. "Role-Playing es la actividad de contar una historia junto con otros jugadores. Aunque se puede hacer de manera individual, normalmente se juega en grupos de 2 o m\u00E1s personas. Los participantes determinan las acciones de los personajes que los representa bas\u00E1ndose en su caracterizaci\u00F3n; las acciones tienen \u00E9xito o no de acuerdo con un sistema de reglas. El RolePlay o Juego de Rol, abreviado RP, es una actividad popular en los Reinos Renacientes. Los temas abarcan desde historias rom\u00E1nticas locales hasta grandes batallas y encuentros diplom\u00E1ticos."@es . . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Due to popular demand to separate RP from general chat, the Devs instituted a Roleplay tab in January 2008. In this channel, players write as if they are the characters they play and collaboratively create stories about those characters. Roleplaying adds a whole new dimension to the game and is as important as the day-to-day operations of trading and combat. After all, flight queues can be hours long and combats only happen every five to ten minutes, leaving plenty of time to explore the world through roleplay."@en . "Roleplaying (also known as RP for short) is the act of modifying of a person's behaviour in order to achieve a desired personal image, as to impress others or conform to a particular environment; most common in online games such as Habbo. Habbo has long been an online community Other roleplays on habbo are: There are many types of roleplay within Habbo, certainly too many to list on this article."@en . . "Roleplay (abbrieviated RP, Rp, rp) is a popular game mode in Garry's Mod."@en . "Free-form Role-play is a kind of improvisational acting or story-telling, where the avatars represent characters in-play and the people controlling those avatars are their writers/actors. Free-form means there is no script; scenes evolve out of real-time character interactions."@en . "In roleplaying, players in game adopt and act out the role of their characters. They act in accordance with personalities, motivations, and backgrounds of their characters, that are often different from their own in real life. Roleplay is acting out the role of character that is represented by characters' sheet. Character that has low intelligence should act accordingly, not recognizing every flower, not remembering complicated formulas or speaking in elaborate language, even when such character is played by University professor who would know all these things."@en . "Abbreviated (RP) is the practice of two or more individuals telling a story together, with themselves or characters created by them as the protagonists. Extremely common on Gaia, countless threads, forums, and guilds are dedicated to roleplay."@en . . . . . . . . "Role Playing is acting, just without a script. Think Story Weaving. Role Playing is more like life than things like plays or other scripted acts. Everyone has a part that they play, whether it's school, work, boyfriend, girlfriend etc., it is unscripted. Role play is unscripted. Players figure things out as they go along, putting up with rough patches, and most of all, try and have fun."@en . . . "The Specialists Roleplay AKA TSRP. It is usually based on the HWRP plugins created by Harbu, the creator of the mostly used plugins (Known as Harbu Ware Roleplay). You can earn money every minute (every minute is one hour in TSRP), make a RP (roleplay) with your friends, and apply for jobs. In strict servers there is something called Character-Kill, also known as CK. If you get into a RP situation you have to think if it's your own life it happened. TS (The Specialists) players say that TSRP is killing The Specialists itself. TS was originally created as an intense first/third-person shooter game. But some coders extended the game itself. There's around 20+ TSRP servers in the game. The most populated servers are: Fiskcity, Bad-Habits RP (BHRP), Havoc9, Red Dragon RP (RDRP), and some others. You need Half-Life (1) a Steam account, and download the game at www.specialistsmod.net. The game was originally created by Filippo \"Morfeo\" De Luca and Lorenzo \"John_Matrix\" Pasini."@en . . "RolePlay"@es . "Roleplay (or role-play) is what happens when several people get together, and each takes on the role of a character (original or canon), whose actions they narrate. This can be a lot of fun if done well, or it can descend into Sueishness and poor characterization. Sometimes roleplay chat logs are written up into RP fics. There are several different kinds of roleplay."@en . "Roleplay is where members of the Community take on their own role-playing character personas and enjoy pretending to interact with each other using a plain-text medium, such as a chat room or forum. One well-known RP group is the Evil Council. RP takes place on several sites in the CC, such as the Gameware Forums (currently shut down) and Creatures Caves, as well as sites founded and frequented by community members, such as the Blackstar Dojo."