. "Floa"@en . "Tora \u00EBsht\u00EB shoku m\u00EB i mir\u00EB i Bardockit madje ai \u00EBsht\u00EB sikurse v\u00EBlla me t\u00EB.thumb|Pamja origjinale e Tor\u00EBs Pasi q\u00EB Bardocku d\u00EBgjon se Tora dhe shok\u00EBt e tjerr jan\u00EB nisur p\u00EBr n\u00EB Planeti Kanassan Ai niset menj\u00EBher\u00EB p\u00EBr n\u00EB at\u00EB planet. Kur mb\u00EBrrin atje Tora ishte n\u00EB momentet e fundit dhe Bardocki e pyet se \u00E7far\u00EB ka ndodhur, Dhe ai i tregon se si Friza i ka d\u00EBrguar k\u00EBtu sepse frik\u00EBsohet nga Super Sajani dhe aty ai vdes. Dhe nga inati i tij ai merr shamin\u00EB q\u00EB kishte t\u00EB lidhur n\u00EB dor\u00EB dhe e mb\u00EBshtjell\u00EB ne kok\u00EB kur e ngrit kok\u00EBn sheh armiqt\u00EB q\u00EB po qeshnin dhe lufton me ta."@sq . "Is Roi"@en . "Ruler of Togenkyo Island"@en . . . . . . "Aza"@en . . "Honhime"@en . . . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Is Efid"@en . "Toma"@en . "Toma"@en . . "--11-12"^^ . . "Hikaru Midorikawa"@en . "Vlad^e"@en . "Toma.png"@it . . . . "Age"@en . "Togenkyo Island's Prince of Illusions"@en . "Dia Pam"@en . . "Dead"@en . . "Occupation"@en . . . "9"^^ . "Cof'"@en . . "Rubio"@es . . "Toma ist Mitglied des Schwarzen Ordens, wo er als Finder ohne au\u00DFergew\u00F6hnliche Kr\u00E4fte um die Welt reist und ungew\u00F6hnliche Ph\u00E4nomene untersucht, die mit Innocence in Verbindung gebracht werden k\u00F6nnten."@de . "Unborn S4"@en . . . . "Blumion"@en . . "Toma"@en . "Vink"@en . "Toma is a soft or semi-hard, Italian cow's milk cheese. It is made primarily in the Aosta Valley (it is one of the region's specialties) and Piedmont regions of Northern Italy. Toma varies with region and locale of production, and is closely related to the French tomme. The Toma Piemontese variety from Piedmont has Protected Designation of Origin status under EU legislation while the Toma di Gressoney, produced in the Gressoney Valley, is officially recognized as a Prodotto agroalimentare tradizionale and is included in the Ark of Taste catalogue of heritage foods. It can have a fat content of 45%-52%."@en . . "Ov"@en . . . . "Etich"@en . . "N3rwat"@en . . "Job"@en . "Toma (\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE T\u014DmaJap) fue un saiyajin de clase baja, que formaba parte del Escuadr\u00F3n Bardock y era el mejor amigo de \u00E9ste. Se dedicaban a la conquista de planetas, los cuales una vez conquistados, eran vendidos a Freezer. Hasta que un d\u00EDa Freezer decide traicionar a los saiyajin porque ten\u00EDa miedo de que se rebelasen contra \u00E9l, ya que Freezer conoc\u00EDa una leyenda en que un saiyajin se convertir\u00EDa en Super Saiyajin y acabar\u00EDa con \u00E9l y su ej\u00E9rcito, por lo que le tiende una emboscada al escuadr\u00F3n de Bardock, el cual es aniquilado por Dodoria y su \u00E9lite, siendo Bardock el \u00FAnico que sobrevivi\u00F3 a tal ataque."@es . "Shel"@en . "Blio"@en . "Rusal"@en . "Wilk"@en . "Light blond"@en . . "Fluv"@en . "Omat"@en . . "Edva"@en . "Gilfrat"@en . "Is Cali"@en . "12000"^^ . . "Vivo"@es . . . . "Toma is a member of the Black Order, where he acts as a Finder, a regular human unit with no special powers who travels the world investigating unusual phenomena that could be linked to Innocence.__TOC__"@en . . "Volg"@en . . "AMNE\u01A7IA"@es . "Angel"@en . "Citizen"@en . . . . . . . "Mint Leaf"@en . . . "Z3r"@en . "200"^^ . . . "Vink"@en . . . "Akwarae"@en . "Toma"@de . "Toma is a playable Swordsman in the game Shining Force EXA. He is one of the game's two protagonists."