"2"^^ . "Y2a"@en . "{yelling at bystanders who aren't doing anything while Danny is dying / Angry} You can stop standing around! Someone get a doctor!"@en . "14"^^ . "15"^^ . "13443"^^ . "-"@en . "{Mayor McDonough revealed to be a Synth and is dead or gone} You did good getting rid of McDonough. People are gonna have to learn to trust again, but those wounds will heal."@en . "{Puzzled} Well, that depends. I suppose I should say this chapel really belongs to God."@en . "{Concerned} I'm so sorry, miss. I can't imagine what kind of pain you're going through."@en . "Player Default: You're welcome. Hope folks are taking well to you. I know it can be rough, being from the outside."@en . "{Sad} Danny Sullivan died right in front of me. That boy deserved better..."@en . "Player Default: With everything I've been through, nothing scares me."@en . "{Concerned} Honestly? I don't recommend thinking about it. Nothing you can do about the Institute. No one's knows where they are, anyway."@en . "Came on this place a while back. Didn't intend to stay at first, but I felt something here. A good feeling."@en . "Player Default: Looking for someone who's gone missing."@en . "Player Default: I'll be fine. Thanks."@en . "86400.0"^^ . "A1b"@en . "{player asks about Synths / Worried} Well, at first they were machines. The early models still roam the Commonwealth. Sometimes, they destroy a whole town, and take what's left somewhere only God knows."@en . "B1a"@en . "{annoyed, stern but polite like a preacher or schoolmaster} Well, it's here for you all the same, if you ever come around."@en . "Feel free to make yourself at home."@en . "{presiding over a wedding / Happy} Then by the power invested in me, I pronounce you man and wife!"@en . "{you recently talked to the player outside the chapel as he came in} Oh, it's you. Glad to see you stopped by the chapel. You holding up?"@en . . "PastorClements.txt"@en . "A"@en . "PastorAlias: I'm afraid missing people don't get found in Diamond City. God seems to have turned a blind eye to them."@en . "His office is down a few alleys further in the city. Big sign out front. Best of luck to you."@en . "{Concerned} Your boy's gone missing? That's terrible."@en . "{Apologetic} Sorry I couldn't help you."@en . "Player Default: Thanks. I'll go talk to him."@en . "{Concerned} Well, I don't want you to get your hopes up, but there is someone who might be able to help."@en . "{Depressed} Hate it when they bring up the Institute. Ain't like folks aren't already scared of 'em."@en . "Player Default: I'm fine. Thanks for asking."@en . "Y1c"@en . "{Question} Ever heard of the boogeyman? Shadowy monster that takes people in the night? Well, that's the Institute."@en . "Player Default: This place is all kinds of strange."@en . "But since I never get around to deciding which God in particular, I guess you could say it belongs to all of them."@en . "DannySullivan: You gotta listen. Mayor McDonough. I saw him with one of those Institute synths..."@en . "Player Default: Are people really that scared of the Institute?"@en . "{Danny Sullivan dies from his wounds / Irritated} A man has just died. Don't just stand there and gawk."@en . "I understand if you're upset, but trust me. Nick Valentine's never given up on helping people. That's saying a lot in the Commonwealth."@en . "{Somber} At least inside these walls, you don't have to worry about the Raider."@en . "I guess she does."@en . "Player Default: My son was kidnapped. His name is Shaun."@en . "X1a"@en . "{Thinking} You know the story of the Good Samaritan? Helps a man, even though he has no reason to?"@en . "Zwicky: My dear, you're perfect. I only wish I had realized that sooner."@en . "The chapel's always open if you need us."@en . "{Amused} I guess we are a little different. Most settlements in the Commonwealth don't have people yelling at the top of their lungs about the Institute."@en . "Player Default: I'm so sorry, miss. I can't imagine what kind of pain you're going through."@en . . "{tending to Danny Sullivan, who is lying down / Worried} He needs a doctor."@en . "{to yourself / Worried} The Mayor working for the Institute. God help us..."@en . "Player Default: Thanks, Pastor."