. "Dwayne Powers"@en . "Dwayne Powers is a character in the Nancy Drew Series that first appears in Stay Tuned For Danger. He is a talent agent. He is also Rick Arlen's former agent, and Mattie Jensen's current agent. He becomes Nancy's agent so that she can sneak around the set as an extra. As the game progresses, Nancy learns that he doesn't like Rick very much. Rick is a successful actor on the soap Light of Our Love while Dwayne has failed as an actor and had to resort to becoming a talent agent. Rick also got to date Mattie, who Dwayne has feelings for. Is Dwayne Powers the person who is sending Rick Arlen death threats? You'll have to Stay Tuned for Danger to find out!"@en . . "His voice was played by Bob Heath in Stay Tuned for Danger and Jonah Von Spreekin in Ransom of the Seven Ships."@en . . "His voice was played by Bob Heath in Stay Tuned for Danger and Jonah Von Spreekin in Ransom of the Seven Ships."@en . "Dwayne Powers is a character in the Nancy Drew Series that first appears in Stay Tuned For Danger. He is a talent agent. He is also Rick Arlen's former agent, and Mattie Jensen's current agent. He becomes Nancy's agent so that she can sneak around the set as an extra. As the game progresses, Nancy learns that he doesn't like Rick very much. Rick is a successful actor on the soap Light of Our Love while Dwayne has failed as an actor and had to resort to becoming a talent agent. Rick also got to date Mattie, who Dwayne has feelings for. Is Dwayne Powers the person who is sending Rick Arlen death threats? You'll have to Stay Tuned for Danger to find out! Dwayne Powers also appears in the game Ransom of the Seven Ships. Dwayne appears twice in STFD, once when you visit him in his office and once at the end. He's a failed actor who has become a talent agent. After learning that Rick Arlen was a client and Mattie Jensen still is, Nancy also learns that Dwayne is in some serious debt when sneaking around his office at night. Nancy also learns that Owen Spayder, someone who has been caught on camera before one of Rick Arlen's 'accidents', is one of Dwayne's clients! At the end of STFD, Nancy gets a call from Lillian. Lillian tells Nancy to meet her at the studio. Once arriving at the studio, Nancy learns Lillian has been doing some investigating of her own. Nancy can accuse anyone she wants, including Dwayne, and once she does accuse someone, Dwayne makes a dramatic appearance, admitting that he was the person who has been sending Rick Arlen death threats! Nancy then has to open the door for Ralph, the security guard, before Dwayne comes down. If this isn't done in time, Dwayne ends up killing both Nancy and Lillian. At the end of RAN, Nancy discovers that Johnny Rolle is actually Dwanye Powers in disguise and has kidnapped Bess to get revenge on Nancy. Dwayne reminds Nancy that he once was an actor. Then Dwayne puts her to sleep and carries her to where he has hidden Bess, and escapes the island via motorboat. By the time law enforcement arrives at the island, Dwayne has escaped, which leaves Nancy and everyone else wondering whether he might make another appearance. Because of this ending, Dwayne Powers might be back for more. At the end of RAN Dwanye motorboat was found empty, floating in the middle of the ocean, his fate is unknown. He might have met up with someone else to make his getaway or fell overboard and met his end by drowning."@en . .