"FAIL Audience: Presenter(s): chromatic Length: 45m Overview Projects rarely fail overnight. Failure occurs in small steps, tiny stages, day after week after month. You can rescue a project headed for impending doom, if you learn to pay attention to details which presage failure -- and if you know how to reverse them. Format An interactive talk, with optional (simple) HTML slides."@en . . . . . . . . "Fail"@pl . . . . . "Fail is an expression, currently growing in popularity, that means someone has.. well.. FAILED. If you don't know what fail means, you should't be on the internet. Period."@en . . . "An action that fails is prevented from completing, but this is not technically considered an interruption from a game mechanics perspective. The word \"fail\" is shown on the screen of a player whose action fails. A failure has these properties: \n* The action has no effect. \n* The cost, if any, (energy, adrenaline) is forfeited. \n* Exhaustion will still be caused, if the skill causes it (exceptions: Invoke Lightning and Chain Lightning). \n* If the action is a skill, it does not need to recharge (unless it has been disabled) and can be used again immediately (unlike the effect of knockdown or true interrupts)."@en . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Fail]] < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Fail]] faillir < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Fail]] fallere (\u201C\u2018to deceive, disappoint\u2019\u201D)."@ia . . . . "Fail"@fr . . . "Fail (czyt. fejl) \u2013 popularne s\u0142owo, u\u017Cywane do okre\u015Blenia totalnej, bezwzgl\u0119dnej pora\u017Cki, lub charakterystyki konkretnej osoby."@pl . "FAIL Audience: Presenter(s): chromatic Length: 45m Overview Projects rarely fail overnight. Failure occurs in small steps, tiny stages, day after week after month. You can rescue a project headed for impending doom, if you learn to pay attention to details which presage failure -- and if you know how to reverse them. Format An interactive talk, with optional (simple) HTML slides."@en . . "FAIL"@en . "Fanon Annoying Is Loser"@en . . "Epic"@en . "An action that fails is prevented from completing, but this is not technically considered an interruption from a game mechanics perspective. The word \"fail\" is shown on the screen of a player whose action fails. A failure has these properties:"@en . "Fail is an epic item that curses penguins. It also rewinds something called DVDs too! Fail is an extremely powerful object, and sightings have been recorded from as early back as three months ago."@en . . . . . . . . "Fail"@en . . . "From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Fail]] < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Fail]] faillir < [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Fail]] fallere (\u201C\u2018to deceive, disappoint\u2019\u201D)."@ia . "Fail or failure is internet slang used to describe anything that is not epic but attempts to be so. There are extreme cases when things or people can become massive fail. A rarer and somewhat paradoxical occurence is the ascension of massive failure to the level of epic fail."@en . . . . . . "Causes bad luck, rewinds things called DVDs!"@en . "The embodiment of unsuccessfulness. FAIL."@en . . . . . "Fanon Annoying Is Loser"@en . . . . "FAIL is turn-of-the-century internet slang that came to popularity through image macros and short videos depicting situations with unfortunate outcomes. Traditionally, the verb \u201Cfail\u201D has been a used to signify the opposite of \u201Csucceed,\u201D to fall short of achieving a goal. Today, the word is also commonly used as an interjection to point out a person\u2019s mistake or shortcoming, often regardless of its magnitude."@en . "Fail is an expression, currently growing in popularity, that means someone has.. well.. FAILED. If you don't know what fail means, you should't be on the internet. Period."@en . . . . "Somewhere, no where, anywhere?"@en . . . . . "Fail is the exact opposite of win, and is in fact what Stephen's Jewish Friend emanates and is while blowing on The Colbert Report's Lead-in Jewish Program."@en . "Fail is the exact opposite of win, and is in fact what Stephen's Jewish Friend emanates and is while blowing on The Colbert Report's Lead-in Jewish Program."