@en . . . "\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE"@en . "Is W^el3n"@en . . . . "Debuhara"@en . "First Commander of the Imperial Forces"@en . . "Toma"@de . "Is Vin"@en . "The Toma were the sentient natives of the planet Oznek. They were distinguished by their green fur, yellow eyes, and brown skin."@en . "Cum"@en . "Episode 177"@en . . . . "Toma lived during the War of Power."@en . . "Giilifr^e"@en . . . "Toma (>\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE ) est un Saiyajin de caste inf\u00E9rieure, membre de l'unit\u00E9 de Bardock. Il appara\u00EEt dans le TV Film 1 : Le tout dernier combat, seul contre tous, le p\u00E8re du guerrier Z Kakarotto d\u00E9fie Freezer."@fr . . "Robr^e"@en . . "Kaptel 8\nFolge 3"@de . . "\u30C8\u30A6\u30DE"@it . "Bardock Fasha Toteppo Panppukin"@es . . "Kav"@en . . "Edwina"@en . "Vilnes"@en . "White"@en . . "Wikigrali"@en . "Toma is a playable Swordsman in the game Shining Force EXA. He is one of the game's two protagonists."@en . "Is Pipk"@en . . . . . "Toma (\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE) is a character from Romancing SaGa 2. He is the son of king Harold and younger brother to Georg and Sofia he is very important in the Cumberland civil war quest line and is one of the central characters in it depending on what actions are taken during the quest he can either live or die. It is also interesting to note that Toma has battle sprites in the game which means that he was planned to originally be playable but for some reason the idea never went through he also appears physically older in his battle sprite which means he was probably meant to be quite an important character."@en . "#2A52BE"@fr . . "Shining Force EXA"@en . . "Uthor"@en . . . . "Unknown nationality"@en . "Toma"@pl . "Is Cuy"@en . . . "anime"@es . . "T\u014Dma"@fr . . . . . "Entkit"@en . . . "Aoi"@en . "Tuni"@en . "*\n*"@en . . . "Fanart"@en . "Alive S5"@en . . "Is Xilca"@en . . "Wild child Hero Toma"@en . . . . . "Iaza"@en . . "Toma was a duke of the Gold Dragon's kingdom, and younger brother of fellow duke Kyrg. He was responsible for the assault and destruction of Mito Pica, alleged birthplace of Cabe Bedlam. After his defeat at the hands of Azran Bedlam and Gold\u00B4s Defeat by Cabe Bedlam, he took the ill Emperor to the Ice Dragon where they were held prisoners by the mad King. In the following battle the Gold Dragon died protecting his hatchlings from the Ice Dragon's power and in the confusion Toma escaped."@en . "Riikus"@en . "Vilre"@en . "Species"@en . . "Toma was a tall, male Human with long, white hair. He was the leader of the Separatist resistance movement on Acherin during the Clone Wars. In 17 BBY, he gained control of Acherin and declared it a bastion of the Separatist cause. His new government was quickly suppressed by the Galactic Empire. In 11 BBY, Toma joined with Gizor Dellso and Marath Vooro in forming the Confederate Remnant."@en . "300"^^ . . . "Toma (>\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE ) est un Saiyajin de caste inf\u00E9rieure, membre de l'unit\u00E9 de Bardock. Il appara\u00EEt dans le TV Film 1 : Le tout dernier combat, seul contre tous, le p\u00E8re du guerrier Z Kakarotto d\u00E9fie Freezer."@fr . . . . . "*[[starwars:Confederacy of Independent Systems"@en . "Entund"@en . "Dedt"@en . "Is Bana"@en . "It's not polite to ask"@en . "ToraTooma"@es . "Brat by Ranma"@en . . "Ak"@en . "Feathers instead of hair, wings growing from his temples"@en . . "Kwam"@en . "Black Order"@en . "Toma is a teenage, kindhearted Marine swordsman from the fifth One Piece movie."