. . "Garith Darkhold JR."@en . "Dra'chen Ookami"@en . "Unknown"@en . "Corona Balor"@en . . "Jake"@en . "Dar\u2019yaim Balor"@en . "Unknown"@en . . "Jake Darklighter-Wendigo"@en . "Arla Balor"@en . . . "Nicholas Hoult"@en . "House of Wendigo"@en . "Jake is one of three triplet children that were born on Lianna to parents Arianna Darklighter-Wendigo and Ronin Wendigo. The other two were named Theo and Zeria Darklighter Wendigo. Sometime during that night of their birth Jake was stolen by Sith Master Malice Draclau. As part of a ploy to lure and force him back to the Darkside. To this day Ronin continued to search for his long lost son. And for almost best part of their life Theo nor Zeria has not met his long lost brother. That is until one day after an extensive and exhausting search Ronin finally found one the best lead he could. Come so close to finally find and bring him home to his worried wife. But as fate as have it the meet had not gone well. And after try so hard Jake all but almost grown up had gone to refuse go home. But in"@en . . "Human/Kashi/ Hybrid"@en . . "Lianna"@en . "Jedi Master Ja'den He'xen"@en . . . . "Jake is one of three triplet children that were born on Lianna to parents Arianna Darklighter-Wendigo and Ronin Wendigo. The other two were named Theo and Zeria Darklighter Wendigo. Sometime during that night of their birth Jake was stolen by Sith Master Malice Draclau. As part of a ploy to lure and force him back to the Darkside. To this day Ronin continued to search for his long lost son. And for almost best part of their life Theo nor Zeria has not met his long lost brother. That is until one day after an extensive and exhausting search Ronin finally found one the best lead he could. Come so close to finally find and bring him home to his worried wife. But as fate as have it the meet had not gone well. And after try so hard Jake all but almost grown up had gone to refuse go home. But instead after brief meet set off on his own leave him with but a promise. That when the time was right and he felt himself ready to do. That he would come home eventually.....someday. To which come home and having to relay this the family all but add the strain between him and them. Not only has this affected family deeply but Theo as well."@en . "Male"@en . "Bud Balor"@en . "\"Jake\" Darklighter Wendigo"@en . . . "\"Jake\" Darklighter Wendigo"@en .