"Dathomir"@en . . . "Sable"@en . "Razielle Van-Derveld began life as Adrasteia, daughter of the Nightsister Clan Mother Hecetra, of the Burning Mists clan on Dathomir. As Nightsisters they were both in tune with the darker forces in nature, surrounded by mystical works and a society that hacked a cruel life out of the wild. Some years later the young pair of sisters were sold to an offworld royal family for the means to keep the rest of the clan alive through what was called 'The Winter Without End' by some of the Nightsisters. Barren times had fallen upon their lands and constant war between the clans dwindled their numbers. Children and elders did not survive this time."@en . . . "Valeska Van-Derveld"@en . . . "147.0"^^ . "Darius Van-Derveld"@en . "39"^^ . . "Jezebella Shadana"@en . "Adrasteia, The Abbess"@en . "The Sith Empire"@en . "Van-Derveld, Razielle"@en . "Sith Master"@en . . "Cat Van-Derveld"@en . "Razielle Van-Derveld began life as Adrasteia, daughter of the Nightsister Clan Mother Hecetra, of the Burning Mists clan on Dathomir. As Nightsisters they were both in tune with the darker forces in nature, surrounded by mystical works and a society that hacked a cruel life out of the wild. Some years later the young pair of sisters were sold to an offworld royal family for the means to keep the rest of the clan alive through what was called 'The Winter Without End' by some of the Nightsisters. Barren times had fallen upon their lands and constant war between the clans dwindled their numbers. Children and elders did not survive this time. For years they had believed their looks had been the catalyst for their sudden sale, as the girls both appeared to be born of the royal house from the Sovereign planet Davora, put off as the long coveted children of a barren monarchy. Their training switched up from the arcane to the physical. As their bodies grew, so too did their increasing skills with bladed weaponry. After the mysterious destruction of Davora a bitter and vengeful Razielle found her way to The Sith Empire and was first taken as a student of the Immortal known as Saurron LeStat. Taking her under his tuteledge he trained her as a Sith Disciple with both lightsaber and hand to hand combat. The connection between master and student grew to be so strong that Razielle began to think of Saurron as her own father, and in time underwent rites that poisoned her blood with the same affliction that he suffered, making her a true creature of darkness, a befanged sensual monster that shunned the light and drew strength from the blood of force users. After the disappearance of Saurron, Razielle found another master in one of her immortal brethren, Darth Phantom, but the desire for eternity had left her cold, alone and unsatisfied. After countless battles on the behalf of the Sith Empire with a small group of those she would have called her allies, Razielle found herself entertained with the notion of a flirtation with the Lupine Sith, Vega Van-Derveld. It had been a long standing joke between the two comrades that their species should be mortal enemies, and yet they had always been great friends. Once their relationship had begun, the pair were nearly inseperable. Vega's master, and Razielle's own mentor, Dara Shadowtide had disappeared from the Sith Empire without notice. In their efforts to locate and return the Sith Mistress to her seat of power, Vega and Razielle left the Sith Empire behind and took up residence on planet Garqi, the Sith Master's homeworld, eventually marrying. Their time their was fantastical, spent with only each other for company until the night of the charity event at the Garqi Aquarium. Believing Razielle responsible for the death of her sister Jezebella, a former comrade by the name of Keir attacked Razielle at a chairty gala she had attended, and been the ruin of. Their battle had raged among the expanse of shark tanks, ultimately shattering one, spilling waist deep water and man eating predators into their fight. In the end, Razielle was impaled upon a large shard of the shattered glass, the poisoned blood of the Saurron LeStat as well as her own life spilled out of her into the salt water. Sensing the pain and panic of Razielle, Vega found her as she was drawing her last breaths. Unwilling to lose her, the Lupine tore into his own flesh and fed his strength into her with a