. "Dec, 2004"@en . . . . . "Previously: Defenders of the Empire. Dawn of the Empire, Part Eight of Ten \u201CWhy are you telling me these stories?\u201D Kaimetsu-uo demanded. \u201CI wish to hear about the Day of Thunder. What purpose do these other tales serve?\u201D \u201CYour grandfather knew, as my kind knows, that mortals are prideful beings. You must remember the past, lest you fail to learn its lessons.\u201D Unmei\u2019s words were accompanied by the shimmering image of a golden bird, immolated in fire. \u201CThe human Isawa was powerful, but arrogant. Of course some would say his arrogance was not entirely misplaced, for he truly was unique in his time. Yet his pride nearly destroyed him, as it destroys virtually all who succumb to it.\u201D Fires of the Phoenix by Shawn Carman \u201CLord Isawa.\u201D The voice drew Isawa\u2019s attention away from the scroll he had been laboring over for the past few hours. He glanced up irritably, placing his pen in the tiny cup of ink and massaging his hand gently to alleviate the cramping. He had not noticed the discomfort until he had been interrupted, which was only an additional reason to be angry. He had left specific instructions not to be disturbed. \u201CWhat is it?\u201D he demanded harshly. \u201CI have far too much to do to tolerate interruption.\u201D \u201CForgive me,\u201D the servant said meekly, staring directly at the ground in front of Isawa\u2019s feet. \u201CWe have received word from the southern villages that lord Shiba approaches.\u201D \u201CLord Shiba?\u201D Isawa asked, his voice low. \u201CAt what point did members of my tribe begin referring to Shiba as \u2018lord\u2019?\u201D \u201CAh, f\u2026 forgive me, Isawa-sama,\u201D the servant stammered. \u201CI did not mean to\u2026 it was not my intent to show disrespect.\u201D \u201CDisrespect is exactly what comes of paying homage to the Kami,\u201D Isawa said, rising from his desk. \u201CI became the ruler of this tribe because of my power, my wisdom, and because I alone led these people to prosperity. I earned these things.\u201D He shoved past the servant, out the doorway and into the village\u2019s streets, swinging his arms wide to encompass all that was around him. \u201CWhat has Shiba done?\u201D he demanded. \u201CHow has he earned your loyalty? He and his siblings expect obedience and loyalty due solely to the circumstances of their birth! And we have no means to say whether or not they are who they claim to be!\u201D The servant seemed suitably cowed, but others nearby were doing their best to ignore Isawa\u2019s outburst. He lowered his hands and grimaced. His temper had grown short of late, as his frustration increased. So long as Shiba and the other Kami continued their efforts to organize their Empire, Isawa was forced to remain here in this meager village rather than in his far more suitable study at Gisei Toshi. Isawa was unwilling to allow others to speak for him, but he was equally unwilling to allow Shiba and his followers access to Gisei Toshi. Until these matters were resolved, Isawa would remain here, closer to the events unfolding beyond his people\u2019s lands. The shugenja sighed in disgust. \u201CWhen Shiba arrives, show him to an empty house. I will meet with him at my convenience.\u201D He folded his hands into the sleeves of his robes. \u201CUntil he arrives, however, I do not wish to be disturbed. For any reason.\u201D It was only a few hours later that Shiba arrived at the city. Say what one might about the Kami, Shiba was at least extremely punctual. Realistically, Isawa was sure the man had other positive qualities, but he was so maddeningly serene that it was difficult to imagine what they might be. From time to time, the shugenja wondered if on some level he envied Shiba\u2019s harmonious mindset. It was, in theory, the perfect state from which to commune with the spirits. But no, that was for those seeking knowledge, not for those who already possessed it. Serenity was a tool, nothing more, and one that Isawa did not need. Isawa would see Shiba when the Kami had waited an appropriate length of time. After all, it would not do to have the Kami believe himself more important than a mortal visitor. \u201CGreetings, Isawa-san,\u201D the Kami offered as Isawa entered the building. As always, Shiba was sitting in a relaxed position before a simple shrine he had erected during his first visit, a shrine dedicated to the Isawa tribe\u2019s own Seven Fortunes. Its presence annoyed Isawa, but he did not have the heart to remove a shrine dedicated to gods who had earned his respect. \u201CThank you for seeing me so quickly. I am well aware of your vast responsibilities in maintaining your\u2026 people.