@en . "Epic Fail is a fail that results in lulz, pain, or both. You might be wondering, \"How can a fail be epic?\" If proportions are epic enough, a fail will become a win. Sometimes, this fail-win is an epic win. On other occasions, the fail is great enough to destroy the dignity of someone. Epic fails used to occur rarely but due to the low IQ of , almost a hundred epic fails occur everyday in every state."@en . . "Fail or failure is internet slang used to describe anything that is not epic but attempts to be so. There are extreme cases when things or people can become massive fail. A rarer and somewhat paradoxical occurence is the ascension of massive failure to the level of epic fail."@en . . . "Anywhere penguins fail. So, it follows Manny Peng a lot."@en . . . . . . . "FAIL is turn-of-the-century internet slang that came to popularity through image macros and short videos depicting situations with unfortunate outcomes. Traditionally, the verb \u201Cfail\u201D has been a used to signify the opposite of \u201Csucceed,\u201D to fall short of achieving a goal. Today, the word is also commonly used as an interjection to point out a person\u2019s mistake or shortcoming, often regardless of its magnitude."@en . "Salut, c'est Epic-Dark-Roxxor ici. H\u00E9 \u00E7a va les nerdz ? H\u00E9h\u00E9. Bon ben alors aujourd'hui je vais vous enseigner un truc indispensable \u00E0 savoir pour pas passer pour des gros n00bz pendant vos PvP ok ? Ben ouais, vous avez pas envie qu'on vous traite de n00bz ou de nabz, pas vrai ? Allez, on va s'amuser. Oui oui je sais, je suis l'auteur de cet article mais en fait au d\u00E9but je voulais te faire parler en dehors d'une bo\u00EEte et puis je me suis embrouill\u00E9 donc au final tu parles dans une bo\u00EEte et tu cries \u00E0 l'imposture. Oui mon pote, ROLF, ROFLMAO m\u00EAme ! Allez c'est parti."@fr . "Fail is an epic item that curses penguins. It also rewinds something called DVDs too! Fail is an extremely powerful object, and sightings have been recorded from as early back as three months ago."@en . . "Fail (czyt. fejl) \u2013 popularne s\u0142owo, u\u017Cywane do okre\u015Blenia totalnej, bezwzgl\u0119dnej pora\u017Cki, lub charakterystyki konkretnej osoby."@pl . "Fail is one of the earliest noted memes on the internet, and has long been a common theme on messageboards and in the very language of the internet. It is prevalent in games such as World Of Warcraft particularly. Ironically, the term could be used to describe the very people who play the game. It is the earliest entry on Know Your Meme."@en . "No one wants to buy it. Period."@en . "The Fail Pick up screen"@en . . "R\u00E9sultat"@fr . . . . "Fail"@ia . . . . "Epic Fail is a fail that results in lulz, pain, or both. You might be wondering, \"How can a fail be epic?\" If proportions are epic enough, a fail will become a win. Sometimes, this fail-win is an epic win. On other occasions, the fail is great enough to destroy the dignity of someone. Epic fails used to occur rarely but due to the low IQ of , almost a hundred epic fails occur everyday in every state."@en . . . . . "When spellcasting the Fail column appears in the menu which occurs when using the [Z] command. To calculate spell failure, you first need to sum together the penalties marked with a number sign (#) below. An increasing total penalty is worse for spellcasting, and is limited to a maximum of 20. \n* The \"BASE\" value from the table below, depending on the character's class. \n* If an \"emergency\" spell (noted with a + above), the \"EMERG\" field. \n* If wearing any shield, the amount in the \"SHIELD\" field. \n* If wearing metallic body armor, the amount in the \"SUIT\" field. \n* If also wearing a robe, only add half the amount (rounded down). \n* If wearing a robe without metallic armour, subtract the amount in the \"SUIT\" field. \n* If wearing a metallic helmet other than the helm of brilliance, add 4.