"1476"^^ . "Carlo Visconti"@fr . "On 26 December 1476, Visconti and his fellow Templar brethren Giovanni Andrea Lampugnani, Lampugnani's servant Franzone, and Gerolamo Olgiati, attended Mass at the Santo Stefano. After Lampugnani had delivered the first blow to Sforza after the latter's arrival, the others followed him with their attacks. While Lampugnani was killed shortly after by one of Sforza's guards, Visconti, Olgiati, and Franzone managed to escape, only to be caught and executed within the next week after Franzone was captured and disclosed the identities of the other two while under torture."@en . . . "No_image.png"@pl . "Carlo Visconti war ein Templer aus Assassin's Creed: Lineage."@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Carlo Visconti"@de . . "Visconti.jpg"@de . "Carlo Visconti"@pl . . . "Carlo Visconti war ein Templer aus Assassin's Creed: Lineage."@de . . . . . "Carlo Visconti"@en . . . . . . . "W\u0142och"@pl . . . . . "26 grudnia 1476 roku wraz z Giovannim Lampugnanim i Gerolamo Olgiatim podczas mszy dokona\u0142 zamachu na ksi\u0119cia Galeazzo Marii Sforzy. Po swym towarzyszu Lampugnanim zada\u0142 Sforzy kolejny cios. Nast\u0119pnie razem z kompanem uda\u0142o mu si\u0119 uciec. Jednak mimo to stra\u017Cnicy odnale\u017Ali go w ci\u0105gu kilku najbli\u017Cszych dni i stracili 2 stycznia 1477 roku."@pl . "250"^^ . "--01-02"^^ . . . . . "Carlo Visconti"@de . "On 26 December 1476, Visconti and his fellow Templar brethren Giovanni Andrea Lampugnani, Lampugnani's servant Franzone, and Gerolamo Olgiati, attended Mass at the Santo Stefano. After Lampugnani had delivered the first blow to Sforza after the latter's arrival, the others followed him with their attacks. While Lampugnani was killed shortly after by one of Sforza's guards, Visconti, Olgiati, and Franzone managed to escape, only to be caught and executed within the next week after Franzone was captured and disclosed the identities of the other two while under torture."@en . "unbekannt"@de . . "26 grudnia 1476 roku wraz z Giovannim Lampugnanim i Gerolamo Olgiatim podczas mszy dokona\u0142 zamachu na ksi\u0119cia Galeazzo Marii Sforzy. Po swym towarzyszu Lampugnanim zada\u0142 Sforzy kolejny cios. Nast\u0119pnie razem z kompanem uda\u0142o mu si\u0119 uciec. Jednak mimo to stra\u017Cnicy odnale\u017Ali go w ci\u0105gu kilku najbli\u017Cszych dni i stracili 2 stycznia 1477 roku."@pl . . . .