@en . "Dia Klon"@en . "Kel"@en . "Is R^egauno"@en . . . "Toma"@en . "center"@es . . "Zxsion"@en . . "W^el"@en . "Sous-lieutenant de l'\u00E9lite de Bardock"@fr . . "none"@en . "am Leben"@de . "Katiiva"@en . "Wandered"@en . "Kazuyuki Sogabe"@es . "ful3r"@en . "Lara"@en . "unta"@en . "Toma is a playable character from Shining Force EXA. He is one of the game's two protagonists."@en . . . "Is Riw"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Dia Swac"@en . "Pancakes"@en . . . "Favorite Food"@en . "Marine"@es . "Giappone"@en . "Toma"@pt . . "Shadow Angel"@en . "Official artwork of Toma by Akira Toriyama."@en . . . "Gallery"@en . "Toma droppen jegliche Art der Leylana. (darkon1,2)"@de . "Having to do work herself, delivering things, failing spells"@en . "The Rent World"@en . "Totappo"@fr . "Dia Ak"@en . . . "Is Harm"@en . "Curae"@en . . . . . "Kasev"@en . "Huhu"@en . . "Bila"@en . "Wavtekas"@en . "Sagitario"@es . . "Alias"@en . . "Duke of Kivan Grath"@en . . "Toma is the Tenkou Star in Suikoden V."@en . . . "Kind3rstak"@en . . "Is Punct"@en . "Kla"@en . "Is R^ega"@en . "amnesia-anime"@es . . "Toma ne Le porte del paradiso"@en . . . "Yellow"@en . . "Toma \u300C\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE, T\u014Dma ?\u300D, es uno de los personajes principales masculinos y amigo de la infancia de Heroine y de Shin. Su ruta simb\u00F3lica en el juego es el \"diamante\". Es un estudiante universitario de segundo a\u00F1o con 20 a\u00F1os de edad. Amigo de la infancia de Shin y Heroine. Le gusta jugar baloncesto, ciclismo, navegar por Internet, jugar videojuegos, cocinar y leer. \u00C9l est\u00E1 en un buen n\u00FAmero de clubes escolares, como el f\u00FAtbol, la radiodifusi\u00F3n, tiro con arco y el peri\u00F3dico. Sus animales favoritos son los \"seres humanos\". Sus ojos son de color amarillo anaranjado con un tono de color verde en la parte superior, su cabello es g\u00FCero con un tono anaranjado en las puntas y usa una diadema negra."@es . "Origin"@en . . . "Kald"@en . . "Is Dide"@en . "#F7D358"@es . "Shia"@en . "Is Donr"@en . "Mama"@en . "T\u014Dma"@es . "Satoshi Hino"@es . "\u2022 Queen's Knight Apprentice"@en . "Superhuman Strength and Speed, Swordsmen, Shining Force"@en . . "Acherin"@en . . "Mountain village"@en . "Next Dimension capitolo 30"@en . "100"^^ . . "Lorenzo Scattorin"@en . "Umana"@en . "4"^^ . "Toma is a character in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Toma is a Hylian traveler who can be found across Hyrule. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . . . "Vilneshia"@en . . "Is Rith"@en . . "Is Loufa"@en . "T\u014Dma"@en . "Oval"@en . "Glory"@en . "Is Hagh"@en . "Aquarion Episode 1: \"Memories of Heavenly Wings\""@en . "Birthday"@en . "Toma"@es . . "Toma was a tall, male Human with long, white hair. He was the leader of the Separatist resistance movement on Acherin during the Clone Wars. In 17 BBY, he gained control of Acherin and declared it a bastion of the Separatist cause. His new government was quickly suppressed by the Galactic Empire. In 11 BBY, Toma joined with Gizor Dellso and Marath Vooro in forming the Confederate Remnant."@en . "???cm"@en . "Toma"@de . "M"@it . "Marin"@en . . "Toma XIV ( )"@en . "Toma is a keke witch native to Pop Star. A rebel of her kind, instead of working for the Keke Delivery Service she practices witchcraft by her lonesome. Her magic powers have also given her a strange relationship with the Broom Hatter species, who are at the whim of a certain spell of hers. She runs her own cleaning service using the Broom Hatters at her disposal, when she's not working on improving her arcane skills."@en . "Hobby"@en . "Height"@en . . "Toma"@es . "Vilne"@en . "Toma (\u30C8\u30A6\u30DE, T\u014Dma) est un \u00E9p\u00E9iste de la Marine dans le cinqui\u00E8me film."