@en . "The Specialists Roleplay AKA TSRP. It is usually based on the HWRP plugins created by Harbu, the creator of the mostly used plugins (Known as Harbu Ware Roleplay). You can earn money every minute (every minute is one hour in TSRP), make a RP (roleplay) with your friends, and apply for jobs. In strict servers there is something called Character-Kill, also known as CK. If you get into a RP situation you have to think if it's your own life it happened. TS (The Specialists) players say that TSRP is killing The Specialists itself. TS was originally created as an intense first/third-person shooter game. But some coders extended the game itself. There's around 20+ TSRP servers in the game. The most populated servers are: Fiskcity, Bad-Habits RP (BHRP), Havoc9, Red Dragon RP (RDRP), and some othe"@en . . . . . "Roleplay is the third episode of the Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation series. It aired on January 21, 2016 on Japanese television networks, and was simulcast on January 22, 2016 for the North American audience with subtitles on Crunchyroll."@en . "Roleplay is where members of the Community take on their own role-playing character personas and enjoy pretending to interact with each other using a plain-text medium, such as a chat room or forum. One well-known RP group is the Evil Council. RP takes place on several sites in the CC, such as the Gameware Forums (currently shut down) and Creatures Caves, as well as sites founded and frequented by community members, such as the Blackstar Dojo."@en . "Roleplaying or Role Play is when the chat and actions of a your Character are in the context of the persona of the character 'avatar' they are playing. For example, those who roleplay a race like the Ratonga might base the pattern of their character's speech on Non-Player Characters (NPCs) they have observed in the world (ex: ratongas adding S's to end of many words, kerra purring out the R's, frogloks speaking in Shakespearean language, iksar hissing their S's, dark elves talking in a snooty, condescending way, etc) and describe their character's personal history based on in-game world events. The common abbreviation for this activity is RP. You will see this abbreviation used for server listings and frequently in guild recruitment information. Most guilds will indicate the degree to which they carry out roleplay (light-heavy) in guild chat and at guild events in their recruiting information."@en . . "Abbreviated (RP) is the practice of two or more individuals telling a story together, with themselves or characters created by them as the protagonists. Extremely common on Gaia, countless threads, forums, and guilds are dedicated to roleplay."@en . . . . . "In roleplaying, players in game adopt and act out the role of their characters. They act in accordance with personalities, motivations, and backgrounds of their characters, that are often different from their own in real life. Roleplay is acting out the role of character that is represented by characters' sheet. Character that has low intelligence should act accordingly, not recognizing every flower, not remembering complicated formulas or speaking in elaborate language, even when such character is played by University professor who would know all these things. See explanation of roleplay rule for some issues that are not considered a good roleplay and should be avoided. One of other bad ways of roleplaying (even if not against rules) is godemoting. On Arelith, good roleplayers are in time granted a RPRating that grants small RP bonus in experiences. Gary Gygax: \"A Master role player is one who is willing and able to bend their character concept to make the game more enjoyable for all involved.\""@en . . "Roleplay is a section on the AE forums moderated by Ikari. It's community is mostly composed of people that never post anywhere else on the forums. Roleplay is a section known for it's hideously long threads and overdone Out of Character threads."@en . "Free-form Role-play is a kind of improvisational acting or story-telling, where the avatars represent characters in-play and the people controlling those avatars are their writers/actors. Free-form means there is no script; scenes evolve out of real-time character interactions."@en . . "Role-play refers to acting out in a particular character, most particularly the words and customs of that character. Actions which are out of character or OOC are generally required to be noted in some way, or used in some other mode of communication. Almost of all Second Life can be described as role-play, but within second life it refers to a restricted environment where explicit or implicit rules of conduct are required. It is also used to describe a setting where role-play is expected, such as refer to Gor as \"a role-play.\" Common role-plays in Second Life are associated with BDSM, with military, dark urban or high fantasy settings. Gor, Star Wars and Star Trek are all common role-plays that focus on specific media themes. Furry is another prevalent role-play. With in Second Life there are many levels of Role-playing, with many meanings. Though on the most basic level, it has to do with playing a character while engaging in social interaction. Some would say, going to a renaissance sim, dressed to fit the part, and standing around a courtyard or forest, instead of an info hub, casually talking about their day, is role-playing. On a more involved level, a role-player might have done some research. Filled out a character biography sheet. This is a note card where the role-player describes their characters; wants, likes, dis-likes, background, and any other information that might help form the character. Some sims, like Toxian City, players are given a sample biography sheet to help them form their character. Other sims, W.O.H. (World of Harry Potter) for example has those wanting to join the role-play submit a biography/character sheet. Life styling is different from role-play, as some might say. Those with in a certain role play will separate themselves from those people called, role players. Usually, players that are in Gor or Furry role-plays will use the phrase life style to show their commitment. These people have been involved in their role-play, for a long period of time and have engrossed themselves into it. In this context the term role-player is used to weed out the boys from the men, so to speak. See also Combat Roleplay."