. . "background:#ff8080"@en . . . . . . "Joe Gill"@en . "Ziff-Davis"@en . "Nieznana"@pl . "La primera aparici\u00F3n de Thura fue en la novela Stormrage y es la sobrina de Broxigar. El padre de Thura y Broxigar eran medio-hermanos, teniendo la misma madre pero padres diferentes. Thura era solo una ni\u00F1a durante la Tercera Guerra pero cuando Brox regres\u00F3 como el \u00FAnico superviviente de ayudar a mantener un paso de monta\u00F1a vital contra las hordas de demonios, incluso ella pudo sentir su culpa por sobrevivir. Cuando ella llego a la edad de guerrera y probo sus habilidades, Thrall mismo le dio la hacha de madera encantada que su t\u00EDo hab\u00EDa empu\u00F1ado en la Guerra de los Ancestros, que hab\u00EDa sido dejada con Thrall por Krasus. al otro \u00FAnico pariente vivo de Brox que podr\u00EDa hab\u00E9rsele dado el hacha era su otro t\u00EDo, Varok Colmillosauro, como su primo Dranosh Colmillosauro hab\u00EDa muerto recientemente (de nuevo) en la Ciudadela Corona de Hielo. a Uno de los Colmillosauro podr\u00EDa habersele dado el hacha antes de ella, pero Thrall, el m\u00E1s confiable cham\u00E1n, hab\u00EDa visto en un sue\u00F1o en el que le mostraba que deber\u00EDa d\u00E1rselo a Thura. Nadie sab\u00EDa por qu\u00E9 el sue\u00F1o hab\u00EDa ocurrido, pero Thrall hab\u00EDa escuchado, y Thura se sent\u00EDa honrada de empu\u00F1ar un arma de leyendas. Thura ha tenido sue\u00F1os falsos sobre la muerte de Broxigar, donde Malfurion Stormrage lo mata. Ella cre\u00EDa que sus sue\u00F1os estaban mostrandole la verdad, y declarando as\u00ED un juramento de sangre, decide vengar a su t\u00EDo matando alg\u00FAn d\u00EDa a Malfurion. luego fue revelado que el mismo Malfurion era qui\u00E9n le estaba mostrando estos sue\u00F1os, haciendo esto para que ella fuera tras \u00E9l y as\u00ED lo liberara de su prisi\u00F3n en la Pesadilla Esmeralda, no le gustaba enga\u00F1arla, pero el hacha de Brox era lo \u00FAnico que pod\u00EDa salvarlo. Ella alcanz\u00F3 la Pesadilla Esmeralda gracias a Lucan Foxblood, a qui\u00E9n ella \"convenci\u00F3\" de llevarla all\u00ED. Despu\u00E9s de separarse de \u00E9l, ella hab\u00EDa encontrado finalmente el \u00E1rbol en el que Malfurion se transform\u00F3 y despu\u00E9s de luchar con Tyrande fue capaz de cortarlo con su hacha, liber\u00E1ndolo al hacerlo. Fue entonces que se dio cuenta de que estaba enga\u00F1ada para hacerlo, y, tras la captura de Ysera y el despertar de Malfurion, ella fue teletransportada fuera de la pesadilla junto con Tyrande, Lucan y Broll. Ella se qued\u00F3 con ellos, ayud\u00E1ndolos con sus lucha. Su hacha era la \u00FAnica cosa que pod\u00EDa da\u00F1ar al se\u00F1or de la Pesadilla Esmeralda, qui\u00E9n actualmente era Xavius, por lo que quer\u00EDa desesperadamente privarla de ella. Se las arregl\u00F3 para hacerlo, pero consigui\u00F3 obtenerla de nuevo m\u00E1s tarde con la ayuda de Broll, y cuando Malfurion estaba devastando con el ataque final a Xavius, ella le ayud\u00F3 cortando el \u00E1rbol de sombra en el Sue\u00F1o Esmeralda, mientras que \u00E9l estaba atacando en Azeroth. Con tres cambios poderosos en el punto cr\u00EDtico de Malfurion, ella mat\u00F3 el \u00E1rbol de sombra de Xavius y muri\u00F3 r\u00E1pidamente despu\u00E9s de eso. Luego de que la Pesadilla Esmeralda fue contenida en el Rift of Aln, Malfurion la devolvi\u00F3 a su pueblo, dejando que Thrall sepa de su importancia en la lucha. A petici\u00F3n suya, fue la portadora de un mensaje de buenos deseos de \u00E9l a Tyrande y Malfurion por boda. Categor\u00EDa:Orcos Categor\u00EDa:Personajes de World of Warcraft: Stormrage"@es . . "Thura po raz pierwszy pojawia si\u0119 w powie\u015Bci Stormrage i jest bratanic\u0105 Broxigara. Ojciec Thury i Brox byli w przyrodnimi bra\u0107mi, maj\u0105cymi t\u0105 sam\u0105 matk\u0119, ale r\u00F3\u017Cnych ojc\u00F3w. Thura by\u0142a tylko dzieckiem podczas Trzeciej wojny, lecz kiedy Brox powr\u00F3ci\u0142 jako jedyny ocala\u0142y z pomagaj\u0105cych