. "From: [[]] \t You'll have to go to Polythreme to get to the bottom of this. But you should report in first. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "You'll have to go to Polythreme to get to the bottom of this. But you should report in first."@en . "Expenses"@en . "From: [[]] \t You'll have to go to Polythreme to get to the bottom of this. But you should report in first. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__"@en . "Jack's Origin"@en . . . . . "Tell the Inspector"@en . "Go to Polythreme, across the Sea of Voices, to continue this story. You will need to use your own zee-vessel, or buy a ticket at Wolfstack Docks if you do not have one."@en . "The[\u2026]Inspector drums his fingers[\u2026]Polyfreme, eh? Bleedin' ell. Well, yer doin' all right so far. I was expectin' yer to have ended up as Jack by now, 'an all. Bloody good show there. So, what you 'anging about for? There's villainy to be foiled![\u2026]"@en .