@en . "179174"^^ . "{pray over Danny's dead body / Sad} Almighty. Give this man's soul peace..."@en . "A1a"@en . "FemaleResident: McDonough's a synth! Oh god, what do we do now?"@en . "13443.0"^^ . "Take care of yourself, now."@en . "{chuckling a bit / Question} Aren't we all? But, I'm guessing you're looking for something more specific?"@en . "Go right ahead."@en . "Y2b"@en . "Player Default: This your chapel here, Pastor?"@en . "{tending to Danny Sullivan, who is lying down / Worried} We don't have much time. He looks bad."@en . "48"^^ . "Welcome."@en . "{Concerned} Well, I suppose you could say that Nick Valentine is living that parable out."@en . "{Question} So what brings you to the great, green jewel?"@en . "{the paper girl is screaming at the top of her lungs about the Synth threat} Some show, right?"@en . "X1b"@en . "I should head back inside. You take care."@en . "Player Default: Guess it's time to look somewhere else."@en . "Pastor: Now if you ever need a quiet place to sit down and ponder the Almighty, in whatever form strikes your fancy, we're always open."@en . "8"^^ . "0"^^ . "Player Default: A baby boy. Kidnapped."@en . "1"^^ . "7"^^ . "{tending to Danny Sullivan, who is lying down, Doctor Sun pronounced SUHN / Worried} Don't just stand there. Get Doctor Sun."@en . "179162"^^ . "2428.0"^^ . "{Depressed} But they're just a fact of life around here. Someone gets taken by the Institute, or gets killed by a Raider. Which is worse?"@en . "179161"^^ . "{inside the chapel} Feel free to come and go as you need."@en . "Hope you're well."@en . "{not sure what to make of the player's bravado / Puzzled} That right? Huh."@en . "{chuckling a bit / Question} Aren't we all, son? But, I'm guessing you're looking for something more specific?"@en . "X2a"@en . "Player Default: You don't practice any particular religion here?"@en . "B1b"@en . "PastorAlias: I should head back inside. You take care."@en . "17"^^ . "Player Default: I'll be fine. Thanks."@en . "{Thinking} Folks are afraid of going to bed at night, wondering if the Institute is going to switch them with a double. Or if the loved one they went to sleep next to is going to be different when they wake up."@en . "{just performed a wedding for a man and his loving robot} Been awhile since we had a wedding. Man and a robot... Strange... But I don't think God will mind."@en . "Player Default: What's the Institute?"@en . "As long as you believe in something, you're welcome."@en . "PastorAlias: Anyway, don't let it get to you. Life here is still a hell of a lot safer than out there in the Commonwealth."@en . "You keep out of trouble, now."@en . "Hello again. What brings you to the great, green jewel?"@en . "{Concerned} Anyway, don't let it get to you. Life here is still a hell of a lot safer than out there in the Commonwealth."@en . "Player Default: That's not your business."@en . "{Question} What about you? What brings you here?"@en . . "PastorClements: Sullivan? Sullivan!"@en . "Player Default: I'm lost, Pastor. I need help. Please."@en . "{Concerned} Don't let that happen to you."@en . "Good to see someone new in the chapel. Diamond City treating you all right?"@en . "177711"^^ . "Player Default: Looking for someone who's gone missing."@en . "A2a"@en . "Player Default: What brought you?"@en . "24290"^^ . "Player Default: Thanks, Pastor."@en . "Player Default: Welcome."@en . "24294"^^ . "24292"^^ . "24293"^^ . "{player helped Danny Sullivan } Thank you. God willing, he'll make a full recovery."@en . "Player Default: Not looking to make friends, Pastor."@en . "{Danny Sullivan, the friendly gate guard, is lying on the ground bleeding from a gunshot wound / Afraid} Hold on, Sullivan! Just make God wait a little longer..."@en . "Got your tongue-tied?"@en . "Player Default: Screaming paper girl says otherwise."@en . "Player Default: Look, I'm just walking through."@en . "Nick Valentine's office is down some alleyways. Big neon sign with a heart in it. I hope he can help you."@en . "You need any help?"@en . "177717"^^ . "Y1a"@en . "Player Default: Keeping my reasons to myself."@en . "581.0"^^ . "Player Default: What do you mean by that?"