curious result, when she recovered she was no longer an immortal. She had become Lupine. Eventually the Van-Derveld's found their way to Rannon, as Vega became Ruler of the Royal House. The picture presented to the people they goverened at the time was one of a united and perfectly synched marriage, but nothing had been further from the truth. While her husband struggled with his own demons, in the guise of the wraith Seraphim, Razielle struggled to keep herself and her unborn child alive. Violence, stress and drugs forced to her to dull her senses and connection to the Force caused the premature birth of their daughter Valeska. Kept hidden as a ward of Nathanial K'Cansce, the girl grew up without her father ever being aware of her. When the Van-Derveld's left Rannon to return to the Sith Empire, Razielle did the only thing she could for the girl, knowing that taking her would destroy her, she left her in the care of trusted guardians. Upon her return to the Sith Empire, Razielle was met with skepticism and derision for her absence for so long. Master Sorsha Kasajian agreed to continue her training, but before that Master Dalethria decreed that she must prove herself worthy before Razielle could once again call herself a Sith. As a Sith Knight, Razielle Van-Derveld was banished into the catacombs beneath the Sith Temple, forced to fend for herself without weaponry, and hunted by vornskyr and Massasai warriors. Surviving the trial, Razielle rejoined the ranks of the Sith Empire and resumed her training with her husband and Master Kasajian. After Vega's encounter on Vjun with the Jedi Master Verse Dawnstrider, and the forging of the identity of Alastor, the Van-Derveld's relocated to Tatoonie. Claiming the deed to Fort Tusken and enchanting the weak minded to believe they were embodiments of divinity, they embraced a selfish, hedonistic life in the dunes. Taking what they wanted, when they wanted it, heedless of the cost to anyone, including themselves. On a whim they decided to pit their children against each other, Darius against Valeska to determine which of them would survive the other. In the end, both of the Van-Derveld children lived. Valeska was rescued by Cornelius Innsmouth, her long time guardian. Darius was cast out wounded and alone into the dunes. For all her talent with divination and clarivoyance, Razielle never saw what was coming when Vega left her behind in the desert. The Sith Lordess found herself at the mercy of a cult gone mad who got the jump on her, and through some clever crafting fashioned a pair of manacles that she could not escape. Walled up and left to die, she was rescued by her sister Jezebella Shadana, Darth Nemesia. Life for Razielle came full circle when the Shadana sisters picked up on the waning life force of the mother who had rasied them. Returning to the planet of their birth they made it to the bedside of the dying Clan Mother Hecetra and long kept secrets were revealed. She had not sold the girls to the Davora Monarchy. She had sent them willingly after recieving a vision that they must go out into the galaxy to learn things the other Nightsisters would not, and return stronger than all of them. It was their destiny, Hecetra told them, to unite the clans of Nightsisters and drive out the light-side using Force Witches who had kept their powers stifled for so long. The Daughters of Allya continue to suffer as the Sith Empire establishes influence upon Dathomir, fullfilling the destiny set before the Shadana sisters. Razielle Van-Derveld was promoted to the rank of Sith Master by Dara Shadowtide and granted the ultimate honor, a seat upon the Sith Council for her years of service to the Empire. She continues to study with the Sith Mistress, learning the arts of Sith Sorcery and Alchemy. Taking her place as an elder of the Sith Empire she continues to train those she finds worthy. Sith Lordess - Darth Saevitia Sith Knight - Darius Van-Derveld, Kazrah Sith Warrior - Cat Van-Derveld Sith Disciple - Lucianus Adair, Ciphas, Mary Venetia Sith Master - Hydrocus Venetia, Alice Pyrrin Sith Lordess - Sianna Sith Knight - Layla Cimmerian Sith Warrior - Xander Blackmoore Sith Disciple - Bloodhunter"@en . "9.0"^^ . "Violet"@en . "Vega Van-Derveld"@en . . "Razielle Shadana Van-Derveld"@en . "Dathomiri/Lupine"@en . . . "Razielle Van-Derveld"@en . "Alastor"@en . "Atea Athame"@en .