"Common"@en . "Bow string"@no . . "6"^^ . "2002-03-25"^^ . "1777"^^ . . "Bow string, eli jousen j\u00E4nnett\u00E4 k\u00E4ytet\u00E4\u00E4n veistelytaidossa jousien valmistamisessa. Se valmistetaan pellavasta kehruurukilla. Tekoon vaaditaan 10. k\u00E4sity\u00F6taso ja siit\u00E4 saa 15 k\u00E4sity\u00F6kokemusta. J\u00E4nteiden p\u00E4\u00E4kauppapaikka on Seers' Villagen pankki, mutta sit\u00E4 myyd\u00E4\u00E4n my\u00F6s Lumbridgess\u00E4, johtuen siit\u00E4, ett\u00E4 pankki ja rukki ovat l\u00E4hell\u00E4 toisiaan, tehden j\u00E4nteiden teosta nopeaa. Kaikkein nopeita se on kuitenkin Neitiznotissa, jossa pankki ja rukki ovat yhden hiirenklikkauksen p\u00E4\u00E4ss\u00E4 toisistaan ja ovet ovat aina auki. Pellavan kehruu j\u00E4nteiksi on hyv\u00E4 tapa saada rahaa ja kokemusta, koska pellavan hinta on 100 rahan paikkeilla, mutta j\u00E4nteiden parhaimmillaan jopa 200 rahaa. Tosin ep\u00E4tasapainoisen kaupan est\u00E4v\u00E4 uudistus saattaa toteutuessaan vuoden 2008 alussa vaikeuttaa t\u00E4ll\u00E4 teht\u00E4v\u00E4\u00E4 kauppaa."@fi . . "attach this to."@fi . "Kyll\u00E4"@fi . "Bow string, eli jousen j\u00E4nnett\u00E4 k\u00E4ytet\u00E4\u00E4n veistelytaidossa jousien valmistamisessa. Se valmistetaan pellavasta kehruurukilla. Tekoon vaaditaan 10. k\u00E4sity\u00F6taso ja siit\u00E4 saa 15 k\u00E4sity\u00F6kokemusta. J\u00E4nteiden p\u00E4\u00E4kauppapaikka on Seers' Villagen pankki, mutta sit\u00E4 myyd\u00E4\u00E4n my\u00F6s Lumbridgess\u00E4, johtuen siit\u00E4, ett\u00E4 pankki ja rukki ovat l\u00E4hell\u00E4 toisiaan, tehden j\u00E4nteiden teosta nopeaa. Kaikkein nopeita se on kuitenkin Neitiznotissa, jossa pankki ja rukki ovat yhden hiirenklikkauksen p\u00E4\u00E4ss\u00E4 toisistaan ja ovet ovat aina auki."@fi . "En bow string blir brukt mye i skillen Fletching. For \u00E5 lage en bow string trenger du flax, deretter spinner du den om til en bow string. For \u00E5 lage en bue trenger du ogs\u00E5 en unstringed (u) bow, det kan du f\u00E5 ved \u00E5 bruke en knife p\u00E5 en log."@no . "File:Bow String.png Bow Strings are used in the Fletching skill to create bows. It is created by using flax with a spinning wheel, which requires level 1 Crafting."@en . "10"^^ . "tak"@pl . "Spiritual Ranger"@en . . "nie"@pl . "I need a bow stave to attach this to."@en . "Bow_string.png"@pl . . "Bow string"@fi . . . "Bow string (ang. ci\u0119ciwa \u0142uku) jest wykorzystywana w Fletching do tworzenia \u0142uk\u00F3w. Tworzy si\u0119 j\u0105 poprzez u\u017Cycie lnu na ko\u0142owrotku, przy czym wymagany jest Crafting level 10 i do gracza trafia w ten spos\u00F3b 15 do\u015Bw. Crafting. Dla graczy, kt\u00F3rzy nie rozpocz\u0119li dotychczas zadania The Fremennik Isles innym wyj\u015Bciem jest u\u017Cycie ko\u0142owrotka w Seers' Village nosz\u0105c na sobie Seers' Headband 2, nagrod\u0119 za Seers' Village Diary, kt\u00F3ra przy\u015Bpiesza ca\u0142y proces prz\u0119dzenia."@pl . . . "6"^^ . "Uglug's StuffsiesUglug Nar"@en . "152"^^ . . "4"^^ . "rahaa"@fi . "Bow String"@en . "202"^^ . "No"@en . . "File:Bow String.png Bow Strings are used in the Fletching skill to create bows. It is created by using flax with a spinning wheel, which requires level 1 Crafting."