@fr . "Popith"@en . "Toma"@en . . "A LOT OF STUFF CHANGES SINCE THE LAST TIME I UPDATED, I CAN'T DO IT NOW BUT I WILL UPDATED LATER."@en . . "MarinesColors"@en . "Type of Hero"@en . "Zilo"@en . . "Shea"@en . . "Episode 3"@en . . "Toma is a Steelfang Drake that players tame for Chuno of Ronjok village. Later, Chuno provides quests to feed the ever-hungry-but-not-good-at-hunting drake."@en . . "Powers / Skills"@en . . "F0F8FF"@fr . "Shining Fortress"@en . . . "Hutska"@en . "Toma Levine is a great explorer in Chrono Trigger. He is seen in the Middle Ages, mostly in bars. When you see him, he usually asks for you to buy him a drink. After you buy him a drink, he tells you a story about what is going on. His main mission is to locate the Rainbow Shell that you get later on in the Giant's Claw. There is his grave seen in the Present. Toma dies on Sixth of Thirdmoon, 634 (March 6, 634)"@en . . . . "Loa"@en . "\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE"@es . "Dislikes"@en . . "Warrior"@en . "Swordsmen"@en . "Ulpa"@en . . "Is Leca"@en . "2.3"^^ . . . . "Toma was a duke of the Gold Dragon's kingdom, and younger brother of fellow duke Kyrg. He was responsible for the assault and destruction of Mito Pica, alleged birthplace of Cabe Bedlam. After his defeat at the hands of Azran Bedlam and Gold\u00B4s Defeat by Cabe Bedlam, he took the ill Emperor to the Ice Dragon where they were held prisoners by the mad King. In the following battle the Gold Dragon died protecting his hatchlings from the Ice Dragon's power and in the confusion Toma escaped. Later he returned posing as the human teacher Benjin Traske. He tried to influence the young Gold successor into being his puppet but was thwarted again by Cabe Bedlam. Ultimately he died after killing the new Gold Dragon\u00B4s treacherous brother, Grath."@en . "\u30C8\u30A6\u30DE"@es . "\u30C8\u30DE"@en . "Bakt"@en . . "Toma lived during the War of Power."@en . "Roa"@en . . "Toma"@en . . . "O"@en . . "Daldi"@en . "Toma (\u30C8\u30A6\u30DE Toma?) es un espadach\u00EDn de la Marine que apareci\u00F3 por primera vez en la quinta pel\u00EDcula de One Piece."@es . . . . "Is Wale"@en . . . . "Is Kiki"@en . "Is Zxv"@en . "Sman"@en . . ""@es . . . . . "Is Kwen"@en . "Is Roflt"@en . "Naha"@en . "Toma droppen jegliche Art der Leylana. (darkon1,2)"@de . . "Is Welr"@en . "Toma_V1.png"@en . "Is Unv"@en . "Is Oalt"@en . . "Toma is a small Human boy living in Radiata Castle, he is Torenia's one and only friend and other then Jack, is the only person who can see her."@en . . . "Sh\u014Dtenshi T\u014Dma"@en . "Tuv"@en . "Toma is the Tenkou Star in Suikoden V."@en . . . "Ropk"@en . "Toma"@es . "Green"@en . "Cleaning service boss, Witch"@en . . "Cak"@en . "Pantos"@en . "Cusm"@en . . . "B"@en . . . "Masa"@en . . . . "Chapter 8"@en . . . "Telda"@en . "Marine soldier"@en . . . "Pumbukin"@fr . . . . . . . "20"^^ . . "Keke"@en . "Wat"@en . . . "T\u014Dma"@es . . . "Is Tork"@en . "Miembro del Escuadr\u00F3n Bardock Soldado Saiyajin de clase baja"@es . . . "Jat"@en . "13"^^ . . "Toma ist Mitglied des Schwarzen Ordens, wo er als Finder ohne au\u00DFergew\u00F6hnliche Kr\u00E4fte um die Welt reist und ungew\u00F6hnliche Ph\u00E4nomene untersucht, die mit Innocence in Verbindung gebracht werden k\u00F6nnten."