"A Peter Duck story is a story made-up by Titty Walker, as described in Swallowdale. On Arthur Ransome Wiki, the term Peter Duck story is used to describe the \"stories within stories\" status of some novels in the Swallows and Amazons series especially Peter Duck and Missee Lee as well as Great Northern? although the latter is not universally accepted as such. Christina Hardyment wrote: Three of the books .... are different from the rest. In them the children are actually shot at with real guns. They are pure romance, realistic fancy rather than fantastical reality. They are not set in the school holidays, but in a free time of their own; they are stories told round the fire in winter (CFT pp26-27 ). Another term for this device of a story within a story is metafiction."@en . . "A Peter Duck story is a story made-up by Titty Walker, as described in Swallowdale. On Arthur Ransome Wiki, the term Peter Duck story is used to describe the \"stories within stories\" status of some novels in the Swallows and Amazons series especially Peter Duck and Missee Lee as well as Great Northern? although the latter is not universally accepted as such. Another term for this device of a story within a story is metafiction."@en . . . "Peter Duck story"@en .