utrzyma\u0107 niezb\u0119dne g\u00F3rskie przej\u015Bcie przeciwko hordzie demon\u00F3w, nawet ona potrafi\u0142a wyczu\u0107 win\u0119 jego pozostaj\u0105cych przy \u017Cyciu. Kiedy dosz\u0142a do wieku wojowniczki i udowodni\u0142a swoje zdolno\u015Bci, Thrall osobi\u015Bcie wr\u0119czy\u0142 jej zaczarowany drewniany top\u00F3r, kt\u00F3rym jej wuj walczy\u0142 w Wojnie Staro\u017Cytnych, pozostawiony Thrallowi przez Krasusa. Jedynymi innymi odpowiednimi krewnymi Broxa, kt\u00F3rzy byli godni u\u017Cywa\u0107 tej broni byli jego wujek, Varok Saurfang jak i kuzyn Dranosh Saurfang, kt\u00F3ry niedawno zmar\u0142 ponownie w Cytadeli Lodowej Korony. Jeden z Saurfang\u00F3w m\u00F3g\u0142 otrzyma\u0107 top\u00F3r przed ni\u0105, jednak najbardziej zaufany szaman Thralla widzia\u0142 we \u015Bnie, \u017Ce powinien trafi\u0107 on do Thury. Nikt nie wiedzia\u0142 dlaczego sen mia\u0142 miejsce, jednak Thrall go pos\u0142ucha\u0142, a Thura poczu\u0142a si\u0119 wyr\u00F3\u017Cniona z dzier\u017Cenia tak os\u0142awionej broni. Thura otrzymywa\u0142a nieprawdziwe sny o \u015Bmierci Broxigara, w kt\u00F3rym Malfurion Stormrage zabija go. Wierzy\u0142a, \u017Ce pokazuj\u0105 jej prawd\u0119 i w ten oto spos\u00F3b z\u0142o\u017Cy\u0142a krwaw\u0105 przysi\u0119g\u0119, postanowi\u0142a pom\u015Bci\u0107 swego wuja i zamordowa\u0107 Malfuriona. Odkryto p\u00F3\u017Aniej, \u017Ce to sam Malfurion objawia\u0142 jej te sny, tym samym umo\u017Cliwiaj\u0105c jej dostanie si\u0119 do niego i uwolnienie go z jego osaczenia w Emerald Nightmare. Niechcia\u0142 jej oszukiwa\u0107, ale top\u00F3r Broxa by\u0142 jedyn\u0105 rzecz\u0105, kt\u00F3ra mog\u0142a go ocali\u0107. Dotar\u0142a do Szmaragdowego Koszmaru dzi\u0119ki Lucanowi Foxbloodowi, kt\u00F3rego \"przekona\u0142a\" do zabrania jej tam. Po rozstaniu z nim, znalaz\u0142a w ko\u0144cu drzewo, w kt\u00F3re Malfurion by\u0142 zamieniony i po zmaganiu z Tyrande Whisperwind by\u0142a zdolna rozci\u0105\u0107 go za pomoc\u0105 jej topora, uwalniaj\u0105c go tym samym, a po schwytaniu Ysery i przebudzeniu Malfuriona, zosta\u0142a teleportowana z Koszmaru wraz z Tyrande, Lucanem i Brollem. Zosta\u0142a z nimi pomagaj\u0105c im z ich zmaganiami. Jej top\u00F3r by\u0142 jedyn\u0105 rzecz\u0105, kt\u00F3ra mog\u0142a skrzywdzi\u0107 Pana Koszmaru, kt\u00F3rym by\u0142 w\u0142a\u015Bciwie Xavius, dlatego chcia\u0142 rozpaczliwie pozbawi\u0107 jej tego. Zarz\u0105dzi\u0142 zrobienie tego, jednak odzyska\u0142a go p\u00F3\u017Aniej z pomoc\u0105 Brolla i kiedy Malfurion uderza\u0142 ostatecznym podmuchem na Xaviusa, pomog\u0142a mu przez siekanie w drzewo cienia w Szmaragdowym \u015Anie, kt\u00F3re atakowa\u0142o w Azeroth. Za pomoc\u0105 trzech pot\u0119\u017Cnych machni\u0119\u0107 w krytycznym miejscu Malfurion pokaza\u0142 jej, zabi\u0142a drzewo cienia Xaviusa, a on umar\u0142 chwil\u0119 potem. Po tym jak Szmaragdowy Koszmar zosta\u0142 zawarty w Ryfcie Aln, Malfurion dostarczy\u0142 j\u0105 z powrotem do jej ludzi, daj\u0105c zna\u0107 Thrallowi o jej znaczeniu w ich zmaganiu. Na jej pro\u015Bb\u0119 zosta\u0142a jego powierniczk\u0105 \u017Cycze\u0144 z okazji \u015Blubu Tyrande i Malfuriona. Kategoria:Stormrage Kategoria:Ork"@pl . "Broxigar Saurfang Varok Saurfang Dranosh Saurfang"@pl . "Real Name"@en . . "Orc"@en . . "Space Patrol #2"@en . "Thura and Dingeye"@en . . "Original Publisher"@en . . . . . . "Male"@en . . "Thura"@es . . "Horde"@en . . . "Female"@en . "Following the forth time Lance Gregg cracked up his space ship, Lance has his license is revoked by his employer, Walters, until he reforms. Telling his fiance, Thura, of the incident, the couple break up. Sadly, Thura returns the ring Lance gave her. After Lance Gregg defeats the smuggler, Major Malo, Walters reinstates Gregg's pilot's license. Thura and Gregg make amends, with Gregg asking her to \"wear his ring for keeps\". Thura accepts and kisses Gregg."