@de . "J. Michael Tatum"@en . "C'Vla"@en . . . . . "Cuth"@en . "#F0F8FF"@fr . . "Toma \u00E8 il fratello di Marin, ed \u00E8 un guerriero appartente alle schiere degli Angel, i guerrieri al servizio delle divinit\u00E0 sull'Olimpo. Appare per la prima volta nel manga introduttivo Saint Seiya - Tenkai-Hen - Introduction e nel film Le porte del paradiso, dove \u00E8 conosciuto anche come Icaro (\u30A4\u30AB\u30ED\u30B9 Icarus?), e successivamente ripreso nel nuovo manga Saint Seiya - Next Dimension - Myth of Hades con alcuni particolari cambiati rispetto al film. Ci\u00F2 \u00E8 stato possibile perch\u00E9, a differenza degli altri due Angel apparsi nel film (Odisseo e Teseo), Toma \u00E8 stato creato da Kurumada stesso."@en . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y do rozbudowania __HIDDENCAT__ Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y bez ilustracji Toma (jap.\u30C8\u30DE [Toma], pl. brak) \u2013 jeden z najwa\u017Cniejszych w oddziale Bardocka oraz jego najlepszy przyjaciel. Razem z Bardockiem stanowi\u0105 \u015Bwietny zesp\u00F3\u0142 s\u0105 gotowi odda\u0107 za siebie \u017Cycie. Niestety nawet on nie by\u0142 w stanie pokona\u0107 Dodorii i jego \u017Co\u0142nierzy. Pierwszy raz pojawia si\u0119 podczas podbijania planety, po walce wojownicy pal\u0105 ognisko i rozmawiaj\u0105, gdy mieszkaniec atakuje Bardocka Toma pomaga mu. Toma z reszt\u0105 dru\u017Cyny rozmawia z lekarzem przy komorze regeneracyjnej. Potem lec\u0105 na Mito, tam atakuje ich Dodoria, Bardock najd\u0142u\u017Cej stawia op\u00F3r. Gdy przybywa Bardock, Toma daje znak \u017Cycia i wyjawia dow\u00F3dcy o zdradzie wojsk Freezera i umiera. Bardock zdejmuje mu opask\u0119 z ramienia, wyciera krew z twarzy i zak\u0142ada na g\u0142ow\u0119, nosi j\u0105 do ko\u0144ca filmu."@pl . "Kuent"@en . "Braka"@en . "Entkit"@en . . "Prince Toma is the young ruler of Togenkyo Island. Because the island is situated on top of a spring which makes it impossible for the island's inhabitants to give birth to females, the only way for his people to find brides is to kidnap them from neighboring islands, assisted by his three human-animal hybrid henchmen, Sarutoru, Torristan, and Wonton."@en . . . . . "N3rcuv"@en . "Amnesia"@es . "Is Crt"@en . "Occupation"@en . . "Least Favorite Food"@en . "Toma"@en . . . "Masculino"@es . . . . "Zalo"@en . . . "None"@en . "Diamante"@es . "None"@en . . . . "Zxsia"@en . "Vil^es"@en . . "Is Nom"@en . "Philippe Ariotti"@fr . "300"^^ . . "\u30C8\u30A6\u30DE"@en . . "TV Film 1 : Le tout dernier combat, seul contre tous, le p\u00E8re du guerrier Z Kakarotto d\u00E9fie Freezer"@fr . . "Rogriik"@en . . . . "Vok"@en . "Toma (\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE T\u014Dma) es uno de los personajes principales masculinos y amigo de la infancia de Heroine y de Shin. Su ruta simb\u00F3lica en el juego es el \"diamante\"."@es . "Brown"@en . "Toma"@en . . "Hunting"@en . "\u30C8\u30A6\u30DE"@fr . "Swac"@en . . "Episodio 1"@es . "Toma"@fr . . "Tonk"@en . . . . "Bali"@en . "Lazing around, getting what she wants, good food"@en . "Toma \u00E8 un marine."@it . . "Sleep Angel version"@en . "Is Swia"@en . "Lupa"@en . "\"T\u00F4ma\" d\u00E9rive de \"Tomato\" qui signifie bien s\u016Br \"tomate\"."@fr . . . . . "Toma"@en . . "Vinoa"@en . "\u8056\u5929\u7FC5\u30FB\u982D\u7FC5"@en . "Zh"@en . "Gok"@en . . "Toma (\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE T\u014DmaJap) fue un saiyajin de clase baja, que formaba parte del Escuadr\u00F3n Bardock y era el mejor amigo de \u00E9ste. Se dedicaban a la conquista de planetas, los cuales una vez conquistados, eran vendidos a Freezer. Hasta que un d\u00EDa Freezer decide traicionar a los saiyajin porque ten\u00EDa miedo de que se rebelasen contra \u00E9l, ya que Freezer conoc\u00EDa una leyenda en que un saiyajin se convertir\u00EDa en Super Saiyajin y acabar\u00EDa con \u00E9l y su ej\u00E9rcito, por lo que le tiende una emboscada al escuadr\u00F3n de Bardock, el cual es aniquilado por Dodoria y su \u00E9lite, siendo Bardock el \u00FAnico que sobrevivi\u00F3 a tal ataque."