. . "1968"^^ . . "322"@pl . "El trescientos veintid\u00F3s (322) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 321 y precede al 323. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . "According to Skull and Bones lore, in the year 322 B.C. a Greek orator died. When he died, the goddess Eulogia whom Skull and Bones called the goddess of eloquence, arose to the heavens and didn't return until 1832, where she took up residence in The Tomb of Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones does everything in deference to this goddess. They sing sacred anthems, and are encouraged to steal things, some remarkably valuable items, to bring back as gifts for the goddess. They begin each session in the tomb, and they meet twice weekly by unveiling a guilt shrine to Eulogia. They call themselves the Knights of Eulogia. 322 has many core numerological implications. The sum of its constituent parts is 7 (3+2+2). The number 7 is commonly used to divide full spectrums into compartments. Time is divided into 7 days of the week, light into 7 colors in a rainbow, octaves into 7 notes in a musical scale, and so on. The use of 7 may likely be derived from the number three, due to the following set: [1] [2] [3] [1,2] [1,3] [2,3] [1,2,3] The Gregorian Calendar places the first day of the week at Sunday and the seventh day of the week at Saturday. Including the Sun, Saturn is the seventh planet in our solar system. In Roman mythology Saturn is the god of agriculture, founder of civilizations and of social order and conformity. Thus the number 7 and 322 may hold a saturnalian resonance. Alternatively, the number 322 may be seen as 32x2. There are 32 white squares and 32 black squares on a chess board. 32/2 = 16 (4x4) and ties directly into the idea of squares. The equation 4x4 may be spoken as \"Four Squared\". There are four weeks per month in the Gregorian Calendar. 3x2x2 = 12 as in the number of months in a year, the number of colors on the color wheel, and the number of chromatic notes in a subdivided musical octave. The idea of 3 blooming into 7 into 12 is a teaching derived from Jewish mysticism called the Sephir Yetzirah. The sum of the Sephir Yetzirah's parts are 22 (3+7+12). Thus we move from the central emanation point (a point without quantitative value) to the number 3 and out into the whole shape of 22 rays. 322 may be seen as a representation of the birthing process."@en . "322 \u2013 nieistniej\u0105ca linia autobusowa zwyk\u0142a okresowa, kt\u00F3ra kursowa\u0142a na trasie z Wiatracznej do Falenicy, linia kursowa\u0142a co 60 minut jedynie w dni powszednie."@pl . . "322"@de . "El trescientos veintid\u00F3s (322) es el n\u00FAmero natural que sigue al 321 y precede al 323. Categor\u00EDa:N\u00FAmeros"@es . . . "Barnabas Collins, ready to set his plan into motion and remove the threat Maggie Evans poses to him, is prevented from leaving the Old House by the arrival of Dr. Julia Hoffman. Julia insists on speaking to Barnabas, and she confronts him over his intention to kill Maggie. Barnabas denies the accusation and dismisses Willie Loomis' fears as nothing more than a highly strung imagination. The vampire uses his suave charm in an attempt to make Julia believe he has no intention of harming Maggie. But the doctor sees through him. Julia reveals she has an ace up her sleeve: if Barnabas murders Maggie, then his secret will be brought to light. She has given a letter detailing Barnabas' vampirism to a \"trusted friend,\" and the letter shall be turned over to the authorities in the event of either h"@en . . . . . "Jenny leidet zunehmend unter ihrer Blindheit. Sie rechnet nicht mehr mit einer Genesung und sieht in der Behinderung die gerechte Strafe f\u00FCr ihre Schuld an Julians Tod. Tim will zusammen mit Diana gerichtlich gegen Jenny vorgehen. Doch der Anwalt nimmt ihnen die Hoffnung, Jenny jemals f\u00FCr das Geschehene zur Verantwortung ziehen zu k\u00F6nnen. Trotzdem will Diana Jenny zur Rede stellen. Als Annette von Marian und Nadjas Schicksal erf\u00E4hrt, zieht sie Parallelen zur Schlie\u00DFung ihres Imbisswagens und erinnert sich an Lena Beobachtung in Simone B\u00FCro. Allm\u00E4hlich f\u00FCgt sich f\u00FCr die Siedlungsbewohner das Puzzle zusammen und sie ahnen, wer hinter ihren Problemen steckt: die Steinkamps. Und so machen sie sich auf die Suche nach Beweisen..."@de . . . . "318"^^ . . "According to Skull and Bones lore, in the year 322 B.C. a Greek orator died. When he died, the goddess Eulogia whom Skull and Bones called the goddess of eloquence, arose to the heavens and didn't return until 1832, where she took up residence in The Tomb of Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones does everything in deference to this goddess. They sing sacred anthems, and are encouraged to steal things, some remarkably valuable items, to bring back as gifts for the goddess. They begin each session in the tomb, and they meet twice weekly by unveiling a guilt shrine to Eulogia. They call themselves the Knights of Eulogia."