\u201D \u201CThe Tribe of Isawa,\u201D the shugenja corrected. \u201COr the Children of the Earth. You may refer to us as the Phoenix Clan to outsiders if you feel you must, but do not disguise what we are when speaking to me. My allegiance to your Emperor exists only in so much as I refuse to leave the lands he has \u2018given\u2019 to you, but feel no ill will toward his Empire. I understand you have held his wrath against us and I appreciate your willingness to do so, even if we do not require your protection.\u201D Shiba did not respond with anger, or even mild irritation, but only inclined his head respectfully. \u201CAs you wish.\u201D He leaned forward and placed another candle on the shrine before him. \u201CYou know why I have come?\u201D Isawa shook his head. \u201CI had hoped for your sake you had come concerning another matter. If you wish to present your case again, then I fear you have wasted your time. My answer will be the same.\u201D The Kami sighed heavily. \u201CThe attacks on southern Rokugan have intensified, Isawa. Hida and his men have been driven from their homes by a horde of creatures too terrible to describe.\u201D \u201CUnfortunate,\u201D Isawa said, \u201Cbut ultimately of no concern to me.\u201D \u201CThere have been other incidents,\u201D Shiba persisted. \u201CLady Shinjo\u2019s followers have reported attacks by the same types of creatures, as has our neighbor to the west, Togashi.\u201D He turned to look Isawa in the eye. \u201CI believe it is only a matter of time before they appear here. It may be days, possibly less. We have been fortunate because of a quirk of geography, nothing more. We must join the fight, for the sake of our people.\u201D \u201CNo.\u201D Isawa\u2019s tone brooked no disagreement. \u201CFor the sake of my people, I must remain here. If these forces are foolish enough to attack us here, then they will be destroyed. Your brother will soon understand the enemy he would make in me.\u201D \u201CAnd you feel no obligation to the others in Rokugan?\u201D Shiba asked, incredulity in his voice. \u201CThousands of innocent lives have already been lost. Thousands upon thousands might yet die. I have sent as many of my men as I can spare to join the war effort. Asako has sent many of her people to tend the wounded. Will you do nothing?\u201D \u201CNot nothing,\u201D Isawa insisted. \u201CI am defending my home. I see nothing more important.\u201D It was Shiba\u2019s turn to shake his head. \u201CI do not understand how you can so distance yourself from others. We all share this world, Isawa. You call yourself Children of the Earth, yet you do nothing to defend it?\u201D \u201CI defend that which is mine,\u201D Isawa returned. \u201CNo man can protect everyone.\u201D For the first time, Shiba\u2019s face showed signs of irritation, secretly delighting Isawa. Before the Kami could respond, however, there was a shout from outside in the street. \u201CFather!\u201D Isawa leapt into motion, crossing the room and exiting the building in a flash. \u201CAkiko! What is wrong?\u201D His daughter, a vision of beauty by any standard, had little color in her face. She gestured mutely to the east, where a column of smoke was beginning to rise. \u201CToshi Tetsuharu,\u201D she breathed. \u201CSomething must be terribly wrong there.\u201D Isawa turned to the Kami. \u201CIs this your doing?\u201D he demanded, fury in his eyes. \u201CDid you orchestrate this to convince me of your argument?\u201D \u201CIf you believe I would harm any of our people, then you are a fool,\u201D Shiba said plainly. \u201CThis is what I have feared would happen. We must go there, and save what lives we can.\u201D \u201CYou will leave immediately!\u201D Isawa commanded. \u201CI have had my fill of you and your divine family!\u201D \u201CFather,\u201D Akiko interrupted. \u201CShiba can help us.\u201D Isawa turned on her in his wrath, but his anger faded quickly. He was silent for a moment. \u201CI will accept his aid,\u201D he said finally, \u201Cbut only if you remain here.\u201D \u201CFather!\u201D she exclaimed. \u201CI will hear no objections,\u201D he said firmly, and she quieted at his tone. \u201CSagoten!\u201D \u201CHere, my lord.\u201D His daughter\u2019s betrothed appeared instantly. \u201CWhat do you wish of me?\u201D \u201CGather my finest students,\u201D Isawa commanded. \u201CWe leave immediately.