@es . "Hr^e"@en . "Cilagrafo"@en . . "Reia"@en . "Artemide"@en . "Gloda"@en . "Grom"@en . . . . "Ricardo Brust"@es . "Hiroki Uchi"@fr . . "Rasa"@en . "Hasa"@en . "D^edna"@en . "X^e"@en . "Toma (\u30C8\u30A6\u30DE Toma?) es un espadach\u00EDn de la Marine que apareci\u00F3 por primera vez en la quinta pel\u00EDcula de One Piece."@es . "Toma_Amnesia.png"@es . . . . "100"^^ . . . . . "Vilnha"@en . . "Estudiante"@es . "Pel\u00EDcula 5"@es . "Unknown"@en . . "Hero"@en . . "Toma (\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE) is a character from Romancing SaGa 2. He is the son of king Harold and younger brother to Georg and Sofia he is very important in the Cumberland civil war quest line and is one of the central characters in it depending on what actions are taken during the quest he can either live or die. It is also interesting to note that Toma has battle sprites in the game which means that he was planned to originally be playable but for some reason the idea never went through he also appears physically older in his battle sprite which means he was probably meant to be quite an important character."@en . "Fama"@en . . "Adoptive father"@en . "Exalted Angel"@en . "Unt3r"@en . . "Sam"@en . "Toma is a small Human boy living in Radiata Castle, he is Torenia's one and only friend and other then Jack, is the only person who can see her."@en . . "Toma (\u30C8\u30A6\u30DE, T\u014Dma) est un \u00E9p\u00E9iste de la Marine dans le cinqui\u00E8me film."@fr . "Frontline Commander"@en . . . . "Zolo"@en . "N'"@en . . "S\u00E9lipa"@fr . "Is Rikw"@en . "Is Viilnan"@en . "Vata"@en . "Likes"@en . "Entshi"@en . "Goals"@en . . "15"^^ . "Toma \u00E8 il fratello di Marin, ed \u00E8 un guerriero appartente alle schiere degli Angel, i guerrieri al servizio delle divinit\u00E0 sull'Olimpo. Appare per la prima volta nel manga introduttivo Saint Seiya - Tenkai-Hen - Introduction e nel film Le porte del paradiso, dove \u00E8 conosciuto anche come Icaro (\u30A4\u30AB\u30ED\u30B9 Icarus?), e successivamente ripreso nel nuovo manga Saint Seiya - Next Dimension - Myth of Hades con alcuni particolari cambiati rispetto al film. Ci\u00F2 \u00E8 stato possibile perch\u00E9, a differenza degli altri due Angel apparsi nel film (Odisseo e Teseo), Toma \u00E8 stato creato da Kurumada stesso."@en . "Ent"@en . . "Gr"@en . . "Toma"@en . "737"^^ . "Toma is a character in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Toma is a Hylian traveler who can be found across Hyrule. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "Tomc"@en . "Dia"@en . . "Uthid"@en . "Is Calm"@en . . . "Sfe-toma1.jpg"@en . . . "Toma \u300C\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE, T\u014Dma ?\u300D, es uno de los personajes principales masculinos y amigo de la infancia de Heroine y de Shin. Su ruta simb\u00F3lica en el juego es el \"diamante\". Es un estudiante universitario de segundo a\u00F1o con 20 a\u00F1os de edad. Amigo de la infancia de Shin y Heroine. Le gusta jugar baloncesto, ciclismo, navegar por Internet, jugar videojuegos, cocinar y leer. \u00C9l est\u00E1 en un buen n\u00FAmero de clubes escolares, como el f\u00FAtbol, la radiodifusi\u00F3n, tiro con arco y el peri\u00F3dico. Sus animales favoritos son los \"seres humanos\". Sus ojos son de color amarillo anaranjado con un tono de color verde en la parte superior, su cabello es g\u00FCero con un tono anaranjado en las puntas y usa una diadema negra."