@en . . "322"^^ . . ""@en . "Jenny leidet zunehmend unter ihrer Blindheit. Sie rechnet nicht mehr mit einer Genesung und sieht in der Behinderung die gerechte Strafe f\u00FCr ihre Schuld an Julians Tod. Tim will zusammen mit Diana gerichtlich gegen Jenny vorgehen. Doch der Anwalt nimmt ihnen die Hoffnung, Jenny jemals f\u00FCr das Geschehene zur Verantwortung ziehen zu k\u00F6nnen. Trotzdem will Diana Jenny zur Rede stellen. Als Annette von Marian und Nadjas Schicksal erf\u00E4hrt, zieht sie Parallelen zur Schlie\u00DFung ihres Imbisswagens und erinnert sich an Lena Beobachtung in Simone B\u00FCro. Allm\u00E4hlich f\u00FCgt sich f\u00FCr die Siedlungsbewohner das Puzzle zusammen und sie ahnen, wer hinter ihren Problemen steckt: die Steinkamps. Und so machen sie sich auf die Suche nach Beweisen..."@de . . "322"^^ . . . "322"@es . "Barnabas Collins, ready to set his plan into motion and remove the threat Maggie Evans poses to him, is prevented from leaving the Old House by the arrival of Dr. Julia Hoffman. Julia insists on speaking to Barnabas, and she confronts him over his intention to kill Maggie. Barnabas denies the accusation and dismisses Willie Loomis' fears as nothing more than a highly strung imagination. The vampire uses his suave charm in an attempt to make Julia believe he has no intention of harming Maggie. But the doctor sees through him. Julia reveals she has an ace up her sleeve: if Barnabas murders Maggie, then his secret will be brought to light. She has given a letter detailing Barnabas' vampirism to a \"trusted friend,\" and the letter shall be turned over to the authorities in the event of either her or Maggie's death. Barnabas, fairly gob-smacked by the news, congratulates Julia on gaining the upper hand. It seems to him that the wisest course of action available to him is to leave Maggie alone. Meantime, at the Evans cottage, Maggie, startled awake, cries out for her father. Sam Evans rushes into her bedroom where Maggie struggles to tell him about the terrifying sensation she felt of eyes watching her. Indeed, at that very moment, Barnabas glares with great malevolence from an Old House window. Sam checks outside but sees nothing. Maggie chalks her fear up to her imagination. Sam reminds her that Sheriff Patterson's deputies are guarding the house and that she is safe. That fact is little comfort to Maggie. Outside Collinwood, Willie Loomis awaits Julia's return. Deeply skeptical of her assurances, Willie doesn't think it possible to dissuade Barnabas of anything. Julia tells Willie about her threat to the vampire, which is hollow as no letter actually exists. However, as long as Barnabas is unsure, then he will not risk exposure and destruction. Back at the Old House, Barnabas ponders the possibility that Julia was bluffing. The more Barnabas thinks it over, the more he comes to realize Julia's threat was a lie. Determined to carry out his plan, Barnabas starts to leave...only to pause when he senses Sarah Collins' presence. He frantically calls out for his sister, but she does not appear. Joe Haskell brings Sarah's doll to Maggie, who wonders what Sarah was trying to warn her about. Again, Sam and Joe assure her she is well protected. Holding the doll, Maggie feels warm and safe, and she soon drifts back off to sleep. Joe and Sam retire to the living room in order to wait out the night. Meanwhile, Willie becomes increasingly fearful that Barnabas will carry out his threat. He recalls how Barnabas murdered Jason McGuire, and he surmises that David Collins and Burke Devlin will be next. Willie realizes all he can do is stand by and watch as people die around him. Deeply anguished, he wishes he could take action. Joe and Sam discuss sending Maggie to stay with relatives in Canada, at least until the Collinsport Strangler is caught. Sam has been putting it off, but he knows it to be the right thing to do. Outside, amongst the trees, two deputies are alarmed when they spot a man moving through the shadows. A figure appears outside the French doors of Maggie's room, and Maggie screams as she is awakened by the deputies firing their guns. Sam comforts Maggie as one of the deputies reports that the assailant has been shot \"five times in the back.\""@en . "1967-09-05"^^ . . "322 \u2013 nieistniej\u0105ca linia autobusowa zwyk\u0142a okresowa, kt\u00F3ra kursowa\u0142a na trasie z Wiatracznej do Falenicy, linia kursowa\u0142a co 60 minut jedynie w dni powszednie."@pl . ""@en . . . . "322"@en . "1967-09-19"^^ .