(Metal helmets interfere with the mind.) \n* Metallic gloves add 6 (casting channels through the hands). \n* Metallic boots add 2 (all metal interferes to some degree). \n* Subtract 4 if the spell is special to that class (see table). CLASS BASE EMERG SHIELD SUIT STAT SPECIAL SPELL Arc 5# 0# 2# 10# Int Magic mapping Bar 14# 0# 0# 8# Int Haste self Cav 12# 0# 1# 8# Int Dig Hea 3# -3# 2# 10# Wis Cure sickness Kni 8# -2# 0# 9# Wis Turn undead Mon 8# -2# 2# 20# Wis Restore ability Pri 3# -2# 2# 10# Wis Remove curse Ran 9# 2# 1# 10# Int Invisibility Rog 8# 0# 1# 9# Int Detect treasure Sam 10# 0# 0# 8# Int Clairvoyance Tou 5# 1# 2# 10# Int Charm monster Val 10# -2# 0# 9# Wis Cone of cold Wiz 1# 0# 3# 10# Int Magic missile Next, calculate a base chance of success, which is 5.5 times your intelligence or wisdom STAT, depending on your class. This chance is modified by the following factors: \n* SKILL level (Unskilled = 0, Basic = 1, Skilled = 2, Expert = 3) \n* spell level (LVL) \n* experience level (XL) according to this formula: difficulty = (LVL * 4) - (SKILL * 6) - (XL/3) - 5 If this is positive, your chance is reduced according to another formula: chance = base chance - square root of ((900 * difficulty) + 2000) If it is negative, it will be increased with diminishing returns: the absolute value is multiplied by (15/LVL), capped at 20, and added to the base chance. The resulting chance is clipped to the range of 0% to 120% success. If you are wearing a shield larger than a small shield, the chance is then reduced to 1/4 its amount (except if it is the special spell for your class -- then it is only halved). Finally, the chance of success is adjusted by your total penalty using the following formula: chance = (chance * (20-penalty) / 15) - penalty The result is clipped to the range of 0% to 100% success."@en . . . . . . "When spellcasting the Fail column appears in the menu which occurs when using the [Z] command. To calculate spell failure, you first need to sum together the penalties marked with a number sign (#) below. An increasing total penalty is worse for spellcasting, and is limited to a maximum of 20. Next, calculate a base chance of success, which is 5.5 times your intelligence or wisdom STAT, depending on your class. This chance is modified by the following factors: \n* SKILL level (Unskilled = 0, Basic = 1, Skilled = 2, Expert = 3) \n* spell level (LVL) \n* experience level (XL)"@en . "Fail is one of the earliest noted memes on the internet, and has long been a common theme on messageboards and in the very language of the internet. It is prevalent in games such as World Of Warcraft particularly. Ironically, the term could be used to describe the very people who play the game. It is the earliest entry on Know Your Meme."@en . . "Salut, c'est Epic-Dark-Roxxor ici. H\u00E9 \u00E7a va les nerdz ? H\u00E9h\u00E9. Bon ben alors aujourd'hui je vais vous enseigner un truc indispensable \u00E0 savoir pour pas passer pour des gros n00bz pendant vos PvP ok ? Ben ouais, vous avez pas envie qu'on vous traite de n00bz ou de nabz, pas vrai ? Allez, on va s'amuser. Oui oui je sais, je suis l'auteur de cet article mais en fait au d\u00E9but je voulais te faire parler en dehors d'une bo\u00EEte et puis je me suis embrouill\u00E9 donc au final tu parles dans une bo\u00EEte et tu cries \u00E0 l'imposture. Oui mon pote, ROLF, ROFLMAO m\u00EAme ! Allez c'est parti. Non mais c'est bon, on a pas le temps de jouer avec les skin, fait pas ton k\u00E9vin-lamerz. Ouais ouais, ben on choisit pas. Allez."@fr . "Fail"@en . . . "You probably FAIL all the time. The only person who is immune to FAILS is Chuck Norris. He has never FAILED in the history of the UnUniverse. Just about everyone else FAILS all the time. Albert Einstein even came up with the Theory of FAIL, a theory that proves the world is entirely dependent on the FAILS of stupid people. By the way, reading this article was a FAIL in itself because you have no life."@en . "If you sell it, you PWN!"@en . . . . "The embodiment of unsuccessfulness. FAIL."@en . "You probably FAIL all the time. The only person who is immune to FAILS is Chuck Norris. He has never FAILED in the history of the UnUniverse. Just about everyone else FAILS all the time. Albert Einstein even came up with the Theory of FAIL, a theory that proves the world is entirely dependent on the FAILS of stupid people. By the way, reading this article was a FAIL in itself because you have no life."@en .