@es . "anime"@en . . . . . "Full Name"@en . "Popin"@en . "Is Lol"@en . "Nasaka"@en . "Ten-kai hen Prologue"@en . . . "Is Galifort"@en . "Toma (\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE T\u014Dma) es uno de los personajes principales masculinos y amigo de la infancia de Heroine y de Shin. Su ruta simb\u00F3lica en el juego es el \"diamante\"."@es . . "\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE\nToma"@fr . . . "Is Kwateg"@en . "Is Sla"@en . . . "Toma is a soft or semi-hard, Italian cow's milk cheese. It is made primarily in the Aosta Valley (it is one of the region's specialties) and Piedmont regions of Northern Italy. Toma varies with region and locale of production, and is closely related to the French tomme. The Toma Piemontese variety from Piedmont has Protected Designation of Origin status under EU legislation while the Toma di Gressoney, produced in the Gressoney Valley, is officially recognized as a Prodotto agroalimentare tradizionale and is included in the Ark of Taste catalogue of heritage foods. It can have a fat content of 45%-52%."@en . . "Toma"@it . "Film: Le porte del Paradiso"@en . "*Toma vs Nami et Chopper= D\u00E9faite"@fr . "Alive"@en . "Peola"@en . "Kams"@en . . "Toma is a keke witch native to Pop Star. A rebel of her kind, instead of working for the Keke Delivery Service she practices witchcraft by her lonesome. Her magic powers have also given her a strange relationship with the Broom Hatter species, who are at the whim of a certain spell of hers. She runs her own cleaning service using the Broom Hatters at her disposal, when she's not working on improving her arcane skills."@en . "Mali"@en . . "Toma"@sq . . . . "\u6597\u99AC"@en . . . "Toma is a teenage, kindhearted Marine swordsman from the fifth One Piece movie."@en . . . . . "Toma is a playable character from Shining Force EXA. He is one of the game's two protagonists."@en . . "Toma is a character in Project \u2715 Zone."@en . "Project \u2715 Zone"@en . "Is lft"@en . "10"^^ . "None"@en . "Jark"@en . "168.0"^^ . . . "Bilp"@en . . "Tora"@fr . . . "Zalom"@en . . "Race: Hylian Sex: Male Age: 15 Height: 5' 6\" Weight: 103 lb Hair: Light brown, short and scraggly Eyes: Cyan"@en . "Vla"@en . "Untkind3r"@en . "The main antagonist and Apollonius' onetime partner."@en . "Is Grafad"@en . . . "Is Kumin"@en . "T\u014Dma"@en . "B^era"@en . "Tora \u00EBsht\u00EB shoku m\u00EB i mir\u00EB i Bardockit madje ai \u00EBsht\u00EB sikurse v\u00EBlla me t\u00EB.thumb|Pamja origjinale e Tor\u00EBs Pasi q\u00EB Bardocku d\u00EBgjon se Tora dhe shok\u00EBt e tjerr jan\u00EB nisur p\u00EBr n\u00EB Planeti Kanassan Ai niset menj\u00EBher\u00EB p\u00EBr n\u00EB at\u00EB planet. Kur mb\u00EBrrin atje Tora ishte n\u00EB momentet e fundit dhe Bardocki e pyet se \u00E7far\u00EB ka ndodhur, Dhe ai i tregon se si Friza i ka d\u00EBrguar k\u00EBtu sepse frik\u00EBsohet nga Super Sajani dhe aty ai vdes. Dhe nga inati i tij ai merr shamin\u00EB q\u00EB kishte t\u00EB lidhur n\u00EB dor\u00EB dhe e mb\u00EBshtjell\u00EB ne kok\u00EB kur e ngrit kok\u00EBn sheh armiqt\u00EB q\u00EB po qeshnin dhe lufton me ta."@sq . "\u30C8\u30DE"@de . "Pue"@en . "Toma Levine is a great explorer in Chrono Trigger. He is seen in the Middle Ages, mostly in bars. When you see him, he usually asks for you to buy him a drink. After you buy him a drink, he tells you a story about what is going on. His main mission is to locate the Rainbow Shell that you get later on in the Giant's Claw. There is his grave seen in the Present. Toma dies on Sixth of Thirdmoon, 634 (March 6, 634)"@en . "Digs"@en . "Toma is a young commoner boy and the older brother of Nico."