@en . "Roleplay is assuming the persona (or role) of a character while in the game and acting out the character's spoken dialogue, actions, emotes, etc. It is like pretending to be someone you are not or someone you can never be. A key element of roleplaying is consistency, both of actions taken in the game and between in-game actions and pre-specified background information. Background information includes both decisions made during character creation (perhaps most notably alignment) and any background stories that may have been written for that character (including the background story of the gameworld). In particular, roleplayers should maintain a distinction between what the player knows and what the character knows, avoiding metagaming as much as possible. Some players see roleplaying as diametrically opposed to powergaming (or \"rollplaying\", as in rolling dice). While powergaming does often involve metagaming for decision-making, it is not necessarily at odds with playing a role as sometimes a role can be invented that happens to fit the powergamer's goals. On the other hand, such invented roles are often (particularly when the player is inexperienced) \"thin\", \"weak\", or otherwise unacceptable to the more demanding roleplayers. Thus, there is a split between the two play styles, albeit not an unbridgeable gap. There are many servers where roleplaying is either encouraged or even enforced. If not found in the \"Role Play\" category on GameSpy, such servers usually have a note about roleplaying in their description or website. Such servers often provide a forum where players can post their characters' background stories for others to read. (It may be important to note that these stories are posted for other players to read and are often not part of what other characters know.) On such servers, it is probably poor form to include these stories in a character's description (written during character creation); a physical description of the character is more appropriate in this case."@en . "TF2k5 uses a consensual policy of role-playing. What this means is that you, the player, have the right to decide what happens to your character. However, you are also responsible for your IC actions, and you cannot use the consensual policy to avoid the consequences of the actions that you choose to take. If a disagreement arises about what those consequences should be, you should call in an available admin to arbitrate. Common sense should govern your actions. If you don't want your character to die, don't put him/her in situations where you would IC'ly die. If you don't want to be taken prisoner, retreat before you're in danger of getting knocked out, make sure you've got a friend nearby who will pull you out, or make sure the other side's players don't mind leaving you for dead. And so on. You are also expected to cooperate with other players. Be courteous; if you want to take some actions that will greatly affect other players, ask them for their consent OOC'ly beforehand. If they refuse and you feel that the refusal is inappropriate, or if someone takes actions against your will that affect your character seriously, talk to a staffer. Remember the goal of the MUSH: for everyone to have fun. If you persist in acting in a way that makes things less fun for other players, you will eventually start incurring the most unpleasant consequences possible for your actions. If that doesn't stop you, or the actions are very problematic, your actions may be retconned and/or your character taken away. The only exception is the case where the RP would make you, the player, OOCly uncomfortable. This includes such scenarios as torture or adult-themed RP. You ALWAYS have the right to refuse to participate in such RP, and even if you agree to participate, such RP must be kept completely PRIVATE. Additionally, there are two scenarios that are completely non-allowed on this MUSH: suicide and nonconsensual sex. You may not under any circumstances RP them."@en . "Roleplaying or Role Play is when the chat and actions of a your Character are in the context of the persona of the character 'avatar' they are playing. For example, those who roleplay a race like the Ratonga might base the pattern of their character's speech on Non-Player Characters (NPCs) they have observed in the world (ex: ratongas adding S's to end of many words, kerra purring out the R's, frogloks speaking in Shakespearean language, iksar hissing their S's, dark elves talking in a snooty, condescending way, etc) and describe their character's personal history based on in-game world events."@en . "Roleplay is basically acting. In gaming, it is developina a person, a situation and actions for a character within the structure of the game. In a space game, for example, the player could roleplay the captain of a star ship or an alien life form. The play would then respond to actions within the MU* environment as if they were that being."