"When Samus Aran returned to the planet to destroy Mother Brain, Ridley landed the Space Pirate Mothership near Chozodia before leaving for his lair. Some time later, the Pirates connected their ship to the Chozo ruins with a glass bridge, and began excavating the temple as well as installing unique Pirate Alarm Systems to catch possible intruders. Samus was later forced to explore Chozodia after she was shot down by Space Pirates. The area also contains segments of the Wrecked Ship, though it is only during the events of Super Metroid in which Samus will be able to completely explore it; other than this, the rest of the area has only appeared in Metroid: Zero Mission."@en . . . . . . . "Kategorie:Stub thumb|Samus, kurz davor, das Mutterschiff der Weltraumpiraten zu entern Chozodia ist ein Sektor in dem die Ruinen der Chozo sind, die in Metroid: Zero Mission \u00F6stlich von Crateria liegen. Dort findet in Metroid: Zero Mission im Vergleich zum urspr\u00FCnglichen Metroid ein Epilog statt, in dem sich Samus auch an ihre Kindheit mit den Chozo erinnert."@de . . . . "Chozodia"@es . . "Normal"@es . "Antiguas ruinas Chozo"@es . "Chozodia_mapa.gif"@es . . "Chozodia"@de . . . . . . . "Kategorie:Stub thumb|Samus, kurz davor, das Mutterschiff der Weltraumpiraten zu entern Chozodia ist ein Sektor in dem die Ruinen der Chozo sind, die in Metroid: Zero Mission \u00F6stlich von Crateria liegen. Dort findet in Metroid: Zero Mission im Vergleich zum urspr\u00FCnglichen Metroid ein Epilog statt, in dem sich Samus auch an ihre Kindheit mit den Chozo erinnert."@de . . . . "Chozodia.png"@es . . . . . "Chozodia"@en . "When Samus Aran returned to the planet to destroy Mother Brain, Ridley landed the Space Pirate Mothership near Chozodia before leaving for his lair. Some time later, the Pirates connected their ship to the Chozo ruins with a glass bridge, and began excavating the temple as well as installing unique Pirate Alarm Systems to catch possible intruders. Samus was later forced to explore Chozodia after she was shot down by Space Pirates. The area also contains segments of the Wrecked Ship, though it is only during the events of Super Metroid in which Samus will be able to completely explore it; other than this, the rest of the area has only appeared in Metroid: Zero Mission. Scattered throughout Chozodia are copious amounts of hieroglyphs, and carvings of Chozo (including one that attacks Samus) similar to the designs of the ancient Egyptian civilization on Earth. The Power Bomb upgrade was located in this area prior to its theft by a Space Pirate. The Chozo Statue holding the upgrade was very similar to Chac Mool, an ancient Mayan statue holding a plate on its hands."@en . "Chozodia es el nombre que se le concede a una zona de la superficie externa del planeta Zebes. Aparece en Metroid: Zero Mission. Chozodia son las ruinas de un templo Chozo gigante, que probablemente era utilizado para rituales y ceremonias. Est\u00E1 conectado con Crateria por el oeste, con la Nave Nodriza Pirata por el este y a la Nave Hundida por \u00E1reas subterr\u00E1neas. Samus Aran llega a Chozodia desde la Nave Nodriza Pirata en Metroid: Zero Mission sin su traje y despu\u00E9s de que su nave fuera emboscada y destruida por los Piratas Espaciales."@es . "Chozodia"@es . . . . "Chozodia es el nombre que se le concede a una zona de la superficie externa del planeta Zebes. Aparece en Metroid: Zero Mission. Chozodia son las ruinas de un templo Chozo gigante, que probablemente era utilizado para rituales y ceremonias. Est\u00E1 conectado con Crateria por el oeste, con la Nave Nodriza Pirata por el este y a la Nave Hundida por \u00E1reas subterr\u00E1neas. Samus Aran llega a Chozodia desde la Nave Nodriza Pirata en Metroid: Zero Mission sin su traje y despu\u00E9s de que su nave fuera emboscada y destruida por los Piratas Espaciales."@es . . . . . .