@en . "22"^^ . . "Conezonegas"@en . . "Toma"@fr . . . "Marina"@it . "1"^^ . . "Manga/Anime"@de . "Roriik"@en . "The Toma were the sentient natives of the planet Oznek. They were distinguished by their green fur, yellow eyes, and brown skin."@en . . "Male"@en . "Toma.png"@en . . . . "Toma"@en . . "Race: Hylian Sex: Male Age: 15 Height: 5' 6\" Weight: 103 lb Hair: Light brown, short and scraggly Eyes: Cyan"@en . . "Shi"@en . . "Breath of the Wild"@en . "Unt^ent"@en . "Prince Toma"@en . "Doma Zxkot"@en . . "Violet"@en . "Prince Toma is the young ruler of Togenkyo Island. Because the island is situated on top of a spring which makes it impossible for the island's inhabitants to give birth to females, the only way for his people to find brides is to kidnap them from neighboring islands, assisted by his three human-animal hybrid henchmen, Sarutoru, Torristan, and Wonton."@en . . "Toshiyuki Morikawa"@en . "FUNimation dub: Mike McFarland\nAB Group dub: Doug Rand"@es . "Toma XIII ( )"@en . "MarinesColores"@es . "Bena"@en . . . . "Dead"@en . "Human"@en . . "Toma"@fr . "Radiata Castle"@en . . . "Soldat"@fr . "2"^^ . "N/A"@en . "Fumiko Inoue"@en . "Is Rorik^e"@en . "Toma is a member of the Black Order, where he acts as a Finder, a regular human unit with no special powers who travels the world investigating unusual phenomena that could be linked to Innocence.__TOC__"@en . . "Hedga"@en . . "N/A"@en . "SY 439"@en . "Is Fos"@en . . . . "Is Ruc"@en . "Is ^edo"@en . . . . "Amnesia"@es . . "Uot"@en . . "Get back to his world"@en . "Rona"@en . "53.0"^^ . . . "Amarillo y verde"@es . "Silhu"@en . "Atlandia"@en . "The main antagonist and Apollonius' onetime partner."@en . "Espadach\u00EDn Marine"@es . . "Shadow Angels"@en . "We don't need your help"@en . . . "Brown"@en . . "TV Film 1 : Le tout dernier combat, seul contre tous, le p\u00E8re du guerrier Z Kakarotto d\u00E9fie Freezer"@fr . . . . "Dige"@en . "Toma"@es . . . . "Artemide"@en . "Cu"@en . . "Vilnessh'iaena"@en . "\u30C8\u30FC\u30DE"@es . . "Toma is a Steelfang Drake that players tame for Chuno of Ronjok village. Later, Chuno provides quests to feed the ever-hungry-but-not-good-at-hunting drake."@en . . . "Angel"@en . "Toma \u00E8 un marine."@it . . "Schwarzer Orden"@de . "Tokah"@en . "Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y do rozbudowania __HIDDENCAT__ Kategoria:Artyku\u0142y bez ilustracji Toma (jap.\u30C8\u30DE [Toma], pl. brak) \u2013 jeden z najwa\u017Cniejszych w oddziale Bardocka oraz jego najlepszy przyjaciel. Razem z Bardockiem stanowi\u0105 \u015Bwietny zesp\u00F3\u0142 s\u0105 gotowi odda\u0107 za siebie \u017Cycie. Niestety nawet on nie by\u0142 w stanie pokona\u0107 Dodorii i jego \u017Co\u0142nierzy. Pierwszy raz pojawia si\u0119 podczas podbijania planety, po walce wojownicy pal\u0105 ognisko i rozmawiaj\u0105, gdy mieszkaniec atakuje Bardocka Toma pomaga mu. Toma z reszt\u0105 dru\u017Cyny rozmawia z lekarzem przy komorze regeneracyjnej. Potem lec\u0105 na Mito, tam atakuje ich Dodoria, Bardock najd\u0142u\u017Cej stawia op\u00F3r. Gdy przybywa Bardock, Toma daje znak \u017Cycia i wyjawia dow\u00F3dcy o zdradzie wojsk Freezera i umiera. Bardock zdejmuje mu opask\u0119 z ramienia, wyciera krew z twarzy i zak\u0142ada "@pl . "Unknown S1,S2,S3"@en . "T\u014Dma"@it . "Amaf"@en . . "Guk"@en . "Ber"@en . . . "Tom"@en . "Mefem"@en . . . "Eup"@en . "Toma is a character in Project \u2715 Zone."@en . "A LOT OF STUFF CHANGES SINCE THE LAST TIME I UPDATED, I CAN'T DO IT NOW BUT I WILL UPDATED LATER."@en . . . . "Kind"@en . "Fa"@en . . . "Green"@en . "Dr^eda"@en . "Is Fluo"@en . . "Toma is a young commoner boy and the older brother of Nico."@en .