"1"^^ . . . . "Ryllus"@fr . "Ryllus"@en . "Breathable"@en . . . "Ryllus"@fr . . "Moyenne"@fr . . . "Solana"@en . . . "Normale"@fr . "Moyen"@fr . "None"@en . . . "Ryllus on viidakkoplaneetta, jossa on teknomiittien temppeli. Siell\u00E4 Ratchet ja Clank l\u00F6ysiv\u00E4t koneen, joka n\u00E4ytt\u00E4\u00E4 kaikki mahdolliset Teknomiittiplaneetat. Siell\u00E4 Qwark l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 \"toiset vanhempansa\", jotka paljastuvat Qwarkin vanhempien murhaamiseen. Toinen on Otto Tuho ja toinen varmaankin Oton vaimo. Luokka:Planeetat"@fi . . . "Inconnue"@fr . "Ryllus est une plan\u00E8te-jungle entour\u00E9e d'anneaux. A sa surface se trouvent d\u2019innombrables temples qui semblent avoir \u00E9t\u00E9s construits par, ou pour, les technomites, qui ont colonis\u00E9 la plan\u00E8te depuis des lustres. Ceux-ci sont surveill\u00E9s par des cam\u00E9ras volantes."@fr . . . . "Ryllus var en jungelplanet i galaksen Solana."@no . . "Small"@en . . . "*Pygmy Tribesmans\n*Razorback Cats\n*Bury Blossoms"@en . "Respirable"@fr . . "None"@en . "Ryllus"@fr . "Humid"@en . . "Ryllus var en jungelplanet i galaksen Solana."@no . . . . . . "Tropical"@fr . "Small"@en . . "Jungles"@fr . "Autrefois Technomites"@fr . "Inconnu"@fr . "Technomites dont Robot-Gadgets, Pygm\u00E9es"@fr . "Ryllus was a plant-covered, fairly inhospitable planet, in the Solana galaxy. Both the planet's fauna and flora were incredibly dangerous and hostile towards outsiders. It was on this planet that the Technomites built a huge temple were they guarded a map revealing all the planets they had colonized."@en . "Ryllus"@no . . "Technomites"@en . . . "Standard"@en . "Ryllus"@fr . "Ryllus"@fr . . . "Ryllus"@fi . . "Ryllus est une plan\u00E8te-jungle entour\u00E9e d'anneaux. A sa surface se trouvent d\u2019innombrables temples qui semblent avoir \u00E9t\u00E9s construits par, ou pour, les technomites, qui ont colonis\u00E9 la plan\u00E8te depuis des lustres. Ceux-ci sont surveill\u00E9s par des cam\u00E9ras volantes."@fr . . "Inconnu"@fr . "None"@en . . . "Ryllus on viidakkoplaneetta, jossa on teknomiittien temppeli. Siell\u00E4 Ratchet ja Clank l\u00F6ysiv\u00E4t koneen, joka n\u00E4ytt\u00E4\u00E4 kaikki mahdolliset Teknomiittiplaneetat. Siell\u00E4 Qwark l\u00F6yt\u00E4\u00E4 \"toiset vanhempansa\", jotka paljastuvat Qwarkin vanhempien murhaamiseen. Toinen on Otto Tuho ja toinen varmaankin Oton vaimo. Luokka:Planeetat"@fi . "Ryllus was a plant-covered, fairly inhospitable planet, in the Solana galaxy. Both the planet's fauna and flora were incredibly dangerous and hostile towards outsiders. It was on this planet that the Technomites built a huge temple were they guarded a map revealing all the planets they had colonized."@en . "None"@en . "Forests"@en . .