"Us hunters NOT living in the land of the rising sun have been waiting for this much anticipated addition to the Monster Hunter series for sometime now, but great news has just reached our ears!! Up until now not much has been confirmed about the game, but rumors included: -New Monsters -New Weapons and Armors -Felyne Companions -Wi-fi compatablity These as well as others have been circling since the realease of MHP2G in Japan, but we at the legion have just descovered the answers to all our prayers... THE OFFICIAL MHFU WEBSITE! To view this blessing from above simply click here"@en . . "Legion shout out"@en . . "Us hunters NOT living in the land of the rising sun have been waiting for this much anticipated addition to the Monster Hunter series for sometime now, but great news has just reached our ears!! Up until now not much has been confirmed about the game, but rumors included: -New Monsters -New Weapons and Armors -Felyne Companions -Wi-fi compatablity These as well as others have been circling since the realease of MHP2G in Japan, but we at the legion have just descovered the answers to all our prayers... THE OFFICIAL MHFU WEBSITE! To view this blessing from above simply click here"@en .