"File:Rivet Gun Icon.png"@en . "A sawed off barrel increases damage of all ammo types."@en . "A large electromagnetic dynamo is powered by the Drill's rotation."@en . . "Side missions:\n* Firepower: All Sales Are Final\n* Up To Our Ears\n* Hidden Journal: Rust Commons West\n* Scooter's Used Car Parts\n* Scavenger: Submachine Gun\n* Like A Moth To Flame\n* Corrosive Crystal Harvest\n* King Tossing"@en . "Significantly reduces the Chemical Thrower's ammo consumption rate, practically halving it."@en . "Increases the Spear Gun's damage output."@en . . "2376"^^ . . "Main"@en . . "A high-tensile bow increases the damage done by crossbow bolts."@en . "Splash Damage Immunity"@en . "A high density electrical field prevents shots from breaking up on first impact, causing them to ricochet."@en . . "Increases Spear velocity and decreases the Spear Gun's reload time."@en . "24.0"^^ . . "Increased rate of fire"@en . . "Acquire the Apple of Eden."@en . "Power To The People"@en . "Increases the Machine Gun's damage output by 25%."@en . "Triples the Shotgun's clip size, allowing the user to fire six shots before having to reload instead of the original two."@en . "1971"^^ . "Causes projectiles to be reflected back at attackers while the Drill is spinning."@en . . "File:Spear Gun Icon.png"@en . "Reinforced barrels allow for increased muzzle pressure and a higher damage output."@en . "Auto-generated shaped charges make you immune to the damage from your own grenades."@en . . "Incendiary injectors increase the damage of the grenade launcher."@en . "A stabilization cylinder reduces the kickback of the machine gun."@en . . . "Heated Rivets"@en . "Reduces the recoil produced by the Machine Gun when being fired continuously."@en . . . "Increases the Shotgun's damage output by 25%."@en . "36"^^ . "autosize"@en . "A shaped deflector prevents splash damage from your own explosives."@en . "Increased clip size"@en . "1970"^^ . "Extends the Chemical Thrower's range, allowing the player to fire a stream from one end of a room to the other."@en . "1498-05-23"^^ . "A tapered nozzle reduces the ammunition consumption rate of the Chemical Thrower."@en . "Converts the pump-action Shotgun into a semi-auto, effectively quadrupling its rate of fire."@en . "Cluster Bombs"@en . "Gives each Shell a chance to electrocute the target."@en . . "An internal heating mechanism heats rivets to a white-hot temperature before they are fired."@en . "Florence,"@en . . "Renders the player immune to the splash damage dealt by their own Grenades. Note: It is safe to walk past one's own Proximity Mines without this upgrade. However, if they detonate near the player, only this upgrade will prevent Jack from taking damage."@en . . . "23.0"^^ . . . "Additional scope provides increased zoom, allowing you to aim with pinpoint accuracy."@en . . . "128"^^ . "A reinforced firing spring and retooled barrel allow for much faster spear travel and decreased refire time. Spears will reach their targets much faster and pin enemies of longer distances."@en . "Decreased chemical consumption"@en . . "Decreases the Drill's fuel consumption rate."@en . . "Greatly decreases the kickback caused by continuously firing the Machine Gun."@en . "Bolt breakage reduced"@en . "Rushu"@en . "A double revolver mechanism allows it 6 shots before reloading."@en . "An automatic tension adjuster greatly reduces the chance of bolts breaking on impact."@en . . "Increases the Machine Gun's damage output."@en . "Dramatically increases the odds that the Crossbow's Bolts won't break after firing, allowing the player to recover and reuse them."@en . "20.0"^^ . . . "Causes each bomb to explode into several smaller bombs upon detonation."@en . "Assassin's Creed II"@en . "Electrified Shells"@en . "Power to the People features John and Yoko at a protest in New York City along with clips of other protests."@en . . "Story mission"@en . "Extends the Rivet Gun's clip to eighteen shots before having to reload, up from the original twelve."@en . . "Cooling nozzles lubricate the Drill, reducing the speed of fuel consumption."@en . "A larger magazine increases the clip size, resulting in 50% more shots before reloading."@en . "A rotary mechanism adds spin to the spear, resulting in greater penetration and damage."@en . . "Reflector Plate"@en . . "A larger ammo box means more bang for your buck. Also increases the amount of each ammo type you can carry."@en . "18.0"^^ . "Increases the Shotgun's damage output."@en . "#990000"@en . . "19.0"^^ . "Shaved Fish"@en . . "Faster Mechanics"@en . "Increases the amount of Grenades the player can carry for the Launcher."