@en . . "OrcOrk"@pl . . "Kobieta"@pl . "Thura"@en . . . . "Thura first appears in the novel Stormrage and is the niece of Broxigar. Thura's father and Brox were half brothers, having the same mother but different fathers. Thura was only a child during the Third War, but when Brox returned as the only survivor from helping to hold a vital mountain pass against hordes of demons, even she could sense his survivor's guilt. When she came of warrior age and proved her skills, Thrall himself gave her the enchanted wooden axe her uncle wielded in the War of the Ancients, which had been left with Thrall by Krasus. Brox's only other living relative that could have been given the axe was her other uncle, Varok Saurfang, as her cousin Dranosh Saurfang had recently died (again) in Icecrown Citadel. One of the Saurfangs might have been given the axe before her, but Thrall's most trusted shaman had seen in a dream that it should go to Thura. No one knew why the dream had occured, but Thrall had listened, and Thura felt honored to wield such a fabled weapon. Thura had been given false dreams about Broxigar's death, in which Malfurion Stormrage killed him. She believed that they were showing her the truth, and thus declaring a blood oath, she decided to avenge her uncle and kill Malfurion. It was later revealed that it was Malfurion himself who showed her those dreams, doing so to make her go after him and free him from his entrapment in the Emerald Nightmare. He did not like deceiving her, but Brox's axe was the only thing that could save him. She had reached the Emerald Nightmare thanks to Lucan Foxblood, who she \"convinced\" to take her there. After parting with him, she had eventually found the tree into which Malfurion was transformed and after struggling with Tyrande Whisperwind was able to cut him with her axe, freeing him by doing so. It was then she realized that she was tricked into doing so, and, after the capture of Ysera and the awakening of Malfurion, she was teleported out of the Nightmare together with Tyrande, Lucan and Broll. She stayed with them, helping them with their struggles. Her axe was the only thing that could hurt the Nightmare Lord, who was actually Xavius, so he desperately wanted to deprive her of it. He managed to do so, but she got it back later with Broll's help, and when Malfurion was striking the final blow to Xavius, she helped him by chopping into the shadow tree in the Emerald Dream, while he was attacking it on the Azeroth. With three mighty swings on the critical spot Malfurion showed her, she killed Xavius's shadow tree and he died quickly after that. After the Emerald Nightmare was contained in the Rift of Aln, Malfurion delivered her back to her people, letting Thrall know of her significance in their struggle. At her request, she was the bearer of a message of well wishes from him to Tyrande's and Malfurion's wedding."@en . "Horde"@pl . "Salamandastron"@en . "Alive"@en . "Thura Saurfang"@pl . "Thura was a stoat soldier in Ferahgo the Assassin's horde. He and his \"mucker\" Dingeye deserted from the horde and ended up at Redwall Abbey. There they were treated with kindness by the peaceful creatures. During the night, however, the two stoats played around with a bow and arrow and accidentally shot Brother Hal in the neck and killed him. Frightened, they stole the sword of Martin the Warrior and fled into Mossflower Woods. The blame of Hal's killing fell on Samkim, who found the dead brother after he had picked up the bow."@en . . "Following the forth time Lance Gregg cracked up his space ship, Lance has his license is revoked by his employer, Walters, until he reforms. Telling his fiance, Thura, of the incident, the couple break up. Sadly, Thura returns the ring Lance gave her. After Lance Gregg defeats the smuggler, Major Malo, Walters reinstates Gregg's pilot's license. Thura and Gregg make amends, with Gregg asking her to \"wear his ring for keeps\". Thura accepts and kisses Gregg."