. "Revealing Hug"@en . . . "Two characters give each other a hug. Everything looks nice and friendly (or loving), but then Alice drops the act and allows her real feelings to show through in their expression, behind Bob's back where he can't see. But the audience can see, and so this allows them to be clued in on two things: \n* Alice has some sort of secret \n* Bob has no idea, and Alice is deliberately trying to keep it that way The face Alice makes is important in determining just what the secret might mean, since the audience can't tell from context or anything. For example: Act: Alice is planning to kill Bob's dogFace: Evil (see Psychotic Smirk)Meaning: \"Hahaha, little does Bob suspect, I'm planning to kill his dog\" Act: Alice has already killed Bob's dog accidentally, and is scared of being caught Face: Worried Meaning: \"Oh Crap, if Bob finds out I killed his dog, he'll be so mad!\" Act: Alice killed Bob's dog on purpose, but now regrets it Face: Guilty Meaning: \"Oh god, Bob is being so nice to me, he doesn't even know I'm the one who killed his dog\" Act: Alice is acting sad that the dog is dead, and Bob comforts her Face: Happy Meaning: \"Finally I get to hug Bob, I've waited so long to do this...\" Act: The vet tells Bob his dog is going to be okay after being hit by a car, and Bob hugs a supportive Alice in joy. Alice's Face: Disappointed Meaning: \"Oh God, the little monster just can't die!\" Act: The vet tells Bob his dog is going to be okay after being hit by a car, and Bob and Alice are both happy, but instead of an Accidental Kiss, hug. Alice's Face: Melting with love Bob: \"Um... you can let go now...\" Act: Bob's dog is in surgery at the vet, with its fate uncertain. Alice knows the dog is really an alien trying to end Bob's entire family, and she tried to kill the dog to protect him. The dog is intelligent and knows full well Alice knows it's not a real dog. Bob is none the wiser, and hugs Alice because he needs support.Alice's Face: Fear/Concern Meaning: \"I may have to try again to kill the beast, and break Bob's heart in the process!\" And once the hug is complete, Alice schools her face back to normality so Bob continues not suspecting a thing; she's taken what may be her only chance to let her real feelings out. Of course, the trope works just as well if dogs aren't involved at all. (Children, for instance.) See also Traitor Shot. Examples of Revealing Hug include:"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Two characters give each other a hug. Everything looks nice and friendly (or loving), but then Alice drops the act and allows her real feelings to show through in their expression, behind Bob's back where he can't see. But the audience can see, and so this allows them to be clued in on two things: \n* Alice has some sort of secret \n* Bob has no idea, and Alice is deliberately trying to keep it that way The face Alice makes is important in determining just what the secret might mean, since the audience can't tell from context or anything. For example: See also Traitor Shot."@en . . .