@en . . "Roleplay is basically acting. In gaming, it is developina a person, a situation and actions for a character within the structure of the game. In a space game, for example, the player could roleplay the captain of a star ship or an alien life form. The play would then respond to actions within the MU* environment as if they were that being."@en . "Roleplay is a section on the AE forums moderated by Ikari. It's community is mostly composed of people that never post anywhere else on the forums. Roleplay is a section known for it's hideously long threads and overdone Out of Character threads."@en . "Wyrmrest Accord is a Roleplaying Server, which means it has a few different rules than other realms, as well as all the usual ones. To help you have the best experience on Wyrmrest Accord while Roleplaying, be sure to read this page, especially if you're new to roleplaying. For a great community discussion on dealing with RP Stagefright, read Stagefright 101 at the official WA Realm Forum."@en . "__NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Roleplay is an activity in which its participants assume the role of fictional characters. Within the fantasy setting of Naradun, roleplay is done using the mIRC software, the goal of the players being enjoying themselves and creating additional lore for the world of Naradun."@en . "Roleplay is assuming the persona (or role) of a character while in the game and acting out the character's spoken dialogue, actions, emotes, etc. It is like pretending to be someone you are not or someone you can never be. A key element of roleplaying is consistency, both of actions taken in the game and between in-game actions and pre-specified background information. Background information includes both decisions made during character creation (perhaps most notably alignment) and any background stories that may have been written for that character (including the background story of the gameworld). In particular, roleplayers should maintain a distinction between what the player knows and what the character knows, avoiding metagaming as much as possible."@en . . . "Role-play refers to acting out in a particular character, most particularly the words and customs of that character. Actions which are out of character or OOC are generally required to be noted in some way, or used in some other mode of communication. Almost of all Second Life can be described as role-play, but within second life it refers to a restricted environment where explicit or implicit rules of conduct are required. It is also used to describe a setting where role-play is expected, such as refer to Gor as \"a role-play.\" See also Combat Roleplay."@en . . . "Roleplaying (also known as RP for short) is the act of modifying of a person's behaviour in order to achieve a desired personal image, as to impress others or conform to a particular environment; most common in online games such as Habbo. Habbo has long been an online community for roleplayers to act out certain actions and scenarios. Since the beginning, Habbo has hosted many specialist roleplaying rooms. Many are based on military forces around the world, such as the US Army. Others are based on gangs and crime organizations, e.g. the Italian Mafia. And others could be based in the fashion world of Habbo, which are Model Agencies. Other roleplays on habbo are: \n* City Roleplay \n* Dark guild of assassins roleplay \n* Gang Roleplay \n* Harry Potter/Hogwarts Roleplay \n* Hospital Roleplay \n* Lord of the Rings Roleplay \n* Myth Roleplay \n* Naruto Roleplay \n* Police Department Roleplay \n* Pok\u00E9mon Roleplay \n* Prison Roleplay \n* Roleplays in general \n* School Roleplay \n* Star Wars roleplay \n* Vampire Roleplay \n* World war II Roleplay \n* World of Darkness Roleplay \n* Wrestling Roleplay \n* Zombie Survival Roleplay There are many types of roleplay within Habbo, certainly too many to list on this article."@en . "Roleplay is when you are in character, on a grid (any grid) and are interacting with other characters as such."@en . . "Roleplay is the third episode of the Phantasy Star Online 2 The Animation series. It aired on January 21, 2016 on Japanese television networks, and was simulcast on January 22, 2016 for the North American audience with subtitles on Crunchyroll."@en . . . . . . "To roleplay, on a general scale, is to assume a role of any entity (a creature or object) and apply its behavior to a fictional situation. Such events, commonly known as \"scenes\", are depicted alongside other players. As a genre, roleplay games have become increasingly popular with the releases of various titles including Robloxaville, Star Wars Awakening, After The Flash, and Kingdom Life. Roleplaying games on ROBLOX have been known to generally have more overall scripting, along with well-designed and hand-crafted landscapes in them, compared to any other genre in ROBLOX ."@en . . "Role-Playing es la actividad de contar una historia junto con otros jugadores. Aunque se puede hacer de manera individual, normalmente se juega en grupos de 2 o m\u00E1s personas. Los participantes determinan las acciones de los personajes que los representa bas\u00E1ndose en su caracterizaci\u00F3n; las acciones tienen \u00E9xito o no de acuerdo con un sistema de reglas. El RolePlay o Juego de Rol, abreviado RP, es una actividad popular en los Reinos Renacientes. Los temas abarcan desde historias rom\u00E1nticas locales hasta grandes batallas y encuentros diplom\u00E1ticos."