. "Luthor Huss is a grim and determined figure of zeal, whose unwavering faith in Sigmar and his stern and almost emotionless expression has ensured the rooting of corruption whever he goes. Many Priest suspected of corruption have been found slain by Luthor's feet, and the tales of such grisly acts of righteous justice meted out by his hands has drove an Arch Lector of the Church to demand for his immediate excommunication.[1a]"@en . . "Luthor Huss is a grim and determined figure of zeal, whose unwavering faith in Sigmar and his stern and almost emotionless expression has ensured the rooting of corruption whever he goes. Many Priest suspected of corruption have been found slain by Luthor's feet, and the tales of such grisly acts of righteous justice meted out by his hands has drove an Arch Lector of the Church to demand for his immediate excommunication.[1a] However, Grand Theogonist Volkmar refused to take such drastic actions. The enigmatic smile that appears on the Theogonist's face whenever Luthor's name is mentioned has led many to think that the old man knows something important about Luthor's ultimate destiny. None are known to be sure of the Grand Theogonist's motives, but whatever the case, this lone Warrior Priest of Sigmar continues his long holy crusade against the Darkness, fighting with nothing but his faith and the powerful swing of his mighty Warhammer.[1a]"@en . "Luthor Huss"@en . . . . .