@en . . "{offended but polite / Apologetic} All right. I'm sorry. You have a good one."@en . "Player Default: Quite a show."@en . "91"^^ . "Y2c"@en . "Player Default: Hate it when they bring up the Institute. Ain't like folks aren't already scared of 'em."@en . "{Irritated} Well, folks are already plenty scared of the Institute, but that doesn't stop the paper from talking about them every chance they get."@en . "Player Default: I'm just going to take a look around."@en . "Player Default: I'm fine. Thanks for asking."@en . "134440"^^ . "134441"^^ . . "Player Default: Quite a show."@en . "{Concerned} Diamond City is full of people trying to build a better life. I just don't want them to forget what makes them human while they're at it."@en . "{Thinking} Well, they built the synths, and instead of stepping back and solemnly pondering if machines could have souls, they went straight to replacing people with them."@en . "{Concerned} Nick Valentine. He's a detective. Saved a lot of lives over the years, but... so many more stay missing, and trouble has a habit of sticking to him."@en . "{Sad} I'm afraid missing people don't get found in Diamond City. God seems to have turned a blind eye to them."@en . "Take care now. I hope Nick can help you."@en . "The Mayor has a lot to answer for."@en . "{Worried} But now, the Institute makes synths that have real hair, skin, and organs. They can make them look like anyone, and you can imagine what kind of power that could bring."@en . "Y1b"@en . "Stay safe."@en . "PastorClements: Almighty. Give this man's soul peace..."@en . "Player Default: Like I'd waste my time with that."@en . "{Puzzled} I suppose a sense a humor is a sign of resilience, so whatever you need to get by."@en . . "14567.0"^^ . "Player Default: Trouble sticks to me, too. I blame industrial strength epoxy."@en . "{inside the chapel} Go ahead and sit anywhere you like."@en . "{the paper girl is screaming at the top of her lungs about the Synth threat} Paper puts on quite a show, huh?"@en . "Fair enough. Just warning you, when the paper talks about the Institute, folks get jumpy."@en . "2"^^ . "{Sad} And with all the fear of the Institute in people's hearts, they've turned a blind eye as well."@en . "{inside the chapel} We're always open. Anytime you need to sit and talk to whoever you think is up there."@en . "{inside the chapel} We're the silent vigil types around here. Don't do too many sermons."@en . "3"^^ . "{Danny falls over, dead from his wounds / Afraid} Sullivan? Sullivan!"@en . "{Concerned} For your sake, I hope things aren't always just \"well enough.\" We take pride in making things a little better each day. Could be the same for you."@en . "7"^^ . "Player Default: That really all you can do for me?"@en . "Player Default: *sigh* It's hopeless."@en . "5"^^ . "{Friendly} Now if you ever need a quiet place to sit down and ponder the Almighty, in whatever form strikes your fancy, we're always open."@en . "{Concerned} You're not alone. A lot of people in this city have lost loved ones. The weight of all those missing have broken their spirits."@en . "Player Default: I'm looking around for something."@en . "{Concerned} Back again? I'm sorry folks here have turned a blind eye to the missing. It's all this talk of the Institute. The fear gets to them."@en . "Player Default: I'm lost, Pastor. I need help. Please."@en . "Player Default: Well enough."@en . "{Concerned} A baby boy? Really?"@en . "13"^^ . "You all right?"@en . "17"^^ . "Player Default: Thanks. I'll go talk to him."@en . "31"^^ . "{Stern} Look, I don't know what life was like before you ended up here, but we work together in this city. So you might to rethink that attitude."@en . "{Question} Gone missing? Who is it? Friend? Relative?"@en . "13443.0"^^ . "You're welcome. Hope folks are taking well to you. I know it can be rough, being from the outside."@en . "People here are searching for something more than just getting by. They built a school, shops, the power plant, and even this chapel."@en . "7"^^ . "{offended but polite / Apologetic} Didn't mean to pry. You have a good one."@en . "Player Default: Nick Valentine, huh? What's his story?"@en . "Stay straight, now."@en .