@es . "Roleplay is when you are in character, on a grid (any grid) and are interacting with other characters as such."@en . . "Wyrmrest Accord is a Roleplaying Server, which means it has a few different rules than other realms, as well as all the usual ones. To help you have the best experience on Wyrmrest Accord while Roleplaying, be sure to read this page, especially if you're new to roleplaying. For a great community discussion on dealing with RP Stagefright, read Stagefright 101 at the official WA Realm Forum."@en . "Role Playing is acting, just without a script. Think Story Weaving. Role Playing is more like life than things like plays or other scripted acts. Everyone has a part that they play, whether it's school, work, boyfriend, girlfriend etc., it is unscripted. Role play is unscripted. Players figure things out as they go along, putting up with rough patches, and most of all, try and have fun."@en . . "Roleplay"@en . "To roleplay, on a general scale, is to assume a role of any entity (a creature or object) and apply its behavior to a fictional situation. Such events, commonly known as \"scenes\", are depicted alongside other players. As a genre, roleplay games have become increasingly popular with the releases of various titles including Robloxaville, Star Wars Awakening, After The Flash, and Kingdom Life. Roleplaying games on ROBLOX have been known to generally have more overall scripting, along with well-designed and hand-crafted landscapes in them, compared to any other genre in ROBLOX . Roleplaying is a form of improvisational acting, and actions and quotes are generated on-cue. At most, it is never depicted to be real nor true, unless it is a re-enactment (which is very rare in roleplaying). As an example, a difficult scene to act out where multiple players are real friends and work together is when their \"characters\" are opposed or on different teams; insults, comebacks, and other negative comments must be thought out well before applying them, as any wrong move or misinterpretation could break the roleplay and potentially the relationship."@en . . . "Roleplay is an activity in which its participants assume the role of fictional characters. Within the fantasy setting of Naradun, roleplay is done using the mIRC software, the goal of the players being enjoying themselves and creating additional lore for the world of Naradun."@en . . "Roleplay (or role-play) is what happens when several people get together, and each takes on the role of a character (original or canon), whose actions they narrate. This can be a lot of fun if done well, or it can descend into Sueishness and poor characterization. Sometimes roleplay chat logs are written up into RP fics. There are several different kinds of roleplay."@en . . . . "Roleplaying is the act of playing out the role of a character: describing their actions and thoughts, and speaking for them, to interact with an imaginary setting. Roleplay is also referred to as a style of gaming. Most computer based RPGs have several styles of play available, and Neverwinter Nights is no exception. People who prefer to roleplay will often gravitate towards servers that provide detailed environments that are true to the setting on which it is based, and where likeminded players are around to interact with. Roleplay is also a reference to a style of game server or persistent world, one that is geared towards roleplaying in general, where combat has a purpose, is sparse, and likely more dangerous and full of risk."@en . . . . . . "Roleplay (abbrieviated RP, Rp, rp) is a popular game mode in Garry's Mod."@en . "Roleplaying is the act of playing out the role of a character: describing their actions and thoughts, and speaking for them, to interact with an imaginary setting. Roleplay is also referred to as a style of gaming. Most computer based RPGs have several styles of play available, and Neverwinter Nights is no exception. People who prefer to roleplay will often gravitate towards servers that provide detailed environments that are true to the setting on which it is based, and where likeminded players are around to interact with."@en . "Due to popular demand to separate RP from general chat, the Devs instituted a Roleplay tab in January 2008. In this channel, players write as if they are the characters they play and collaboratively create stories about those characters. Roleplaying adds a whole new dimension to the game and is as important as the day-to-day operations of trading and combat. After all, flight queues can be hours long and combats only happen every five to ten minutes, leaving plenty of time to explore the world through roleplay. Apart from chat, there is much written about the world of Skyrates in the Skybrary and in the Skyrate Stories & Creations forum."@en . "TF2k5 uses a consensual policy of role-playing. What this means is that you, the player, have the right to decide what happens to your character. However, you are also responsible for your IC actions, and you cannot use the consensual policy to avoid the consequences of the actions that you choose to take. If a disagreement arises about what those consequences should be, you should call in an available admin to arbitrate."@en . .