@en . "Bow string"@pl . . "Yes"@en . "Unknown"@en . "123"^^ . "136"^^ . "Mutated Bloodveld"@en . "4"^^ . "No"@en . "ei"@fi . "1"^^ . "Drop"@en . "A full load of 28 flax will generate 420 Crafting experience (15 x 28). It takes about 50 seconds to spin a full inventory of flax. It takes approximately one minute and fifteen seconds (1:15) to do a load of flax in Lumbridge. So you can do 48 loads per hour, which means you can do about 20,160 experience per hour, if you stay at a constant rate. The best way for Ironmen to get bow strings is the Temple Trekking minigame, even with low combat stats. Picking the easiest route with the easiest follower allows you to avoid all combat events but still net up to 3k bow strings an hour."@en . "Latest RuneScape News"@en . . "7"^^ . "115118122127"^^ . "No"@en . "0"^^ . . "140"^^ . "Drop"@pl . "False"@en . "b string, bowstring, bs"@pl . "I need a bow handle to attach this too"@en . . "nie"@pl . . "stave to"@fi . "b string"@fi . "Bow string (ang. ci\u0119ciwa \u0142uku) jest wykorzystywana w Fletching do tworzenia \u0142uk\u00F3w. Tworzy si\u0119 j\u0105 poprzez u\u017Cycie lnu na ko\u0142owrotku, przy czym wymagany jest Crafting level 10 i do gracza trafia w ten spos\u00F3b 15 do\u015Bw. Crafting. Historycznie rzecz bior\u0105c, jedynym rozs\u0105dnym miejscem dla ka\u017Cdego, kto mia\u0142 zamiar prz\u0105\u015B\u0107 len by\u0142 Seers' Village, jednak, gdy dodano bank na szczycie zamku w Lumbridge, sta\u0142 si\u0119 on na r\u00F3wni, lub nawet troszk\u0119 lepszym miejscem od Seers' Village. P\u00F3\u017Aniej dodany zosta\u0142 jeszcze lepszy ko\u0142owrotek, tym razem w Neitiznot. Chocia\u017C technicznie dalej od banku ni\u017C w Lumbridge, brak przymusu wchodzenia po schodach nadrabia ten fakt. Aby korzysta\u0107 z ko\u0142owrotka w Neitiznot, gracz musi rozpocz\u0105\u0107 quest The Fremennik Isles i dotrze\u0107 do jego cz\u0119\u015Bci, gdzie jest w stanie przej\u015B\u0107 do Neitiznot. Dla graczy, kt\u00F3rzy nie rozpocz\u0119li dotychczas zadania The Fremennik Isles innym wyj\u015Bciem jest u\u017Cycie ko\u0142owrotka w Seers' Village nosz\u0105c na sobie Seers' Headband 2, nagrod\u0119 za Seers' Village Diary, kt\u00F3ra przy\u015Bpiesza ca\u0142y proces prz\u0119dzenia. Dla graczy przy niskich levelach, zamienianie lnu na ci\u0119ciwy to dobry spos\u00F3b zarabiania pieni\u0119dzy. Z tego powodu, ci\u0119ciwy \u0142uk\u00F3w by\u0142y najcz\u0119\u015Bciej produkowane przez boty, poniewa\u017C s\u0105 \u0142atwe do sprzedania oraz przynosz\u0105 du\u017Ce zyski. Dlatego te\u017C boty najcz\u0119\u015Bciej mo\u017Cna by\u0142o zobaczy\u0107 w Seers' Village podczas zbierania lnu i prz\u0119dzenia go na tamtejszym ko\u0142owrotku. Teraz jest to do\u015B\u0107 rzadko spotykany widok, ze wzgl\u0119du na starania Jagex w celu usuni\u0119cia handlu za prawdziwe pieni\u0105dze. Kategoria:Fletching Kategoria:Crafting Kategoria:Przedmioty"@pl . "A Bow string is an item used in the Fletching skill. It is created by using flax on a spinning wheel which requires level 10 crafting to make, giving the player 15 Crafting experience. Bow strings can then be used on any unstrung bow to finish making the bow. The fletching experience received depends on the type of bow it is attached to. Bow strings can also be obtained by smashing Strange Barrels which can be found in the Kharazi Jungle dungeon."