@en . . . "Amity"@en . . "Increases the Drill's damage output."@en . "File:Double Shotgun Icon.png"@en . "An acceleration framework increases the damage of the machine gun."@en . "*Asian-Pacific Alliance"@en . . "Renders the player immune to the splash damage from their own explosives. NOTE: This upgrade isn't required to disarm and retrieve one's own Proximity Mines."@en . "CAUTION: May ignite living creatures on repeated shots."@en . "Additional munitions are screwed into each shot, causing secondary explosions in a wide radius. Great for clearing a room!"@en . "Increases the Grenade Launcher's damage output by 25%."@en . "File:Drill Fuel.png"@en . "A stabilization cylinder reduces the kickback of the Machine Gun, resulting in more accurate fire."@en . "auto"@en . "Quadruples the Pistol's magazine size, allowing the player to fire 24 shots without reloading instead of the standard 6."@en . . . . . "Causes every .50 Caliber Round to ricochet off of hard surfaces."@en . . . "Increased damage"@en . . . "Increases the Rivet Gun's damage output."@en . "Fuel Consumption Decrease"@en . "Grants each Rivet a chance to set the target on fire."@en . "Immunity to self-damage from grenades"@en . "5572"^^ . "Increases the Crossbow's damage output by 25%."@en . "Power to the People features John and Yoko at a protest in New York City along with clips of other protests."@en . "File:BioShock 2 Weapon Icon Launcher.png"@en . "Increased range of spray"@en . . "Augmented Capacity"@en . "Damage Increase"@en . "A higher-pressure firing mechanism provides greater penetration and damage."@en . "Power To The People"@en . "A gas-assisted firing mechanism increases the shotgun\u2019s damage."@en . "20"^^ . "Zoom Increase"@en . "A pressure-calibration hose increases the range of the Chemical Thrower."@en . . . "*Support Power\n*Raise Morale"@en . . "#CEDCE5"@en . "6"^^ . "Decreased kickback"@en . "Mission Type [[Category: missions]]"@en . "Guild was established at February 15th. 2009. We are currently level 6 but we are on our road to becoming one of the best guilds In Rushu. Leader of the guild is Amity. If you wish to join the guild please contact either Amity, Mr-Jebus, Mr-Leaf, Kubo, Release, or Soft-Light ingame."@en . . "Power to the People"@en . "Guild was established at February 15th. 2009. We are currently level 6 but we are on our road to becoming one of the best guilds In Rushu. Leader of the guild is Amity. If you wish to join the guild please contact either Amity, Mr-Jebus, Mr-Leaf, Kubo, Release, or Soft-Light ingame."@en . "File:Gatling Gun Icon.png"@en . "An auto-loading magazine effectively quadruples the magazine size of the pistol."@en . "Increased Clip Size"@en . "Borderlands"@en . "A steel gear accelerator increases the shotgun\u2019s rate of fire."@en . . . "Increases the Spear Gun\u2019s scope ability, granting the player improved accuracy over long distances."@en . . . . . . "Recoil Reduction"@en . "41"^^ . . "Power to the People is a one-time use weapon upgrade vending machine. They are scattered throughout Rapture. Each gives one upgrade to a weapon of the player's choice, after which the station cannot be used again. The first Power to the People machines were installed in 1957, created by Fontaine Futuristics. They were installed as protection for the citizens of Rapture, although they may have been built by Frank Fontaine in a cynical and self-serving attempt to spur armed conflict between the citizens of Rapture. They were used by various combatants many times during the war and were a successful business venture for Fontaine Futuristics."@en . "Mission Type [[Category: missions]]"@en . "Power to the People is a one-time use weapon upgrade vending machine. They are scattered throughout Rapture. Each gives one upgrade to a weapon of the player's choice, after which the station cannot be used again. The first Power to the People machines were installed in 1957, created by Fontaine Futuristics. They were installed as protection for the citizens of Rapture, although they may have been built by Frank Fontaine in a cynical and self-serving attempt to spur armed conflict between the citizens of Rapture. They were used by various combatants many times during the war and were a successful business venture for Fontaine Futuristics."@en . "Bouncing Bullets"@en . "Augers on the side of the Drill increase the damage."@en . "Cory Aquino"@en . "Kinetic energy from firing is used to charge several dynamos, randomly generating an electric shock."@en . "22.0"^^ . "y"@en . "An ammunition accelerator increases the damage done by the pistol."@en . . "Increases the Pistol's damage output by 25%."@en . . .