\u201D Toshi Tetsuharu, Iron Crane City, was so named for the unusual color of the waterfowl that constantly hunted for fish in the shallows along the coast. The term \u201Ccity\u201D was a misnomer, as it was hardly larger than any other of the Isawa tribe\u2019s many southern villages. The people there prided themselves on the amount of fish they caught, much of which went to other villages. There were few who challenged their claim to be called a city. Today, Toshi Tetsuharu burned. Creatures rose from the sea, their bodies made up of dark, cloudy water that seemed to be taken from the ocean\u2019s floor. Their watery forms shrugged off physical attacks, and smoldered as if from a strange heat. Everywhere the creatures touched, their targets would dry out, then smolder and burst into flames. Even as Isawa, Shiba, Sagoten and the others arrived, the scent of burning flesh was heavy in the air. \u201CFoul creatures,\u201D Isawa snarled as the beasts turned their attention to the newcomers. \u201CLet me show you the true power of fire.\u201D With a wave of his hand, he summoned a torrent of flame that scoured an entire street, enveloping three of the creatures. They screamed, a roaring sound like that of a seashell held to one\u2019s ear, and then were gone. Sagoten and Isawa\u2019s other students moved through the city in a careful group, using precise, directed magic to destroy the beasts one at a time. For all their power, the creatures possessed little subtlety or sense of stealth; their attacks were direct and unsophisticated. Sagoten was the most powerful of Isawa\u2019s students, but his water magic was least effective against the beasts. Unable to seize control of their physical forms, he instead forced more water into their forms, shattering them from within into small pools of steam. Shiba moved through the city like a phantom, moving with a speed that would have given his twin brother Bayushi pause. Though no other physical attacks seemed effective against the creatures, Shiba\u2019s lightning-fast strikes sliced them into more pieces than they could easily control, rendering them unable to reform their bodies. Isawa hovered above the city, with little need for the precision displayed by Sagoten or Shiba. He unleashed massive waves of energy that divided into multiple tendrils, each unerringly seeking out one of the creatures somewhere in the city. Within a matter of moments after their arrival, the combined forces of the Phoenix had decimated their foes, but at a heavy cost. The entire village of Toshi Tetsuharu was in ruins. The fires that the creatures had caused spread quickly despite the shugenja\u2019s attempt to stop them. It was not until Isawa had destroyed the last of them and summoned a great rainstorm that the fires were quenched, but by then it was far too late. Shiba stood in the rain, his armor glistening as the raindrops reflected the last rays of the afternoon sunlight. He closed his eyes, offering a prayer for the many who had perished. When he finally opened them again, he regarded Isawa with a terrible sorrow. \u201CDo you understand?\u201D \u201CI understand that no one else can hope to stop this threat,\u201D Isawa said after a moment\u2019s consideration. \u201CThe Tribe of Isawa will offer what aid it can, Shiba, but its lands will not go undefended. I will send my finest students to aid your men, Shiba. Sagoten has my trust. He will command them. But I will remain in Gisei Toshi.\u201D \u201CI cannot allow that,\u201D Shiba countered. \u201CSagoten\u2019s father Yogo already aids in the war effort. I will not risk both Asako\u2019s husband and her son.\u201D \u201CThen I will find another,\u201D Isawa said firmly. \u201CThe troops will be ready at first light. Take them or leave them.\u201D \u201CThank you, but I fear the day is soon coming when you can no longer remain neutral in this war, Isawa.\u201D Shiba\u2019s eyes pleaded with the shugenja. \u201CI fear that you will regret not acting sooner. Together we can stop this threat before it arrives on your lands.\u201D \u201CIf you would fail without me,\u201D Isawa replied, \u201Cwhy do you deserve me as an ally?\u201D The shugenja turned and left Shiba standing in the street, rain falling gently around him. To Be Continued in: A Gathering of Thunder."@en . . "Fires of the Phoenix"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . "Previously: Defenders of the Empire. Dawn of the Empire, Part Eight of Ten \u201CWhy are you telling me these stories?\u201D Kaimetsu-uo demanded. \u201CI wish to hear about the Day of Thunder. What purpose do these other tales serve?\u201D Fires of the Phoenix by Shawn Carman \u201CLord Isawa.\u201D \u201CForgive me,\u201D the servant said meekly, staring directly at the ground in front of Isawa\u2019s feet. \u201CWe have received word from the southern villages that lord Shiba approaches.\u201D \u201CLord Shiba?\u201D Isawa asked, his voice low. \u201CAt what point did members of my tribe begin referring to Shiba as \u2018lord\u2019?\u201D \u201CFather!\u201D she exclaimed."@en . .