Variblune. When she finally is reunited with the other Gorengers, she throws down the bomb within the airship, it damages the engine but the male Gorengers escape while Peggy continues to have problems in trying to transform into Momorenger."@en . . . . "Himitsu Sentai Gorenger"@en . .