"Swinging!"@en . . . . "Swinging! is an anime that was written, directed, and created by Akira Jotaro who also created the anime Dokuganryu-hime, Forever Dark, and Nightmare Mirror. The story takes place in modern Japan in a fictional city in the Chubu area called Odakyo. The story is about a new 2nd-year student in Odakyo High School from Tokyo who becomes one of the most popular guys in school the first day after hitting a homerun but surprises many people when they find out she's a girl."@en . "Swinging! is an anime that was written, directed, and created by Akira Jotaro who also created the anime Dokuganryu-hime, Forever Dark, and Nightmare Mirror. The story takes place in modern Japan in a fictional city in the Chubu area called Odakyo. The story is about a new 2nd-year student in Odakyo High School from Tokyo who becomes one of the most popular guys in school the first day after hitting a homerun but surprises many people when they find out she's a girl."@en . .