"During the 18th annual Battle of Espen, the imperial leader Darth Faggatron raped the entire eleven-teenth imperial squadron of trainee Storm Trooper cadets during one of their scout jamborees. During the ill fated event, one Storm Trooper would fall pregnant to the attack, and 9 months later, what looked like a glitter covered storm trooper with a huge fat-ass was delivered into the world during a massive crap attack. The child was almost flushed away with the rest of the turds, but at last minute was rescued from the bowl by a breathalyzer droid named RU-0.5. The child was taken to the Imperial sonnet where it was believed this may be the chosen child that was spoken about in legends, conceived since the dawn of time. Which was Tuesday, the 11th of February, 1981. The boy was named by the Jedi Councilmen as \"The Shock Master\". However none of the Jedi members could for-see the child's future clearly, but it was believed he would be the Master of Shock, and shock he would bring. Shock-Master, or Uncle Sho'Ma as he liked to be called soon was growing up and learning the ways of the forced-to-have-sex ways with Johnny Sky-Walker. Johnny would show him the ways of the force-yourself-upon-younglings. His training came to an end when the Emperor was killed by Shock Master's pit-of-shock that Darth Nigga threw the Emperor down over a matter of unpaid Tauntaun parking fines. Shockmaster was out of a home, so he headed to the WCW to wreak shocking havoc upon the audience in ways never seen before in the world of professional wrestling. Why he chose Wrestling as a career is as much anyone's guess, same as why the fuck would he chose the WCW? Probably cause it would be SHOCKING!!!!!"@en . "During the 18th annual Battle of Espen, the imperial leader Darth Faggatron raped the entire eleven-teenth imperial squadron of trainee Storm Trooper cadets during one of their scout jamborees. During the ill fated event, one Storm Trooper would fall pregnant to the attack, and 9 months later, what looked like a glitter covered storm trooper with a huge fat-ass was delivered into the world during a massive crap attack."@en . . . "Shockmaster"@en .