@en . . "Thura first appears in the novel Stormrage and is the niece of Broxigar. Thura's father and Brox were half brothers, having the same mother but different fathers. Thura was only a child during the Third War, but when Brox returned as the only survivor from helping to hold a vital mountain pass against hordes of demons, even she could sense his survivor's guilt. When she came of warrior age and proved her skills, Thrall himself gave her the enchanted wooden axe her uncle wielded in the War of the Ancients, which had been left with Thrall by Krasus. Brox's only other living relative that could have been given the axe was her other uncle, Varok Saurfang, as her cousin Dranosh Saurfang had recently died (again) in Icecrown Citadel. One of the Saurfangs might have been given the axe before her,"@en . . "Humanoid"@en . . "Thura"@en . "\u017Byje"@pl . "Unknown"@en . "Thura"@en . . . . "Thura"@en . . "Thura was a stoat soldier in Ferahgo the Assassin's horde. He and his \"mucker\" Dingeye deserted from the horde and ended up at Redwall Abbey. There they were treated with kindness by the peaceful creatures. During the night, however, the two stoats played around with a bow and arrow and accidentally shot Brother Hal in the neck and killed him. Frightened, they stole the sword of Martin the Warrior and fled into Mossflower Woods. The blame of Hal's killing fell on Samkim, who found the dead brother after he had picked up the bow. In Mossflower Woods, Thura contracted a disease called Dryditch Fever and died almost instantaneously, leaving Dingeye to be decapitated by Ferahgo's tracker Dethbrush. The stoats were gluttonous, and attempted to eat the entire food supply for the Redwall feast. They were eventually stopped and taken to the infirmary, and given something for their stomachs, but as soon as they recovered, they were eating again. It should be noted that although he and Dingeye never do anything truly good, they were much kinder and friendlier than most vermin, and they were never known to kill intentionally. Also, they were only soldiers of Ferahgo because of their desperation."@en . "Thura po raz pierwszy pojawia si\u0119 w powie\u015Bci Stormrage i jest bratanic\u0105 Broxigara. Ojciec Thury i Brox byli w przyrodnimi bra\u0107mi, maj\u0105cymi t\u0105 sam\u0105 matk\u0119, ale r\u00F3\u017Cnych ojc\u00F3w. Thura by\u0142a tylko dzieckiem podczas Trzeciej wojny, lecz kiedy Brox powr\u00F3ci\u0142 jako jedyny ocala\u0142y z pomagaj\u0105cych utrzyma\u0107 niezb\u0119dne g\u00F3rskie przej\u015Bcie przeciwko hordzie demon\u00F3w, nawet ona potrafi\u0142a wyczu\u0107 win\u0119 jego pozostaj\u0105cych przy \u017Cyciu. Kiedy dosz\u0142a do wieku wojowniczki i udowodni\u0142a swoje zdolno\u015Bci, Thrall osobi\u015Bcie wr\u0119czy\u0142 jej zaczarowany drewniany top\u00F3r, kt\u00F3rym jej wuj walczy\u0142 w Wojnie Staro\u017Cytnych, pozostawiony Thrallowi przez Krasusa. Jedynymi innymi odpowiednimi krewnymi Broxa, kt\u00F3rzy byli godni u\u017Cywa\u0107 tej broni byli jego wujek, Varok Saurfang jak i kuzyn Dranosh Saurfang, kt\u00F3ry niedawno zmar\u0142 ponownie w Cytadeli "@pl . . . "Thura"@pl . . "First Appearance"@en . "Thura"@en . "k"@pl . . "La primera aparici\u00F3n de Thura fue en la novela Stormrage y es la sobrina de Broxigar. El padre de Thura y Broxigar eran medio-hermanos, teniendo la misma madre pero padres diferentes. Thura era solo una ni\u00F1a durante la Tercera Guerra pero cuando Brox regres\u00F3 como el \u00FAnico superviviente de ayudar a mantener un paso de monta\u00F1a vital contra las hordas de demonios, incluso ella pudo sentir su culpa por sobrevivir. Cuando ella llego a la edad de guerrera y probo sus habilidades, Thrall mismo le dio la hacha de madera encantada que su t\u00EDo hab\u00EDa empu\u00F1ado en la Guerra de los Ancestros, que hab\u00EDa sido dejada con Thrall por Krasus. al otro \u00FAnico pariente vivo de Brox que podr\u00EDa hab\u00E9rsele dado el hacha era su otro t\u00EDo, Varok Colmillosauro, como su primo Dranosh Colmillosauro hab\u00EDa muerto recientement"@es . "Created by"@en . .