@en . "tak"@pl . . . . "4"^^ . "Bow string"@en . "I need a bow"@fi . "124"^^ . . "Kyll\u00E4"@fi . "I need a bow stave to attach this to."@pl . . "Bow string"@pl . "0.0"^^ . "0"^^ . . . "4"^^ . "6"^^ . "Bow string"@fi . . "Bow string"@en . "En bow string blir brukt mye i skillen Fletching. For \u00E5 lage en bow string trenger du flax, deretter spinner du den om til en bow string. For \u00E5 lage en bue trenger du ogs\u00E5 en unstringed (u) bow, det kan du f\u00E5 ved \u00E5 bruke en knife p\u00E5 en log."@no . "nie"@pl . "No"@en . "\"I need a bow to attach this to.\""@en . "2002-03-25"^^ . "Yes"@en . . . "bs, b s,"@fi . . . "Bow String"@en . . "gemw"@en . . "A full load of 28 flax will generate 420 Crafting experience (15 x 28). It takes about 50 seconds to spin a full inventory of flax. It takes approximately one minute and fifteen seconds (1:15) to do a load of flax in Lumbridge. So you can do 48 loads per hour, which means you can do about 20,160 experience per hour, if you stay at a constant rate. Historically, the only reasonable place for anyone to spin flax into bowstrings was Seers' Village, however with the addition of the bank at the top of Lumbridge Castle, it became on par with, or slightly better than, Seers' Village, but only if you pre-picked the flax and placed it in your bank, otherwise it would be extremely counterproductive because Seers' Village is the most financially efficient place to pick and spin all at once. Later on, an even better spinning wheel was added, this time on Neitiznot. While technically further from a bank than Lumbridge, travelling to the bank in Neitiznot does not require passing through a stair, thus cutting down clicking times and increasing the efficiency of spinning. In order to use the spinning wheel, players must have started The Fremennik Isles quest and have reached the part where they are able to go to Neitiznot. Spinning flax into bow strings is a good way for players with low skills to make money. Because of this, bow strings are commonly made by macroers, as they can easily be sold in bulk and for fairly good profits. Therefore, it's common to see macros in Seers' Village picking flax in the field, and spinning them into bow strings at the spinning wheel at Seers' Village The best way for Ironmen to get bow strings is the Temple Trekking minigame, even with low combat stats. Picking the easiest route with the easiest follower allows you to avoid all combat events but still net up to 3k bow strings an hour. If you decide to pick and spin the flax yourself, having 30 agility and 0 kg as weight, you can average around 840 bowstrings per hour picking flax at land's end and spinning it at Lumbridge, 740 bowstrings per hour picking flax at Gnome Stronghold and spinning it at Lumbridge and 650 bowstrings per hour picking and spinning flax at Seer's Village."@en . "A Bow string is an item used in the Fletching skill. It is created by using flax on a spinning wheel which requires level 10 crafting to make, giving the player 15 Crafting experience. Bow strings can then be used on any unstrung bow to finish making the bow. The fletching experience received depends on the type of bow it is attached to. Bow strings can also be obtained by smashing Strange Barrels which can be found in the Kharazi Jungle dungeon."@en . .